Day 40

Day 40

It’s now official. Top Kill has failed to plug the gusher.  The next step is to use robot subs to cut off the damaged riser from which the oil is gushing and attempt to cap it with a containment valve.

One energy expert,  known for predicting the oil price spike of 2008, says sending a small nuclear bomb down the leaking well is ‘probably the only thing we can do’ to stop the leak.

According to Joe Wiesenthal, writing in Business Insider,  the nuclear option is about to get a lot of attention now that the top kill has failed. “It’s the real idea that the best way to kill this thing is to stick a small nuke in there and bury the well under rubble. Supposedly it’s been done in Russia, and by the middle of the coming week, it will be all over cable news, as pundits press The White House hard on whether it’s being considered and why not.”

WHY NOT? Are these people lunatics? The nuke would be exploded at a depth of 18,000 feet. Raw Story has an excellent piece of this whole nightmare possibility.

 Here’s a video from Bloomberg News about this insanity of nuking:

 In addition, CNN reports that workers involved in the beach cleanups are getting sick. One of the workers, a Vietnam vet, compared the dispersants to Agent Orange.
The first tropical storm, Agatha, has formed off the coast of Guatemala, on the Pacific side. Guatemala is already dealing with the eruption of its Pacaya volcano. Ash from the eruption has blanketed the capital of Guatemala and destroyed 800 homes. The storm is expected to bring 10-20 inches of rain.

Hurricane season officially begins on June 1. What happens if a hurricane forms in the gulf? Well, NOAA has issued a PDF file on what it could mean.
Here’s a video on planetary healing for the gulf coast through meditation. Maybe this really is the last best hope.

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23 Responses to Day 40

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm with you, Ray, right down the line. I hadn't heard about this memo – most interesting, in light of everything that has transpired since. – Trish

  2. Ray says:

    This is more than day 40. BP knew eleven months ago that there was a problem. One of BP's senior engineers told the company that the pipes were too weak to hold the pressure, but was ignored. Also BP is manipulating data. An original memo told of the danger of going ahead with drilling. The final draft that went out was revised to say that going ahead was "probably safe." BP needs to lose their charter giving permission to do business in the US.
    We all need to spread the word and convince those we know to let our elected officials know that they will not be reelected if they continue to worship at the shrine of the oil companies. And we ourselves need to know where those for whom we vote are on the right side of the issue.


  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Marlene – I try not to think about this 2012 thing. I like to believe it's just a paradigm shift. But I suspect that ever paradigm shift comes about through physical events so appalling and painful that mass consciousness is changed. If there is ever offshore drilling after this, then we deserve whatever happens.

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    just looking for images to post today and came across article:
    "A small object that zipped by Earth this month is most likely just a wayward piece of space junk left over from an interplanetary mission that launched in times past, NASA officials said Thursday."
    maybe this was my star dream –

    just heard on cnn that alabama beaches now oiled – not at first visible but after you get out of water you can see it on your skin – which is how they said it first begins to show itself

    off today for alejandro's big 4 birthday shindig – he's really into "peace men and women" ie police – and some of our law enforcement friends are going to come by in patrol cars and take kids for a ride – he'll be beside himself!!!

    – hope you all are going to have a day away from all this – and enjoying each other –

  5. Marlene says:

    well.. I have been keeping myself in my studio. painting and making my jewelry ..not watching the news becasuse this is sooo hard on me…i tell you I havenot been myself since this all started..I had NO idea of the nuke thing…Oh Lord this is just beyond can they possibly even entertain the thought..2012 is around the corner and its not looking it?

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Read mythic musing's take on this. She's one of the planetary empaths we've written about in earlier posts.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Did I tell you guys I finally took my dog Sunshine to the vet because of her uncharacteristic behaviors, to see if she is sick. She's fine. She's still acting really weird, though, and I've come to the conclusion that she is "hearing" the desperate cries of the creatures in the water and doesn't know what to do, because she's been trained to work and serve. Night, GypsyGirl. Sweet dreams HUH! WV: dizess! Dis-ease or disease? cJc

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    So far, no one in the administration has proposed this. But the fact that anyone even uttered it is deeply troubling.Enough of this. Off to watch that healing video.

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, connie – unsettled is the perfect word – perfect – and for several days i've been back into the fatigue thing – badly – last night to bed at 7:15pm – yes, it was still daylight – my daughter came in to see what was wrong – main thing today has been difficulty breathing – and even right now, so much so that i stopped reading etc and did the meditation video –

    also, this is the third day that della the dog – mix hound/lab – has barked constantly – going to the doors and windows – west and south –

    i think i may just watch mindless fluff stuff on the tube now – something to distract – and call all my kids to tell them how much i love them –

    and you, dear friends –

    good night!

  10. Anonymous says:

    I know T & R. I'm just totally freaked at the very thought of the nukes as a solution to ANYTHING. Cole, another good text is FUTURE MEMORY by P.M.H. Atwater. My youngest son has visited the future but always goes to the same place, and it's pretty mind-shattering where my great-grandchildren will probably be.
    Back to the nukes, I guess they figure if they aren't going to send them via the air, why not send them via the oceans. Sux. I rarely curse. But I'm feeling so much anger that truly seems to be coming to me from the planet itself. Maybe that is why she is generating quakes and volcanic eruptions all over the place. She's pissed to the point of throwing tantrums in a major way! cjc odd WV: collsion (collision?)

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy – I don't know how far into the future it was. The synchro was that shortly after this happened, we ran across Helen Wambagh's book about visions of the future – she progressed 2500 people into the future and the dome life was one scenario they saw.

  12. Anonymous says:

    YeP, Gypsy, they were "demonstrating" how it would be done underwater as opposed to how the Russians did it underground. We've all watched the demolition experts imploding buildings. That's how the Russians stopped their underground oil gushers…by nuclear IMplosions. Can't be done under water. The debris couldn't be contained and would disperse rather thaN "falling in a pile" onto the leak, as it did underground. What a fluke, and do they think AMERICANS ARE FOOLS?? Another extremely urgent matter that is being hushed up but is leaking out (pardon the pun) on all news sites is the SECOND gusher that they now report is spewing even MORE than the original gusher is spewing! So, are they just planning to nuke every hole that opens and spews? What a hideous mess this entire situation is, and unfortunately it was accurately predicted by Cliff High (Time Monk) on his webbots long before it occurred, exactly as it is occurring. Gypsy are you feeling the volcanoes and quakes? I'm very unsettled, and furious on top of the symptoms. cjc

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Cole – we did a post on it.

    Connie – exploding any sort of nuke for any purpose, under the earth, underwater, is total madness in my book. Jacques Cousteau's grandson says the ocean are beyond the tipping point, with vast portions of it already dead.

  14. Cole says:

    Your teasing me! Seriously??? Ok I believe you, change of subject for a minute, you really did the whole hypnotic progression thing? Wow, I so have to try this now. Extra side note, Carol Bowman's book is out of stock at 4 local bookstores, bummer I am going to have to order on line. In the book One Soul, Many Bodies, several of the case studies had clients talking about their progressed life where they saw the world pure and clean again. Let's hope it is true. Not too sure I would want to live under a dome though.

  15. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    connie – you are right – underground versus water – the photo shown on the article showed an underwater explosion [a test apparently] which is why i was a bit confused – i really would love to hear kaku respond to this nuke issue –

    trish – how far into the future?

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Only 20 percent. Gasp. ONLY? Cole – so right, the interconnectedness. I'm beginning to wonder if this is why, in an hypnotic progression into the future, I was living under a dome.

  17. Anonymous says:

    But, Guys, the Russians didn't do it IN THE WATER! They did it UNDERGROUND. Huge difference. HUGE difference. Exploding a nuclear weapon in the solid dirt is very very different from exploding it in liquid (water), and especially in water that has tides. Read the article carefully. It states in several places that he Russians did it successfully UNDERGROUND. Therein is the catch. A nuclear device can be set underground to implode the dirt, etc, in upon itself and seal the leak. Can a device be set in place to cause WATER to implode in upon itself? Don't think so. Ask an oceanographer or nuclear physicist before trying this thing. Even nuclear devices set off deep underground carry dangers. But in water? How can the ocean be "contained", as the ground dirt can be contained? It can't. cJc

  18. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what is kaku's take on this i wonder? and why couldn't non-nuclear weapons be used, if something that drastic has to be done immediately? should we all write letters to obama? and our state governments?

  19. Cole says:

    No words for the amount of stupidity over the very idea of entertaining a nuclear option. If this doesn't wake the world up and make us all start to reject the demand for oil I don't know what will. It feels powerless to even try and fight against a corporation worth billions of trillions of dollars, but are they so blind to not be able to see and understand how life is all connected. Surely we will all have a price to pay for the infiltration of the oil in the ocean already, as it effects the chain of life. But a nuclear weapon, that is lunacy!

  20. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    just read the russian articles and was about to send it over to you guys – if i remember correctly they did it last in 1979 and say that failure rate is only 20percent – going to watch your video now –

  21. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Connie – gypsy – we just embedded a video from bloomberg news about this nuclear insanity. Supposedly the Russians did it in 1966 – and 4 times since.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Yeah, that's right, you folks in authority. Nuke the thing and spread the radioactive particles throughout the entire oceans….let the tidal currents carry those particles all over the planet and into every river and tributary. Sure. Nuke the bastard gusher. While you're at it, be sure to give all the sea-life, plants and animals, and also humans, gas masks and iodine tablets. Then when the tropical storms bring the flooding rains that carry the sea-waters into the air, let the people and animals die by the millions from radio-active fallout because the ocean has been contaminated by nuclear toxins. Nuking this gusher is equivalent to swatting a mosquito with a machine gun. Granted, the oil mess is catastrophic and not a mosquito, but a nuclear bomb?Sorry, everybody. I live on a beach and I am mad!!! I wish I could be spiritual right now, but it just isn't happening! I want to walk out onto the sand at the surf's edge and call the God of the Sea Neptune in all His Glory, to do his stuff and put the fear of the gods and goddesses into these crazy people. NUKES????? What ARE they thinking???!!!!! cJc

  23. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    hey guys! OMG – i don't even know what to say to this nuke thing – it is absolutely so atrocious and unimaginable as to defy speech!

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