Gulf Mess Update

Michio Kaku is a physicist specializing in string theory, a bestselling author who has written some of our favorite books on quantum physics (Physics of the Impossible), host of SciFi Science on the Science channel, and a professor of physics at City College of New York. This guy is brilliant, yes, but also is able to express complex ideas in a way that non-scientists can understand.  So when we heard he would be on Countdown tonight to talk about the debacle in the gulf, we tuned in.

Kaku’s description is sobering.  “…we are in unchartered  territories…we are witnessing the biggest science experiment of modern times and we are the guinea pigs…” His explanation of what’s going on begins about 1:25 into the video.

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12 Responses to Gulf Mess Update

  1. Anonymous says:

    I have the big text on the Earth's grids. Maybe with a fresh mind tomorrow I can draw connecting web. Quakes, volcanoes, and we're watching the coast of Africa for developing tropical system. Time to stock the pantry again.
    Wow, WV lacks one letter being TALIBAN. It is abilat. Reading in Hebrew from right to left, it's only missing the final n. Kinda odd.

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    connie – i saw the 22 mile thing into alabama on cnn earlier today – couple of hours ago –

    if i could find the mental energy, would love to track out all the different planet disruptions even the last 30-45 days – imagine what it would look like going back to january 1 –

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    There was also a volcanic eruption in ecuador, 95 miles southeast of Quito.

    Connie – I sent you a link to an article about the 22 miles long plume.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I just posted a comment about the new "huge gusher erupting 22 miles from the original gusher, pushing oil towards Mibile Bay, Ala." It was on all credible stations last night, then disappeared and noting more was said. My comment about that just now vanished from my computer. Maybe this one will pass through.

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    volcano eruption today in guatemala? and 7.2 EQ yesterday solomon islands? overwhelming!

  6. Raksha says:

    Nancy and everyone,

    Re "They drilled at this level, with a big kiss and hug from our own government – with absolutely no idea what they were doing at this depth – nor what to do in the event of a blow out."

    The Greeks called it hubris, and understood very well that it could be the downfall of the human race. I just hope and pray that they didn't push it past the point of no return this time, but it's looking more and more likely that they did.

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    cold chills just listening to this again – i watched as much as i could last night – countdown and LK – and kaku addresses the thought of mine of a rupture and still another explosion – unfortunately with the same degree of concern that i have had – really all even more unsettling coming from him!

    couldn't help but put up this wv which is so weird = ounipigo

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Let's hope this self-sustaining planet can thwart the abuses.

  9. Nancy says:

    It's just a terrifying thought – that maybe this can never be capped. They drilled at this level, with a big kiss and hug from our own government – with absolutely no idea what they were doing at this depth – nor what to do in the event of a blow out. Unbelievable. Absolutely, unbelievable.

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    How do they rectify this pressure? Kaku addresses it, doing this whole routine at a mile beneath the surface.

  11. d page says:

    Oil man T Boone Pickens was on Larry King live tonight. He said the kill shot is a long shot, and only works "if you are lucky". He also said "we will be sitting here in another 31 days with the same problem". It can't be solved anytime soon.

  12. Natalie says:


    Wv = chanters.


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