What’s really astonishing…

Saturday I was the fulcrum for a synchronicity between two women in my yoga class. Just before class began, I asked one of them, a snowbird, when she was heading north. She said she was delaying her return because it was snowing in northern Maine and she mentioned that she lived in a small town on the border called Houlton. At the mention of the town, the woman next to her said that was where she lived. They talked briefly and found out they had friends in common, not surprising one said since it was a small town.

But, hey, what were the chances that those two women, who didn’t know each other, would come to a yoga class, find places next to each other, and find out they were from the same town in Maine? What were the chances that I would start a conversation that would result in the name of the town coming up?

What was really astonishing to me though was that the two women didn’t seem very surprised. They quickly accepted the unlikely scenario without even commenting on the oddity. I’ve taught that class for seven years and never met anyone from my original hometown, Minneapolis, or even from Minnesota.

The point here is that synchronicities happen all the time and they’re often shrugged off as nothing unusual, nothing special. It’s when we recognize how special they are that we open up to insight on our existence here and how meaningful this existence really is.

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2 Responses to What’s really astonishing…

  1. terripatrick says:

    “It’s when we recognize how special they are that we open up to insight on our existence here and how meaningful this existence really is.”

    Absolutely, positively! That’s why I pay attention. My memoir covers 46 years,and synchronicity shows it’s face, may times.

  2. The Zoo Keeper says:


    I am looking for some novels to replenish the stack on my night table. I remembered your name because I loved the total excellence of ‘Out of Sight’, so I googled you to see what’s new. I found your website and your blog. I also blog. And I see you have some time travel novels that I can read. I wrote two time travel novels. I also live in Florida. Awesome. Now I can’t wait to get to the bookstore.

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