The Dead Speak, Part II

On June 30,  we posted Part I of a story unfolding in Australia. In part 2 of Natalie’s story, the plot thickens. This evening (June 22) we received an update from her in an email:
Yesterday, was my reading day at work. The night before, I hopped into  the shower,  and another missing girl’s name came to me. I quickly jumped out of the shower, and asked Mark to Google it while I put my pj’s on. Her name was ‘Deirdre’. Although she went missing at the same time as the other girls, her remains were found ten years later, and a person charged. That person was subsequently murdered in jail some time later. Her case is only linked to the one I am working on by timing. All three girls went missing within a 4 month period.

I did not know any more than her name , until Mark googled her story. Before bed, I centered myself.  Out of the blue, a voice told me that ‘Deirdre’s’ sister would be coming for a reading tomorrow.  I told Mark and he said” HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT????? Deirdre was murdered 31 years ago, why would her sister come to see you now?”

” I dunno, maybe I am completely delusional. We should get me a plan B career, if I am wrong about all of this.” I really started to doubt myself and had a very uneasy night.

On my way to work the next day, I said aloud “Why am I involved in this anyway? I am kidding myself surely! Why would these girls come to me???”

I turned on the radio, and two songs come on in a ‘double play’ that gave me an answer. The first song was called ‘Closure’ and the second was a remake of Bryan Adam’s’ Heaven’. They were number 31 in a countdown, the same number of years ago these crimes happened.

“Okay!!!” I yelled to the heavens, ‘I will do it, but only if you help me more, I can not do this alone.”

Immediately, I felt  a loving presence all around me. I asked it to protect me, and be with me at work today, most especially if Deirdre’s sister happens to turn up.

SHE DID.!! She did come. OMG. She really did.I burst into tears as soon as we sat down at my table.
What followed was the most beautiful reading I have ever had the honour to do.

I was taken to the light through the tunnel and spent time there with Deirdre, her Nanna and my client there. It was profoundly moving and I cannot describe it adequately. I was pretty ungrounded for the rest of the day to say the least.

As I am writing this, I still cannot believe it was true. I am in a weird head space for sure, right now, very focused on finding my original girl. Even more so after yesterday. To see Deirdre’s sister after that reading was priceless. Such a healing took place yesterday. Wow. Of course, I got straight on the phone to Mark to say I told you so!!!!

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13 Responses to The Dead Speak, Part II

  1. Anonymous says:

    Happy 4th to everyone! Am waiting for part 3! I'm the rogue, I guess. Read The Lovely Bones, didn't go see the movie because I simply didn't like the book. It didn't jive with the lifetime of communications and encounters I've had with the so-called "dead", who aren't really dead, of course. Something about it just, I don't know, didn't sit "right" with me. Different strokes for diffferent folks. Natalie, keep up the good work, girl! You've definitely got a rare gift and a calling! Blessing or curse, I'm sure you ask. It can be either/or, depending on the circumstances. But it brings you such an opportunity to be of service to both those who have left the building, and those who are left behind. You'll do whatever is right for you to do, whatever that may be. We're all cheering for you! Weird unrelated WV: "cousto", as in oceanographer Jacques? albeit spelled differently. He must be aghast at the goings-on in the Gulf!cj "MU"

  2. Nancy says:

    I read this on Natalie's blog. Just an amazing story! I also read Lovely Bones, but decided not to read the book. I have a very weird reaction to stories of murdered children or women.

  3. Natalie says:

    He so is, Trish.

    Backpacker has turned up safe and sound. 🙂

    I thought Tucci was fantastic in that role. SOOOOOO convincing. I appreciated the movie, but liked the book better.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Mark! How great that you dropped by. You're one of the good guys, for sure.
    – Trish

  5. Anonymous says:

    Great story and I didn't need an "I told you so" because I actually have more faith in Natalie than she has in herself! 🙂

    I too am intrigued to see how this will continue to unfold …

    Mark (hub)

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm hoping for part 3 of this story, with natalie finding the girl.

    Loved the lovely bones – the book. Thought the movie was good, too, but did find it creepy in some ways.

  7. lakeviewer says:

    It brings me chills!

  8. Sansego says:

    I don't know if you've ever seen the movie "The Lovely Bones", but I just watched it last night. Gave me the major creeps (particularly Stanley Tucci's character). The novel is much better, though I read that years ago.

    It covers the same type of situation you describe. What you are doing is uncomfortable for you personally, but a true blessing for those who are still in pain with the not knowing what happened decades ago. Keep up the good work! Sounds like a calling.

  9. Barbara Martin says:

    That connection to the divine is very difficult to convey to others but the loving presence is the same for everyone. Another is a scent very similar to Johnson's Baby Powder accompanied by a brief glimpse of pastel robes. The energy from the angels and divine beings is healing while providing a sense of connection.

    Natalie, although the divine will assist you in this endeavour your choices will determine the path taken. I wish you the best of luck.

  10. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    What can I say but – amazing! A remarkable story.

  11. DJan says:

    I am more convinced all the time that what we know as reality is a very small part of what is. This is a very moving story, to say the least. And how wonderful a story, too. It is very healing.

  12. Natalie says:

    Seems to be a pattern forming with these girls for some reason.

    A backpacker (girl) went missing on Thursday from a Sydney beach. I woke up with a nearby suburb in my head 12 hours before I heard the news.
    No sign of her yet. 🙁

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