The Mumford Clan


Today’s synchronicity has a couple of layers. It seems to be another one of those instances where the Internet and blogging create a rich atmosphere in which synchronicity can occur. It involves Connie Cannon and Gypsy.

On May 11, we posted an update on the significance of the number 11, from Connie, who is a long time numerologist. It seems that her correspondence with Gypsy started around that time. Connie poked around on one of Gypsy’s blogs, the YAYA tree,  which traces her family’s geneology, and ran across the name Mumford.

It’s not exactly a common name – certainly not like Smith or Jones – and alarms went off in Connie’s head. She, too, had Mumfords in her family tree that dated back to Ireland. In an exchange of emails, Connie and Gypsy realized they are related through the Mumford clan.

So here we have two women who met through a blog on synchronicity and discovered they are actually related. How cool is that?  Maybe the 8th secret is Cool Synchros.

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14 Responses to The Mumford Clan

  1. simply says:

    yeah guess bit of a coincidence,, but after further thought, still just a partial,,,
    again goes back to "71" envolves river, between mine and the one kids high school, "county border" then goes back another 200+ years. But as for the internet but a synchronicity machine,,, well it certainly funnels ideas,,,

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    sorry – forgot to mention the wonderful image – thanks so much for such a beautiful reminder!

  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, it's absolutely totally incredible to have found a genetically linked "other" here – and it's true – every time one of us tells a story of this or that personal experience, the other has had an almost identical same experience and/or exactly the same – and in the same time period – just amazing!

    and you know, trish, with you all, too, the thing of my own degree of familiarity with you and rob that shortly after "meeting" you all here, i dream "visited" your home – i think you're totally right about the internet being a synchronicity universe –

    great post, by the way! 🙂

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm beginning to regard the internet as a synchronicity universe.

  5. Barbara Martin says:

    I had a similar circumstances in meeting a distant cousin through a common family ancestor of 8 generations back. The internet has interesting connections for most people.

  6. Natalie says:

    Very, very cool synchro and Simon's too. 🙂

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Now THAT'S a synchro, Simon!

  8. simple says:

    so simon was up in Yosemite, doing some miles,, while at the camp ground for his last night coulpe of guys half his age show up,, the eve of the 4th,, their about to start a little trip… turns out they went to a college in my old area,,, I had applied at the school they went to,, one of them went to high school about 7 miles from mine,,, one mentioned how they had lived in Manhatten… I mention how I use to work on (39 years ago) 355 W. xy street…. One of the kids (guys) says to me, well right now his place of employeement is 350 W. xy street… now that's a small city NO. But the park's waters where at there PEEK and that was nice and cool. Now I see "xy" 39 years ago (only year I worked, "71") was 39th street,, now I GET IT, it's a coincidence…

  9. Anonymous says:

    I had left a P.S. that the photos of ireland are stunning! I've so much wanted to visit that home of my near-ancestors, but haven't made it this time out! It's such a magical, mystical land! cj in MU
    WV: scenil

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    OK, this post is also not taking comments. Here is one from 67 not out:

    67 Not Out (Mike Perry) has left a new comment on your post "The Mumford Clan":

    It's simply mind blowing when such things happens. There is so much to this story (and the above comment) – fascinating.

  11. Anonymous says:

    P.S. Love love LOVE those photos!

  12. Nancy says:

    Wow, what a great story. So nice for Gypsy and Connie.

  13. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    It's simply mind blowing when such things happens. There is so much to this story (and the above comment) – fascinating.

  14. Anonymous says:

    This still just blows me away, guys! Yep, Gypsy and I have discovered we are cousins not very far removed! I'm in process of constructing a family tree to connect our dots, but we were both thrilled to learn about this. Another incredible, almost eerie synchronicity between Gyps and me is that the experiences in our lives ALL our lives, have run like parallel lines,the way twins who were part t birth and never met until many years later, learn that their lives had identical experiences in tandem all along the way. An amazing journey; a wonderful discovery. Puzzling; enchanting! Thanks for posting!
    cj in MU WV: graci !!

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