The 9-9-9 Herman Cain Synchro

Here’s another global synchronicity and it’s an intriguing one. Several weeks back, Herman Cain, one of the Republican candidates for the presidency,  presented his 9-9-9 tax idea.   According to CNN, 84 percent of Americans would pay more under his tax plan. Read about it here.

In the past week or so, however, sexual harassment accusations against Cain have surfaced and his tax plan has been left in the dust. Supposedly when he was president and CEO of the National Restaurant Association, he made sexual overtures toward several women, which included an invitation to one woman to visit his private corporate apartment.   At least two women were supposedly paid off by the association and signed  nondisclosure agreements that prevented them from speaking publicly about any of it. One woman was paid $45,000, the other $35,000, and left their jobs with the association.

Now here’s the synchro. According to one woman’s attorney, the settlement was signed on 9/99.  This  one is a good example, we think, of the dark trickster. The 9-9-9 tax scenario elevated Cain to the top of the Republican pack, and the disclosures, culminated on 9-99, might be his downfall.

Can you read faces? Look at Cain’s expression in the above pic. His eyes are smiling, but his lips are turned down. How do we interpret that?


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15 Responses to The 9-9-9 Herman Cain Synchro

  1. The photo tells me that he believes himself to be “fooling” people by pretending to be someone he is not. There is deception in the way his face looks in that picture, particularly his lips. Its not a frown of anger or sadness, but more of a smirk kind of deal, like he thinks he has one over you.

    The name Cain is interesting one, since there are also two Mormons running this time. Mormons denied black men the priesthood until 1978 and their reasoning was because of what they call “the mark of Cain”, in which God had turned Cain’s skin black after the murder of Abel, and all of Cain’s descendants were black. Herman Cain is a true minority in a very white and racist political party and he has taken his marching orders from the Koch brothers, while accusing African Americans of being “brainwashed” by the Democratic Party! As we’ve seen with his explanations and re-explanations on the sexual harassment settlement (or was it merely an “agreement” or maybe it was an “understanding” with a lot of winks involved), Cain has no consistent standard. He’s wholly bought and sold, and he’s going down. Newt is likely to be the next “flavour of the month” for the hard-to-please tea party people.

    The world certainly works with a sense of irony regarding the 9-9-9 and 9/99 synchros!

  2. gypsy says:

    many moons ago when i was doing litigation night and day, i learned a bit about body language – in terms of cain, no doubt about this snake in the grass [pun intended re: sexual accusations] and what these facial features in this photo are saying loudly and clearly – notice those flared nostrils – a classic classic body language give away of ANGER – the raised eyebrows and mouth corners turned downward – classic classic FEAR! and then, one of his most recent tirades directed toward the media and the sexual allegations – total defensiveness – a give away of guilt – none of which is a big surprise to anyone, i’m sure – in any event, love the 999 synchro – perfect!

    oh, and has anyone caught the irony of his name? cain?

  3. 3322mathaddict says:

    Ditto, R&T on the reptilian. The worst of the worst, and this isn’t imagination. They seem to be appearing everywhere, almost coming out of the woodwork and not “hiding” as they used to be able to do….or maybe we’ve just managed to develop the insights to recognize them.

  4. Darren B says:

    Sounds like his plan was to f#@% anyone that he could.
    Maybe,he should have stuck to his master’s original 6-6-6 tax idea .-) *

    *(Maybe I should have used the 🙁 face instead .-)

  5. 3322mathaddict says:

    Body language speaks much more eloquently than words. When I look at his face, I don’t see smiling eyes at all. There’s a (pyschic) technigue I often use when gazing at a photograph or portrait of someone’s face. Most of the time I’ll put a small lighted votive candle in front of it, but don’t need to do that always, and on computers it isn’t possible. When I focus on the person’s mid-nose, squinch my eyes almost shut and try to not blink, the person’s face undergoes massive change and it seems that the true persona evolves. Pretty astonishing, looking at Cain in this manner. Another one who isn’t humanoid. Am I nuts? Maybe. Likely. But over the decades, this little simple visual “trick” seems to have been accurate….although we can’t prove non-human entities.

  6. Good catch! There’s something about all these 9’s and him, made more interesting by the timing of the Occupy movement. Stuff is coming to completion. Did you see the homes of the GOP?

  7. D Page says:

    The weird is getting weirder.

  8. Funny synchro! There’s humour all around us.

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