Category Archives: politicians

Romney: Ambivalence, Secrecy, and Why

This illustration depicts a pair of fish swimming in opposite directions. It’s the symbol for the sun sign, Pisces, one of two signs in astrology that is depicted by two of something. It happens to be the sun sign for … Continue reading

Posted in politicians, politics, synchronicity | 15 Comments

The 9-9-9 Herman Cain Synchro

Here’s another global synchronicity and it’s an intriguing one. Several weeks back, Herman Cain, one of the Republican candidates for the presidency,  presented his 9-9-9 tax idea.   According to CNN, 84 percent of Americans would pay more under his tax … Continue reading

Posted in 999, politicians, politics, synchronicity | 15 Comments

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

    The first amendment to the U.S. Constitution is straightforward: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right … Continue reading

Posted in occupy wall street, politicians, politics, synchronicity | 16 Comments

Murdoch’s Watergate?

If you’ve been following the phone-hacking scandal that began in Britain and which seems to be burgeoning like a crop of mushrooms after a hard rain, then you know who Murdoch is. Let’s take a closer look at this guy. … Continue reading

Posted in Fox News, media, politicians | 14 Comments

Hot Dog!

Fortunately, we were out of the country when the focus of the U.S. news turned to Anthony Weiner and his problems with his namesake appendage. No doubt he will be forced to resign from congress, even though many others have … Continue reading

Posted in political, politicians, Uncategorized | 12 Comments

The $3,000,000,000 War

Fair warning: this is not about synchros. OK, Bin Laden is dead. The alleged mastermind of 9-11, the reason we invaded Afghanistan, is now history, his body buried at sea. So why should we stay in Afghanistan? Bush ordered the … Continue reading

Posted in political, politicians, war | 27 Comments

Will It Come in Threes Again?

Ted Kennedy died yesterday, August 25, and when we read about it this morning, we wondered if there would be two more. Less than 24 hours later, writer Dominic Dunne passed away at the age of 83. On November 22, … Continue reading

Posted in avoiding death, celebrities, politicians, writers | 20 Comments