The Rainbow Connection

Here’s another music-related synchronicity, this one comes from Luna.
Back in 2001, I made a mixed cd with songs that make me happy, Ain’t No Mountain High Enough, Cupid, Que Sera Sera, What A Wonderful World, Fire And Rain, to name a few. I was downloading the songs from the net to make my cd, and couldn’t find The Rainbow Connection sung by The Muppets.

Try as I might, all the versions were either sung by other artistes, distorted or incomplete. Then a close friend sent me a link. Yay, it was exactly what I wanted, and my cd was complete.

Almost ten years later, I still play that cd whenever I need to reconnect with myself. I was playing it today and decided to post the You Tube link to the song on my Facebook page. I have many friends who still love that song. But as luck would have it, there was a glitch with my server today and I haven’t been able to share the video.

Then, what should I see, but the current Facebook status of the same friend who sent me the link all those years ago, which read: “What’s so amazing, that keeps us stargazing”, a line from The Rainbow Connection. 🙂

Coincidence or Connection?
How about a synchro-connection!

If you prefer Willy Nelson over Kermit the Frog. Here’s Willy’s version.

When I was looking for a rainbow photo, what did I come across, but my own rainbow connection, a photo of the cover of a book I co-authored long ago.

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13 Responses to The Rainbow Connection

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, yes, i see now what you're saying on the rainbow thing – that's what i get for reading so quickly and not absorbing b4 i write! 🙂


  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'll ask Bruce about that. But I think double rainbows are not the same as two separate rainbows in different parts of the sky.

  3. simon says:


  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    uh, i've seen two rainbows simultaneously – hasn't everyone? although to fly into one!!! how divine that must have been!

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Bruce Gernon, my co-author of THE FOG, claims to have seen two rainbows simultaneously while flying his plane. Scientists say that's impossible.

    He also said he flew into a rainbow, which filled his cabin with color.

  6. Luna says:

    Thanks for posting my story Rob. Incidentally, I saw a rainbow yesterday, my first since September. We've had an unusually dry season and our island has been desperate for rain for about five months now. Our water reserves were down to 21% at the end of April. We had a decent amount of rain this week which made most of us very happy. I, for one, have been on the lookout for rainbows since our rainy season officially began. When I saw the rainbow yesterday, I knew for sure my story was coming up. 🙂

  7. Natalie says:

    It's Kermie for me, all the way!
    Gotta love the frog.

  8. musingegret says:

    What a lovely synchro-magical layered tale! Here's sending best wishes for everyone here to have a wonderful holiday weekend filled with rainbow connections and lots of stargazin'. Hasn't that full moon been gorgeous?

    wv: supmedd (?)

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Cool synchros for you, Aleksandar.

    Mike, Gypsy – willie nelson does it for me!

    Lakeviewer – thanks! Let us know when you get it. There's been some confusion about publication dates.

  10. lakeviewer says:

    Oh yes! You got all kinds of good vibrations going on around you. I shall attempt to purchase your book on Barnes and Noble, where I have an account.

  11. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    I was thinking yesterday about some bizarre music videos. I have suggested to my cousin to see Aphex Twin's Come to Daddy and Mr. Bungle's My A.. Is on Fire, so I thought yesterday to suggest him next time we see each other to see What a Wonderful World sung by Nick Cave and Shane McGowan. Also, my father said yesterday that he heard a nice Rihanna's song (Umbrella) and my Facebook friend invited me to the Umbrella Party. I've just checked just in case if there is "rainbow" in the lyrics of What a Wonderful World (this is how synchronicities work for me). Of course there is. First a rain, then a rainbow. I would know how to interpret it if it was a dream.

  12. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, it is totally great when such things happen!!! neat connection!
    and willie! geeezzeee…can't get any better connected!

  13. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    The Willie Nelson version for me – thanks for that perfect interlude. Coincidence or connection? I guess it doesn't really matter – great when such things happen.

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