Adele’s John Lilly Dream


                                                           John C. Lilly

This following story came from Adele, and it was left as a comment under the June 3 post. With all the sea creatures suffering in this oil disaster, it seems appropriate to post Adele’s synchronicity about John C. Lilly, the M.D. who did so much research with dolphins. Lilly passed away in 2001, but his legacy certainly lives  on. For more on this remarkable man, start here.

 I have been reading all your posts and comments about the oil spill horror but not commenting myself. I agree with everyone and find all this so distressing that I cannot watch the news about it any more because I stop functioning. Was it T.S. Elliot who said, “The world will end, not with a bang but a whimper.” Well we are in a big horror of a whimper.

I did want to comment about John Lilly. I read his book years ago, “The Center of the Cyclone.” Was that the one where he told about his dolphin experiences? I have carted hundreds of books back and forth across the country and during my recent move just over a year ago, I could not afford to do this any more and had to give most of my books away. John Lilly’s book was one that I wish I had now. Perhaps just as well since I can’t keep up with my To Do list these days.

I remember the part where Lilly told about his relationship with a special female dolphin. At some point he felt guilty about keeping the dolphins in confinement and decided to let them go free. When he did, his special dolphin friend committed suicide in sadness.

Thinking about John Lilly caused me to remember a little dream synchronicity I had about him. It was in the early 1970’s. One of his his books had just come out and he was doing a lecture tour. I attended one of his talks at Wainwright House in Rye New York. I had no idea what John Lilly looked like and had not yet read his book. The night before the lecture I dreamed I went to the lecture, saw him and noted that he was wearing a jumpsuit instead of the usual suit or sport’s coat of the time. I thought that very odd. Only auto mechanics wore jumpsuits. And I tried to figure out the symbolism of the jumpsuit.

When I got to the lecture, Lilly looked just like he did in the dream and he was wearing a jumpsuit. I’ve never seen a man, before or since, who wore a jumpsuit as his clothing of choice. I’d like to find that dream to see what other points there may have been to it.

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20 Responses to Adele’s John Lilly Dream

  1. d page says:

    Obama ordered a moratorium on off shore drilling. A Supreme Court judge over-ruled the order. The judge is a beneficiary of oil investments.

    It's sad that the legislative process in Washington is bought and paid for by corporate interests.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm sure Lily would be horrified.
    And no, I don't think anyone in washington gets it. To even consider offshore drilling at this point is nuts.

  3. Adele Aldridge says:

    It was both heart warming and heart breaking reading all these posts about the oil spill and the dolphins.

    When I said that I couldn't watch the television reports about the sadness in the gulf because of the oil spill, doesn't mean that I have given up hope. It just doesn't help me to SEE it. Being an artist, visual information impacts me in a visceral way and then I don't function as well if the image is bad or sad. So I'm trying to protect myself. God knows what I would do if I lived on the Gulf.

    I voted for Obama but isn't he still allowing off shore drilling? I'm told for economic reasons. Does anyone think that people in Washington actually "get it?"

    I wonder what John Lilly would do or say about all this if he were with us now?

  4. Ray says:

    I absolutely love dolphins. When I was working I loved to see them play in the bow wave of a ship or swim between two ships side by side during underway replenishment. Up near the Arctic Circle I watched hundreds of Pilot Whales on one side of the ship while a large number of sea birds were on the opposite side. It was the first time I had ever seen those large dolphins. They were just sitting there.

    It saddens me to hear about the death of so many dolphins as reported by a helicoptor counting the number of live and dead dolphins.

    My understanding of BP covering up the oil with sand was to show a pristine beach to a group of VIPs to show how "well" the cleanup is progressing. I don't know how a company that gouges the world for billions of dollars can be led by people who are so stupid as to believe anyone doesn't know what they are up to. Their ads and attempts to manipulate and manage the media are sickening. Some of the worst is to fire cleanup workers who wear safety gear such as Tyvec suits and respirators.

    Yesterday I saw a man and woman showing some subtle damage on a beach. The woman took a clean fish tank filter and dipped it in what looked like clean water only to show it contaminated with tar almost immediately. They were walking in water the local government said was unsafe because the Federal government won't. I worry that years from now that young couple may end up with cancer because of their exposure. The woman was in a bathing suit.

    I saw a report last night that NOAA is predicting oil to come ashore on the East coast of Florida and even further north. It is not expected to be as thick and not cause any real environmental damage, but it will kill the tourist industry. Of course BP doesn't care about the local economy, only their own bottom line.


  5. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    The world will end, not with a bang but a whimper I think it only will if we allow it to. We can step aside from the whimper and believe that there is always an answer. Lets get some positivity flowing.

  6. Barbara Martin says:

    I send regular good thoughts and energy to the Gulf. Others can do the same. There is always hope.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Natalie, you are soooo right, and Sansego, I believe there IS something each one of us, individually, can do in our own tiny corner of this unfathomable universe. Some people use prayer, in whatever method their prayers may take. Some people use ceremonies and rituals. Some peole, like me, use creative meditation and visualization, sending it through Thought Forms towards the sickness in the Gulf and towards any and everything affected by it, Thoughts are Things. They have substance and molecules of matter resonating at incredible frequencies, and if directed with sufficient will and intent, miracles can happen. Sometimes, for reasons beyond our ken, miracles may not be part of the Plan. But if they are, then our Thoughts are not in vain. And even if no miracle occurs, the Thughts of healing that are sent with love still create some kind of recovery, even if we never know what that recovery may be. For a while now I've felt that Mother Earth has been angry, bellowing and wrathful. But I no longer sense that. Instead, I sense she is sloughing off the old and useless and preparing for new beginnings. Death of the old comes hard, like labor pains in reverse. But if we lose Hope, then there is nothing we can do to assist her in this process. So, instead of ignoring what is happening because it hurts us so terribly at our deepest levels to have the awareness of such agony, if we can somehow turn it around and thnnik of it as birthing rather than dying….and yes, that is such a difficult task!…we may, just may, help Her, and us, get through it intact cj

  8. Anonymous says:

    Once in a great while, Sansego, a pod of dolphins will beach themselves on our beach and die. The intervention of the FL Game and Wildlife folks always try to rescue them, but if they put them back into the ocean, the dolphins simply beach themselves again. They seem to know when it's time for them to "self-deliver" themselves. Who knows where their beautiful souls may go? I like to think they have a special dimension that is magnificent. Often, the oceanographic zoologists aren't able to determine case of death. I think they "will" themselves to die, for their own reasons. They are such highly evolved creatures. Would that we were as intelligent and soulful as they! Trish, the nat'l weather folks said the low in the Gulf is "sub-tropical", but they're keeping a close eye on it to see if it develops into a tropical system, which it will if it sits there long enough. Terrible to consider. cj

  9. Natalie says:

    Marcus seems to it as delusional. 🙂

    I dunno,from all I have read, and all that I FEEL, I just can't give up on us. Deep down inside of me, in the place of knowing, there exists Mother Earth and she is still of considerable beauty. She may have a few injuries from her children, but she IS.

    After five births, My body is no longer taut and perky. Doesn't mean that beauty doesn't abide there in some form.

    Also, think about abandoned buildings…grass grows over cement, birds inhabit a rusty, falling down roof, flowers bloom in cracks of footpaths. Nature is a strong old girl, she just needs a bit of TLC to keep going.

  10. Sansego says:

    "My Bonnie lies over the ocean, my Bonnie lies under the sea, so why don't you bring back, bring back my Bonnie to me!"

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I can't recall where I first read about dolphins committing suicide, but there seems to be some research somewhere on it. Maybe it was Lily who first wrote about dolphins intentionally beaching themselves.

    Love your optimism, Nat.

    Off to check out this low pressure system. Yuck. Bonnie? As in Bonnie and Clyde?

  12. Natalie says:

    Adele's story is a beauty, albeit very sad.

    The wimper has always been when a person has given up the fight and is releasing their misery quietly in desperation. We musn't give up.
    The meek shall inherit the Earth remember?

    I see it as the time for lightworkers to come to the fore. We all just have to figure a plan is all. Unfortunately, this will take some time, but I believe it will happen.

    Wv = telst

  13. Anonymous says:

    Just got a disturbing update that a tropical low is slowly developing just south of the FL panhandle in the Gulf of Mexico that is being closely watched. Someone asked if it could develop into Bonnie, since it brithed that near land, and the response was that it depends upon how slowly it moves, whether it remains stationary in those extra-warm waters, etc. It is to the lower right of the oil spill and isn't connected to Alex. Geez. cj

  14. Sansego says:

    How does a dolphin "commit suicide"? Just curious to know.

    Interestingly, I've been thinking about dolphins A LOT lately, but I don't know why.

    I, also, can no longer bear to watch the news when it talks about the oil spill. It just makes me sad, angry, and this type of emotion is not useful and I don't know what I can personally do about it…other than to lessen my buying of oil based products (which means buying "used" items more than brand new items).

    I can't even bear to listen to Coast to Coast AM when they talk about the oil spill. Its too depressing to think about. All I know is that the BP execs should go to jail for this crime against humanity and the environment, and all those sea animals.

  15. d page says:

    John Lilly's story and Adele's dream show how interconnected all beings are.
    These times are too sad for words. I have days where the weight of the sadness is hard to bear….
    Last night, I read a blog on the Huffington Post that spells out the geological repercussions of the non-stop expulsion of oil: damage to the ocean floor,the Earth's crust, and the possible accident that's waiting to happen.

    BP will not let the media cover the true story on this disaster and their lobbyists are working hard to pass a law forbidding transparency regarding the Gulf Oil Disaster.

  16. Anonymous says:

    OH! I get it. They probably plan to "dredge" sand from the sea-floor for their cover-up. Gee, what a neat idea. Further desecration of the inner ocean stability. Groan. For 28 years we've watched our county "re-vitalize" our beaches with that method, re-building washed-away dunes from tropical storms, etc. And the re-built dunes wash away, as does the re-plenishment of the beaches. Unless BP can stop the ebb and flow of the tides, this is an absurdity.

  17. Anonymous says:

    What a very odd "solution"…cover up the oil with sand?? Our two-story townhouse is on a high sand dune, and the constant sea breezes and often quite brisk ocean winds shift and move even our sand, much less the beach sand. Also, the ebb and flow of the tides shift the sand continuously. So how is covering the oil with sand going to help? That's just another, and expensive "cover-up", please pardon the pun. And where will they obtain the sand to cover the sand? Rob Peter to pay Paul?? It won't work, because the sand won't stay there where they place it, unless of course they nail it into the sand. 🙁 And, oil is heavier than water, so when the high tides roll in twice a day, the oil will rise above the sand and water. How utterly futile is this? YeeGads. cj

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I read this morning that BP may be adding sand to the beaches to cover up the oil. When will they be removed from this entire operation?

  19. Nancy says:

    I so agree with cj and this post. A very slow sad whimper. 🙁

  20. Anonymous says:

    There seems, to me, to be a "aura" of sadness enveloping our planet.
    Perhaps that's just me. Perhaps it's just that my family and I live so close, in physical location, to the creatures whose lives are spent in and around the sea. The Lady Dolphin committing suicide in her deep mourning over the loss of her friend simply brings excruciating grief, because I sense it is happening NOW, during this time of such turmoil and slow death caused by the oil spill….a cancer consuming everything it touches; a silent but aggressive malignancy for which we seem to have no miracle medicine and no cure. A whimper, indeed….we remember the words, "The shot heard round the world". This is "The whimper heard round the world". So much louder, so much more agonizing, than a shout could ever be. We weep together. cj

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