Seed Money

 One of my first stops every day in blogland is Mike Perry’s blog on synchronicity. A few weeks ago, he posted a wonderful story that he called Seed Money. It’s an exercise in visualization and belief. And it’s uplifting. I tried it – and it works. But don’t take my word or Mike’s – try it yourself.

I’ve mentioned previously how I believe that once we start visualising the things we want in life coincidence or synchronicity often follows. So today I though I’d write a little about Seed Money. This is where it’s possible to ‘plant’ money and watch it grow.

Firstly, Seed Money isn’t anything to do with tithing. To tithe is to give one-tenth of an income to a church, charity or some good cause – this is giving, therefore, after we have received.

Seed money is the other way round. Giving first and then receiving a ten fold return – some successful practitioners call it the Law of Tenfold Return.

Over the years I’ve experimented with Seed Money and generally speaking it works.

If you haven’t heard of this process previously it’s simplicity itself. You give an amount of money to an organisation or charity that you feel needs the cash. Or it can be to a needy individual or family.

You give the money with the full belief that it will return to you tenfold i.e. give £10 or $10 and receive back £100 or $100.

This is the full procedure.

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over …(1) Plant your Seed Money – by giving it freely, without fear to the person or organisation you choose.

(2) Cultivate your Seed Money by claiming your return. Use your own phrase, something you feel comfortable with, but along the lines of: “I have received £/$ …… (ten times the amount given) in return, to the good of all concerned. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

(3) Repeat the phrase over and over during the day and especially last thing at night and first thing in the morning.

And that’s it. You simply believe that the money claimed is already yours.

How the money will actually arrive isn’t your problem, just trust that it will. Perhaps a coincidence will happen, maybe you’ll get a completely unexpected bonus from your employer, you might win a prize, who knows … but it will come about.

If you haven’t planted Seed Money previously I would suggest you start small. Perhaps a few pounds or dollars that won’t affect your budget. Working this way is a bit like developing your muscles, do it gradually. Confidence and belief will build until you know 100% that it will work. You can then start lifting those heavier weights or demonstrating larger amounts of money.

Seed Money may sound crazy to some readers but whatever we give out we get back – be that good things or bad.

The truth is, we could just ask and visualise the amount of money we want without giving first – but Seed Money makes the whole process easier and more believable. Plus someone or some organisation will benefit too, which can’t be bad.

Good luck.
We’d love to hear if/how this works for you!

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15 Responses to Seed Money

  1. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Some interesting comments, a couple of responses.

    cj: Seed Money should be given in secret. Yes, the principle is suggested here but I'm not saying anyone should tell others about how they gave $xx to Mr.X and then got back $Xxx. It's something to do in private. Your son in effect gave/gives Seed Money. If we scatter seeds most will grow and produce more seeds, of a similar kind, in abundance.

    Von: Visualising works – even if we are are greedy – it's up to us to decide our needs. I wouldn't personally suggest anyone indulges in any form of greed. But if we require a certain amount of money, and can actually help someone else by giving, it's surely a nicer / better for all way of visualising. Or perhaps you would give after receiving but many wouldn't

    It's up to us all individually as to what we believe to be right or wrong.


  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    You pay a bill for $115.00. A few days later, you receive a check for the same or nearly the same amount. I think that's what seed $ is, when you give from the heart.

  3. Sansego says:

    I have to agree with CJ. When I read the post, I had similar feelings as CJ…about giving with a request and expectation that you will receive a tenfold increase back. I appreciated reading the story about her son and how he gave in secret. It reminds me of what Jesus told his followers about praying in secret rather than in public. Jesus also told the parable of the widow's mite who gave all she had discretely, while the wealthy Pharisees made sure that people saw them give lots of money in the donation box.

    I am going to try this experiment, though. There are a few people who need some money right now. I'm not in the best financial shape to give, but I do want to help these individuals out.

    I like how you started the blog by saying that this blogger and you know this is true, but to not take your word for it…to try it out yourself. This is how Buddhists promote their faith to those who aren't Buddhists, which I find to be a better way of gaining converts than the Christian way of "accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior if you don't want to go to hell!" One method is a chellenging experiment you dare someone to try, the other is purely obedience and taking someone else's word as "the truth" with little input on your part.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Butternut – love your idea of a jewelry giveaway!

    Von – greed sure is the basis for the mess things are in – from the housing crash to the gulf mess. I don't see seed $ as greedy, though. It's another tool. And if done from the heart, it works.

  5. Von says:

    So that's how Goldman and Sachs got so big!
    It fits so well with the greed of our times that we don't give anything freely without expecting a big return.Sad!
    I do believe however in visualising what we need and it manifesting, as long as we are not greedy about it, it will happen!

  6. Natalie says:

    Question: if the eclipse is in Cancer, then the energy of that eclipse is highlighted where you have Cancer in your chart?

  7. Natalie says:

    I have never heard of Seed Money.Hmmmmmmmmm

    Links look interesting I will check them out. LURVE astrology. 🙂

    Also, your post yesterday led me to find my IChing book after not looking at it for about 10 years.


  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    glad you're not seeing this one as dire – and thanks so much for referral! now to visit celeste!

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Eclipses can be challenging if you have a lesson to learn and then the lesson seems to be connected to the sign and house placement of the eclipse. I don't think of this one as dire. But I'm not an expert on eclipses, either. Explore:
    Celeste has written 2 books on eclipses. She's a real pro.

  10. Butternut Squash says:

    I guess I need to start handing out cash a little faster.

    Actually, I was thinking about trying a jewelry give away on

    Perhaps this is the inspiration I was looking for. What a good idea!

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    for me, it's really interesting that you posted this today – because just hours before turning on my computer, i gave money to two different family members who really needed it, even though it was more than a sacrifice for me to do so – and meant robbing peter to pay paul to give to them so to speak – and while i did not do it from the seed money perspective, i gave it knowing that i will be ok somehow –

    also had been wondering of your take on the eclipse tomorrow but had just forgotten to mention it – now to check out the susan miller site – thanks for that! oh, and you mention that "some" astrologers are looking at it in dire terms – does that include you two, trish and rob?

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Connie – it worked for me. But I think you have to give from the heart.

    New moons are definitely powerful.

    Tomorrow's solar eclipse in Cancer is like a double new moon. Some astrologers are looking at it in dire terms, but susan miller is far more upbeat.

  13. Nancy says:

    I know this works. There have been times I've given money and it was not without a bit of worry, only to open the mailbox and there will be a check for something like a rebate, etc.

    I also used a blogging friend's suggestion to write yourself a check at the new moon for an open amount such as "abundance" and tack it on a bulletin board. That also works.

    I also think repeating a mantra, used frequently, thanking the Universe for all that you have, opens us up to receiving more. Again, like attracts like.

    Seed money is great. I'll have to try it. Thanks!

  14. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Thanks for publishing the post. Seed Money really does work!

  15. Anonymous says:

    Hhhmmmmm. Oh dear. I'm afraid I'm going to be somewhat in disagreement here and hope it doesn't anger anyone. I absolutely agree 150% in principle with the concept of positive visualization. It works, and there is no doubt about that. Positive visualization, combined with powerful desire, will and intent, works in whatever situation it is applied. (It's a form of "magick".) That includes bringing money in and having one's economic needs met. As mentioned here previously, I gave my husband a beautiful, small piece of gold pyrite to carry in his left pocket, (left side brings energies in, right side gives energies out), telling my husband that the pyrite is a consecrated "charm", (it is), that will bring him big work with big pay. (He's a contractor) It has worked fantastically. (Because he BELIEVES and has faith that it works!) He has more work than he can reasonably do, after having had it slow down to a trickle when the recession kicked in. Contrarily, regarding the aspect of "seed money": of giving and fully expecting, fully knowing that it will be returned tenfold or whatever-fold one may desire, flies against my personal conviction that when we give, that giving is to be done with an open and undeslfish heart, expecting NOTHING in return for the giving. No strings attached. I DO have the conviction, though, that what goes around comes around, and that when we give freely and then release even the very thought of having given, karma kicks in and sooner or later, the gift comes back to us in one way or another, but we don't "program" that to happen. My youngest son is an example of this conviction in action. Growing up, and as a teenager, he never had much money of his own and worked hard for what he did have. But I would see him, thinking no one COULD see him, giving a helping hand of money or whatever he had to someone in need. He did this in secret, he believed. Here's one of the stories: We were having dinner in a local restaurant. There was an obviously homeless, frail old fellow sitting alone in a booth, rags on his hands to keep warm, unshaven, dirty. It was freezing outside, and the waitresses didn't have the heart to put him back out on the street. I had gone to the restroom, and when I came out, I saw my son leaning over the counter at the cash register. I slowed down and watched. He had no idea I saw this transaction. He very discreetly slid a (large denomination) bill across the counter to the hostess and whispered, "please feed that old gentlemen", then he put his finger to his lips, indicating "don't tell", and walked away. I pretended I'd not seen. There were many examples of this throughout his young years that he truly thought he was doing without being seen. Once he gave his very last dollar to a veteran begging on the curb…he thought we were still inside the store and didn't see his act of kindness. Point: My son is now an adult and life (karma?) has brought him economic security, freedom, and a wonderfully happy family life beyond his wildest imagination. Yet he still gives "in secret", expecting nothing in return. I know this has been a long comment, but I just had to say that I do know that visulaization works. (I use it myself, as in sending healing to the GOM.) But that when we give something to another or to an organization, should we EXPECT to get something in return, even a tax bonus, or should we give freely because we see a need, and give with no strings and no obligations and no expectations, and then release from our minds the very awareness that we have given? For me, that seems the better, higher path to take. But that's just me. And btw, please don't think there is any criticism involved in this comment. It's just a sharing of my personal convictions and is in no way meant to be critical of anyone else's ideas or beliefs. cj in MU

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