Mirrored Lives, Parallel Selves?

M.C. Escher seems fitting for this synchro!

Synchronicities often accompany major transitions in our lives – marriage or divorce, a birth or death, career change, and moves. We’ve posted a number of synchros that took place during transitional periods. This one is especially interesting, about two families with similar international backgrounds undergoing similar transitions that eventually involved  the same house.

The story comes from Jeanette. She originally posted it as a comment. I liked it and asked her if we could do it as a post.
As so many, we downsized in 2009 from a house with a yard to a condo in a gated community in the Los Angeles area. Selling our house was a challenge. Three offers fell through. Finally, after 50 real estate agents and their clients had looked the house, we sold the house to a family who had an amazingly similar life story as our own.

First of all, they came originally from Indonesia, like I do. I was born there, and moved to Holland when I was 5 years old. Like my family, they moved to another country because riots in the streets in Indonesia were very unsafe for children and inflation was soaring. Like my family, they came to the U.S. and left again, only to come back. After 10 years here they were able to buy this house. That was also the same amount of time it  took my family to buy the same house!

In her blog entry, cited above, Jeanette is the Jet family.

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4 Responses to Mirrored Lives, Parallel Selves?

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We have that book, Aleksandar. I'll have to go back and look at it. I don't recall the author's conclusions. Your conclusion – that strange loops and and nonlinear time are the same thing makes perfect sense to me.

  2. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    I've used the same Esceher's drawing here: https://2020.global.gaiaspace.org in a group visible only by registered members. There is a book "Goedel, Escher, Bach" speaking about origins of consciousness. For some reason, the author's conclusion is that the real artificial intelligence is possible on a machine (computer) with strange loops obeying the rules of linear time. I might be missing something, but my conclusion after reading was that strange loops and non-linear time (synchronicity, retrocausality and parallel events included) are actually the same thing.

  3. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Always fascinating when these almost parallel cross.

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, yes, i remember this fantastic story! so amazing how timetracks run parallel! great post!

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