Count down…

…to 11-11-11. Enjoy this amazing pyramid of numbers.


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9 Responses to Count down…

  1. 3322mathaddict says:

    An intriguing discovery over the weekend set me to work with my calculator, pencils and paper. Trish and Rob worked with me on it, too. This year, 2011, is the only year in probably all of our lives….the lives of folks who are currently alive or would be alive this year….when our age added to the last two digits of our birth year always totals the sum of 111. For example, if a person was born in 1952 and of course is now 59, when we add the age 59 to those last two digits of the birth year, 52, it becomes 59+52=111. Although it’s just simple arithmetic, I think the fact that it only occurs this year is provocative, and considering that so many of us are continuously being “alerted” to this 11, 111, and 11-11 in so many ways, it likely has some kind of universal significance beyond the very simple arithmetic explanation. You can do it for yourselves, but here are three examples from my sons: oldest born in 66 is 45. 66+45=111. Middle born in 68 is 43. 68+43=111. Youngest born in 69 is 42. 69+42+111. It interests me that this particular little arithmetic constant occurs as we are transiting the year 2012. How is that? Well, when we entered this year, 2011, 2011 years had already passed, so although our calendar reads 2011, we are actually IN the 2012th year. Fun, yes?

  2. Pingback: 11×3 « Terri Patrick's Blog

  3. Nancy says:

    I have been seeing 11:11 for weeks now, and on top of that I’ve won Solitaire four times in about 1.5 hours! Maybe I should hit a casino…

  4. Nicole says:

    I am excited about it! I know some are a little hesitant for those numbers to align up as a date, but I have always felt a very spiritual, good, beneficial vibe coming from these set of numbers. So whether or not anything occurs in a sychronistic fashion, I am going to make sure that I tune in and meditate or allow for time out in nature, something to promote more peace of mind and an openness in soul for tomorrow. I don’t know if you recall old comments from different posts in the past, but I have always caught 111 or 1111 for quite along time, seemingly out of the blue moments but who knows maybe my subconscious has sought them out. Either way I feel nothing but positive over it.

  5. Darren B says:

    It’s already 11.11.11 here on this side of the planet,but I can’t wait until it is 11:11,11.11.11.
    I’m going to set the alarm on my watch,so that I don’t miss it.
    But,I probably won’t have to .-)

    Only about two and half hours to go…and counting.

    • R and T says:

      You’ll experience “it” before we do. Let us know if anything intriguing occurs, esp if it’s synchronistic!

      • Darren B says:

        No snychros to report.
        In fact if I hadn’t set my alarm today,I probably would have missed it.But being a ‘victim’ of 11:11 time prompts for many years, I’m glad to have seen the numbers on my watch today,even if it took a physical alarm to do it.

  6. gypsy says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this! how incredible it is! incredible!

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