13 Crystal Skulls on 11-11-11

In 1991, my first novel was published. It was about two ancient Mayan crystal skulls that were re-united fulfilling a prophecy. So it was interesting when I recently found out that 13 crystal skulls would come together at a ceremony in Los Angeles on 11-11-11 that will be performed by 13 Mayan elders.

According to Cal Garrison, writing in Before It’s News, “…these ancient relics are said to contain information about the history of our planet and the future of mankind. Carved out of pure quartz crystal, and other crystals such as jade, the Skulls generate an energy field that activates human consciousness in a way that expands our perceptions of reality.”

He adds: “When the Spirits of the Skulls are ceremonially awakened, ancient wisdom, wisdom that has been preserved in a crystalline matrix for eons, enters the unified field and fills the collective consciousness with all the knowledge of everything that has happened on the planet in the last 26,000 years, and perhaps beyond.”

Sounds very impressive, but I don’t feel that’s quite right. I think all that knowledge is already in the collective unconscious. However, maybe such ceremonies with the skulls could awaken our awareness to that wisdom, making it more accessible. The question, though, is what would we do it? Would we find better ways to make war and defeat enemies, or would we use it to do away with wars?

What I would like those skulls to do is to raise human consciousness to a higher level. Maybe turn us into light beings! Or at least move us in that direction. Is that asking too much? Well, we can try. At this point, we are creatures with high tech tools and toys, but low to moderate awareness of whom we are beyond physical reality, outside of time and space, beyond cause and effect.   Our mainstream science doesn’t recognize extra sensory perception, doesn’t accept the existence of life after death, and ignores documented sightings and contact with UFOs. Our science lacks awareness of spirit.

C’mon, crystal skulls we need help.

For the fun of it, I  took a copy of Crystal Skull off my shelf, opened it up at random. Here’s what I read on page 159. Rather than science, it’s about religion, and what happens to people who lose their religion.

“To me, religion carries the baggage of dogma, restrictions. And worst of all, arrogance and divisiveness. My religion’s better than yours. Right? Unfortunately, a lot of people who are fed up with religion decide there’s nothing worth believing in that they can’t immediately perceive. They become completely materialistic and cynical. I don’t like religion, but I do believe in a universal force and life beyond this existence.”

I guess that sort of fits in with what I was saying – a synchro of sorts. After all, I could’ve opened it at random to a sex scene.


I took out my three little crystal skulls and got them to pose for me. The one on the left was moving, I think. Or maybe it was me. 😉

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12 Responses to 13 Crystal Skulls on 11-11-11

  1. DJan says:

    I immediately thought of the Indiana Jones movie when I read this post, Rob. I do hope as well that this year, and beginning now on 11/11/11 that we begin to change our consciousness to a higher place. We can’t go much else than UP from here, I’d say. 🙂

  2. Don’t you think that the government knows things about the spiritual dimensions of our world that they don’t want the general public to know? The official policy is to deny and to make those who believe to be viewed by others as coo-coo.

    I agree that we need a massive shift in consciousness. Would love for it to happen today.

    I know of people who, when they lost faith in their religion became an atheist, cynical, and even hostile towards any spiritual view (not to mention materialistic). Its a knee-jerk reaction against being deceived, I suppose. If they can’t trust the claims made by the people they trusted, who can they trust? They don’t trust their intuitive guidance because our secular society makes it appear like people who “hear voices in their heads” are psychotic and need to be locked up. Fortunately for me, I had the strength to stand alone when others were doing things or believing things that I felt were false (such as the evangelical push for teens to give up secular pop music, which in the 80s was rather tame). My one wish for many years is for a genuine spiritual culture to emerge.

  3. Nancy says:

    While on the treadmill this morning I watched one of the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens – this one was about energy centers and ley lines. My understanding of the Mayan Elders with the thirteen skulls is that they traveled through the country on their way to LA opening up energy portals. Maybe this is going to be a monumental year – lets hope – light beings would be wonderful. (I think we’ll watch Indiana Jones & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull tonight.)

  4. gypsy says:

    you are so right, rob, about the condition of things – my wish would be the same for the crystal skulls – what a powerful response when you opened the book to that passage! perfect!

    and what an extraordinary experience to be there at the ceremony with the mayan elders! would that i could!

    i’m anxious to see the events of the day unfold –

  5. 3322mathaddict says:

    Look at the elongated shape of the back of the skull. It doesn’t replicate a human skull. This is probably (maybe) relevant to Those who possibly seeded this planet. If so, I can’t imagine they were/are evil, although humanity certainly lost much of its original spirituality when Lemuria and Atlantis gained the enormous electronic knowledge and dangerous use of weaponry that we have “re-gained”. Time for a spiritual growth surge, guys! Hurry hurry!

  6. “What I would like those skulls to do is to raise human consciousness to a higher level. Maybe turn us into light beings!” Now that would be a step in the right direction.

    On a darker side Anna Mitchell-Hedges, claimed she found one of the skulls at the Mayan city of Labaantum, on an expedition led by her father. He called it the Skull of Doom and said that when the High Priest of Maya willed death with the help of the skull, death invariably followed. He described it as ‘the embodiment of all evil’.

    Hopefully he was wrong! Like lots of things perhaps they can be used for good or bad.

    • Rob MACGREGOR says:

      Mike, there are questions about the credibility of the story of how the Mitchell-Hedges skull was found. One version I read had the professor finding the skull at an antique market in London, and hiding it in the ruins for his young daughter to discover on her b-day. Hard to say what the true story is.

  7. 3322mathaddict says:

    Thought-filled post, Rob. I have a small, genuine crystal skull that “lives” inside my red pyramid, which is my “working crystal Pyramid and is very large, with one side that opens to allow items, such as the skull, to be placed inside for my various workings. I just read on Comcast news that the Great Pyramid near Giza was closed today, 11-11-11 Egyptian time, because there were rumors flying that several spiritual organizations, including Masons, were planning to do rituals at the site. However, although the gov’t closed the Pyramid and increased the security, along with guards carrying machine guns, nothing unusual happened and no groups appeared as the critical time passed over there. I love my crystal skull; love the energy it releases. Why? I don’t know. It simply feels “good”. Sometimes when I remove it from inside the red Pyramid and it should feel cold to the touch, it doesn’t. It is actually hot, and the red Pyramid isn’t in a place where the sun hits it. It’s magic. Can’t explain more than that! The final scenes, (swirling, lifting, melding ETs), in Indiana Jones and The Crystal Skull might come close an explanation, huh!

  8. Cole says:

    I sure would like to see the ceremony nonetheless. But I am with you, come on Crystal Skulls, we need awareness. Universal awareness. And Light Beings wouldn’t that be something! I guess for now it is one mind at a time and Rob it seems that your awareness is where it should be. Happy 11-11-11 🙂

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