Mercury Retro Check-in

Map of Orlando’s Sea World

I’m kind of curious about this. Midway through the Mercury retro, what sorts of experiences have you had?

Ours have been varied – some that were expected, some not. Since this retro falls on the financial axis in our individual charts, its not surprising that checks for our joint projects are delayed. Not only did they never reach the agent – but the  checks have to be reissued. OK, figure on January with those checks. Good, we pay taxes on them next year. Silver linings and all that.

OK, on to the other stuff. We had plumbing issues with two sinks. In the kitchen, we had a major leak under the sink that turned out to be the result of a misaligned faucet. Rob corrected it, the leak went away. With the clothes dryer, the sucker took multiple cycles to dry a single load of clothes. Solution? We checked the silver tubing that connects to the wall. It had broken away from the wall…Once Rob got the tube in the wall again, the dryer worked like new.  The key idea in both instances was connection.

So far, so good. The “problems” definitely aren’t related to what I expected for a Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius.  And there are some unexpected silver linings.  Our neighbor calls us. Can we use four chairs? Her sister has four leather/suede chairs that she thinks will fit perfectly into our family room and that don’t fit in her new house. Are we interested? Well, sure. How much? They’re free.

So the next day we drive ten miles south and pick up a four chairs that are probably the nicest we’ve ever owned. Then I got fed up the old furniture we’ve owned for decades, pull a couch and a table out to the curb to be picked up, and buy a new thing for the kitchen at 50% off;  there’s an imperfection in a right corner.

Our daughter, Megan, and I drove to Orlando the other day for her interview at Sea World as an assistant animal trainer.  There were plenty of Merc retro incidents.  For instance, we neglected to move the Sun Pass from one car to the other. This handy gizmo allows you to zip through toll booths because the toll is deducted electronically from the gizmo. Inconvenience. Then we got lost as soon as we got off the turnpike in Orlando, wandered around for awhile, kept trying to bring up the right maps on our cell phones. Fortunately, we finally made it to where we were supposed to be and she wasn’t late for her 10 AM interview.

I waited for her in the employee parking lot, going through the copyedits for Ghost Key, the sequel to Esperanza, a positive Merc retro thing to do.  But by 11:30, I started wondering where she was. I knew there was a show at 10:45 and had expected her interview to be over by then. I walked up to the security gate to ask if there was a restroom I could use. I chatted with the guards, who hadn’t seen any blonde named Megan.

My imagination instantly slammed into overdrive  and coughed up an entire plot about what had happened, where she was, and how, if she hadn’t shown up by 2 PM, I was going to call the cops. The entire novel unfolded in my head.

At noon, she drove up with one of the Sea World trainers.  She got to see the 10:45 show – and meanwhile, I had her kidnapped and taken to some secret location.  I’m beginning to think that fiction writers probably shouldn’t have children!

We had decided before the trip that we would go to Sea World after her interview. So off we drove to the SW parking lot. The fee was $14, just to park. Then we got to the ticket booth and learned that a single ticket is about $80, way too much for the few hours we were going to spend there.  So we left and went in search of lunch. No Sea World amusement park, but Megan and I got to spend the day together and perhaps one day I’ll be able to use the plot I imagined.

As Vonnegut used to say, So it goes.  This retro, which ends December 13, seems to be about small things going wrong, plans being rearranged. But there have been unexpected bonuses, as well.



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23 Responses to Mercury Retro Check-in

  1. 3322mathaddict says:

    J, I’ll meditate on the date of your sister’s transition, as those are master frequencies. Will email you to respond to your question. Nancy, I’m wondering if you’ve been to that particular place in Hawaii at times when Merc wasn’t retro, and didn’t get sick? There’s a location here in my town where I cannot go…..a strip mall that has a large grocery store and other shops…..because I become deathly ill each time I’ve gone there. After the 2nd time, I decided to go to the historical society to see if anything has ever happened there that would have left energies I was psychically picking up, and surely enough, underneath the ground upon which the mall sits, is an enormous burial site where thousands of victims of the yellow fever epidemic were dumped and burned. I avoid the place now like the plague. After discovering the history, I went a third time to see if KNOWING the reason for my sickness would prevent it. It didn’t. It was just as bad. So I don’t go there. Could it be perhaps a past life experience you had in that area that makes you sick, and the MR is coincidental, or, have you had visits there when you weren’t sick? Just a thought…..

  2. Nancy says:

    Loved the part where fiction writers probably shouldn’t have children. Make that anyone who loves mystery novels and has children. I used to love it when I was linked to their bank accounts because I could go online and see where they last used their debit card when I couldn’t reach them. I was always relieved when it had just been used at their favorite watering hole.

    As for merc retro – 2nd time to Maui and 2nd time was completely sick the entire time. Last year was a merc retro and I had much the same thing as I had the entire time we were there this time. (Now mind you, I haven’t been sick in an 11 month span.) Not once in the ocean both times! I’m beginning to develop a fear of vacation…

  3. Vicki D. says:

    gypsy, my sympathies to you and a hug.
    trish, I know exactly how you felt and have done the same! I think it isn’t just our great imaginations but we add to that being moms! 🙂
    this MR has brought a really bad migraine, and other health issues for loved ones.
    I am very nervous about Dec 10 and I don’t know why. do any of you feel anything?

  4. Lauren Raine says:

    Wow, I think imaginative people have a hard time sometimes. But, like you say, at least it’s fuel for future fiction – but just make sure it has a happy ending.

    Gypsy, I am sorry to hear of the sudden death of your sister. How very painful that must be, and wishing you solace.

    I don’t know that anything has particularly been going wrong, I just feel these days like I’m plowing through molasses, mentally and physically. Guess you have to get used to slow and “on hold” at such times………..

  5. My personal feelings about this Mercury retro is – nostalgia on steroids.

  6. 3322mathaddict says:

    Cousin J, I am SO sorry about your sister. I know she’s been ill for such a long time. There’s been lots happening here that has kept me away from the computer and from emails, so I didn’t know until just now. Blessings to you and your family. We grieve the physical loss even though we have the awareness that our loved ones have simply stepped into a new and brighter room. Sending love and thoughts your way……

    • gypsy says:

      dear cj – thank you so much for your thoughts and words as well – it’s true – while we do know that our loved one has just stepped into that lighter and brighter place, the loss here on this physical plane remains difficult – there has been so much going on and so much to attend to by long distance, i’ve really not had the opportunity to send personal notes etc as i would have liked – in any event, thank you again for your thoughts, cousin!

      oh, and i’m just curious of your take on the numerical aspect of the date of her death, cj – the triple 1s and 2s – ???


  7. gypsy says:

    mechanical issues with cars – electrical fuses/circuits blowing constantly then just all of a sudden stop – insurance premium i forgot to send till the next day and policy cancelled – my sister’s pacemaker developed sudden electrical issues and her death within 24 hours of pacemaker issue – the other thing which is unrelated in terms of merc retro is the numerical significance of the date of her death – 12022011

    • R and T says:

      I’m really sorry to hear about your sister’s death, gypsy. That’s odd about the electrical issue and her pacemaker. This could also be related to the lunar eclipse coming up on 12/10.

      • gypsy says:

        thanks so much for your caring thoughts of my sister – i’d forgotten about the lunar eclipse coming up – i always keep a close eye on the solar activity and while the geomagnetic field has had some quiet time lately, the solar xrays have been almost constantly active – again, thank you for your thoughts –

  8. “… but Megan and I got to spend the day together” and that’s what is important, all of the the other stuff doesn’t really matter. Treasure such moments.

  9. 3322mathaddict says:

    Good heavens, you certainly don’t want your Megan mental scenario to come to pass!Yep. Good things, not so good things during this time frame. Our electricity has been repeatedly going off for hours, and this didn’t begin until Merc went backwards. It isn’t just OUR power. Our entire meighborhood, 134 homes, according to FPL, is on the single transformer that is continuously acting up. Now wouldn’t you think, with the cost of electricity these days, the power company could repair a transformer once and for all? Well, say they, they’ve tried, but it just keeps blowing. So, we are keeping the candles and lanterns at the ready. On the good side, I received two extremely important letters after old Merc flipped, but have decided to wait until he goes direct to respond to the letters even though the author of said letters is impatient for a reply. I don’t want a redux of MY letters, or a misunderstanding, so better safe than sorry. What’s a few more days?? Back on the bad side, both my SUV and hubby’s work van have had sudden issues, mine with transmission stuff, his with one of the starter thingies literally popping out.Cheap fix for his, mine still waiting for fix. Big TV light unit blew and had to be replaced, now there’s a dark area at the top of the screen and hubby is having conniption fits. Light unit is EXPENSIVE. I suggested he just go purchase a new big screen since right now they’re really on great competitive sales, but decided to wait to make that purchase until after the Big Day. Ice maker in fridge on the blink, new one being installed. Christmas lights outside on roof won’t stay put but have never had the problem in the past so hope new clips will solve this issue. Just one minor flip-flop after another, some good, some frustrating. Of course there are always things happening, but during this particular Merc retro, there have been lots and lots of continuing nuisance incidents. Aaaarrrgggggghhhhhhhhhh………..

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