Oil disaster redux

We don’t mean bombard readers with stories on the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, but this one is eerily synchronistic. It comes from the Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC. She begins by reporting about the shutdown of the Alaskan oil pipeline after a leak noting that the spill is simultaneous with the ongoing disaster in the Gulf.

Then, she shifts gears, and shows clips of the exact same scenario from June of 1979–a leak in the Alaskan pipeline coupled with a major leak of oil in the Gulf of Mexico. She goes on to point out that the exact same technology from 1979 is being used today to attempt to stop and contain the oil. Only in ’79, the leak was at 200 feet, instead of 5,000 feet. The leak continued for weeks and threatened the Florida keys. A very similar scenario, and evidence that nothing has been done to improve environmental safety. A real tragedy.

Take a look here. Thanks to Jim Banholzer for pointing us to this YouTube clip.

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16 Responses to Oil disaster redux

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i saw the "crew" of beach cleaning workers that were shipped in and listened to the councilman who witnessed it also – several of the workers said that they had been instructed by BP not to speak to ANYONE – i haven't heard today whether or not any workers were back on the beach today and, if so, how many! oh, and did you all hear the BP guy who remarked that "well, louisiana isn't the only state that sells shrimp" – or something close to that – let me tell you, if he ever shows up at the site where the fisherboys can find him, he'll be wishing in was in one of those states! what a bunch of i don't even know what's the BP people are!

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Lyn – thanks for the info on the cards!

    Ray – apparently BP shipped in 300-400 workers for obama's visit – and then shipped them out after Obama left. A criminal investigation really should be underway.

  3. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Yes, things often repeat themselves until we listen and learn.

  4. Ray says:

    Thanks for posting the video. I just caught the tail end of it on TV. This disaster needs to be kept in the minds of the public. If viewers of MSNBC and readers of this blog hold discussions with friends maybe BP's feet can be held to the fire. They are trying every tactic possible to limit their liability including denying that the symptoms of the fishermen helping with the cleanup came from the oil. They didn't even think to provide the boat crews with gloves and respirators. Safety equipment is the responsibility of BP. Of course safety always takes second place to profits with BP. After all that is what caused the blowout in the first place.


  5. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for clarifying, Trish and Rob! Seems as if we don't turn on the computer or TV for even a little while, we miss something significant that is happening somewhere on the planet. I knew Earth was shakin' her booty because of my physical symptoms I was experiencing, which are rarely combined, but the past couple of days have shifted back and forth between quakes and volcano symptoms. I surmised that surely both would not be occurring simultaneously. I was wrong, obviously. The release isn't yet finished, however. More to come. Doesn't take an empath to figure that one out, needless to say, but the symptoms have been and continue to be debilitating and are intruding into my sleeping dreams, so it would appear that a truly major event is unfolding and will birth soon. Drats. It never ends. Here in sunny FL yesterday, a beautiful clear day, and me? I breathed "ashes" the entire day with red watery burning eyes and throat and was very edgy. Didn't learn about the volcanoes until last nite after out-of-town guest left. Once I saw the eruptions, my symptoms got better, as usual, then the quake ones began again late last night. Oh to be normal!
    (What is normal??) A slight tweak on the WV: nexalma next ala(bama)?

  6. Lyn says:

    I know you were interested in the cards, "The Key to the Kingdom"…An Enchanted Deck.. Here's some more info..Designed by a graphic artist, Tony Meeuwissen won a prize in England for this design..very surreal. Bought them from another reader who couldn't make head or tale about them. Then was in touch with the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, which carries his work..have purchased about 10 decks in the last 15 years, here and there..I don't know anyone else who reads these cards..for me they are "magic"..
    Present eco. situation..ugly as sin..Thanks!!

  7. Nancy says:

    So unbelievably sad, and criminal, as well.

  8. Natalie says:

    *Shaking head.*

    Well maybe THIS time they will take note and learn the lesson.
    I hope Mother Earth doesn't have the same rule as me….three times and you are out!

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Connie – it's a comparison.

  10. Anonymous says:

    More natural disasters: Two volvanic eruptions, one in Guatamala, the other in Ecudor. Damages not yet known but lots of destroyed houses. Wouldn't be it wonderful to have some uplifting news? Mama earth is rockin and rollin. cjc

  11. Anonymous says:

    been reading your book,,, about the movie synchronicities with 9/11 thinking you missed the one where the guy is dating the check 9/11/91 while Bush senior is on TV in the background talking about H. Sadaum,,,,

  12. Anonymous says:

    OK. I'm confused. Been away from media all day today. It's now 6:20pmEDT on 5-28-2010. Did the Alaska pipeline spring a leak today? Or were they only comparing the Alaska leak in 1979 to the Gulf oil leak in 1979?
    If both are happening again now…can we spell the words:

  13. maggie's garden says:

    I don't feel bombarded at all…this is a major tragedy. We are all focused on this and all information is good. Thank you.

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ooops – meant to mention neat image – is that ms. M behind the fabulous hand? so true, the handspeak!
    peace – j

  15. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    OMG!!! 31 years – an incredible dark chapter to this horrific story! i'm speechless! thanks so much for sharing!

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