The Girl Beneath the Car

 This Emil Nolde painting has nothing to do with the post. I just love the colors!
  This synchronicity came from Nancy Atkinson, during an email exchange where she just happened to mention that her husband has great instincts.
One time we were visiting my brother and as we were back out of a long curving driveway, with music and air conditioning blazing, we rolled onto something that caused our car to stop. I thought it was just a rock. But my husband didn’t hit the gas for quite a long time. I looked over at him and he was just staring straight ahead and not moving. At about that time my brother and sister in law came running around the corner screaming at us to not move! My little niece was stuck under our car!! She had used one of those saucer things for playing in the snow and had slid down a hill next to the driveway and right under our car. Her head stopped our car tire! If he had hit the gas we would have killed our niece! I’ve learned to trust his instincts!

It happened outside Placerville, CA. I had even told him to “go!” I couldn’t figure out why he was still sitting there staring straight ahead. But he didn’t move – and then we saw my brother and sister in law running toward us screaming to stay put. It was so weird. I asked him what he was thinking and he said he felt he shouldn’t hit the gas, he didn’t know why. I think it was my father, who had recently passed away, whispering in his ear not to move. His little granddaughter was under the tire and he knew my brother and I could never look at each other the same way if we had killed his little girl.

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15 Responses to The Girl Beneath the Car

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    incredible story, nancy! just incredible on all levels!

    and reminds me of a little blip i heard on a home shopping network show this morning – i wanted a pair of the super side mirrors for my car – the ones that show things in your car's blind spots – anyway, a person called in to say that several months ago she had bought these mirrors but for more than two months had not put them on her car after they arrived – just never got around to doing it – and then one day, she decided to just do it and so she put them on as she left to got out and about – got on the highway and was about to change lanes, using only her rearview mirror and the way was clear for her to get over so she started over and then decided to check her side mirror and there was another car exactly in the blind spot where it was totally invisible otherwise – so she missed a collision –

  2. Anonymous says:

    Such a close call! I think the "angels unaware" were on the job that day, bless'em! cj in MU
    WV: shuton

  3. Nancy says:

    Just to clear up this terrible telling of the story that I wrote to Trish – It was summer and the hill next to the car was dirt – she was using a snow toy on a dirt hill. Needless to say, it was not something we thought about as we were backing out of the drive. She must have ran and up the little hill as we were getting in the car. The driveway curved around and then entered a street. We were back up when the car appeared to hit a rock or something in the driveway. The rock was my niece.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Sansego, two things come to my mind about the "air conditioning" and the "snow". Maybe the child was simply riding the slider down a steep grass hill….it may not have been snowing or had snow on the ground. My boys used to do that in the summertime when our house was on a high hill. Or 2) Often the air conditioning system is running when we use the defroster/heater, as they are all part of the same system? In any event, thank goodness the little girl was saved!
    And good for you for listening to your own 'gut' instincts, as that is generally the voice of intuition! cj in MU

  5. Natalie says:

    Thank goodness for guardian angels!!!!
    Gosh, that could have been so awful for Nancy.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good story, Sansego!

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    From Nancy A, about her story:

    Nancy has left a new comment on your post "The Girl Beneath the Car":

    It was just so weird! I'm happy to say that little girl is now a beautiful young woman of 23.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    For some reason, comments aren't showing up here. So here is Sansego's:

    Sansego has left a new comment on your post "The Girl Beneath the Car":

    Very important story and worth remembering for trusting one's instincts. The only detail that confuses me is that they were running their A/C when there was snow outside?

    This story reminds me of the time when I was at a stoplight and even though the light turned green, I felt something keeping me from stepping on the gas. Then a car sped past me, running its light. Had I gone when the light turned green, I would have been T-boned on the driver's side.

    Sometimes, I always worry about not hearing an intuition because it never seems to be loud enough, but based on experience, I've been "saved" from potential harm because I actually felt a level of discomfort about doing something.

    If only I could "hear" my intuition for non-emergency situations, then I might actually find a better job!

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I keep publishing Nancy's comment, but it refuses to show up. So I copied it:
    "It was just so weird! I'm happy to say that little girl is now a beautiful young woman of 23."

  10. Sansego says:

    Very important story and worth remembering for trusting one's instincts. The only detail that confuses me is that they were running their A/C when there was snow outside?

    This story reminds me of the time when I was at a stoplight and even though the light turned green, I felt something keeping me from stepping on the gas. Then a car sped past me, running its light. Had I gone when the light turned green, I would have been T-boned on the driver's side.

    Sometimes, I always worry about not hearing an intuition because it never seems to be loud enough, but based on experience, I've been "saved" from potential harm because I actually felt a level of discomfort about doing something.

    If only I could "hear" my intuition for non-emergency situations, then I might actually find a better job!

  11. Barbara Martin says:

    I think it's more a case of being intuitive, an ability that everyone has. Great story, though.

  12. Nancy says:

    It was just so weird! I'm happy to say that little girl is now a beautiful young woman of 23.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It really is an amazing story. Instincts. Powerful.

  14. d page says:

    Thank God for instinct! This is a harrowing story.

  15. 67 Not Out (mike Perry) says:

    That post takes your breath away. There's certainly a lesson for us there: if instinct comes knocking don't ignore it.

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