Meditation Synchros

Rob is teaching a meditation course at our gym, a somewhat unusual pursuit for a place where people grunt and sweat and pound out their miles on treadmills. It’s considered a specialty class, so attendees have to pay over and beyond their monthly gym membership. In other words, they want to be there.

In one recent class, July 12, Rob did a wonderful meditation that involved remote viewing. First, the relaxation. His voice is a voice you would follow to the end of time. I felt myself floating, then the hard floor began to bother my back, so I raised one leg to even things out. But I was still able to follow his voice, leading me – us, the class – to a point in the future where we would see a headline. It might be in a newspaper, on TV, the Internet, even something heard on the radio.

We were supposed to see it vividly, with captions, photos. Just as I perched at the border of sleep, I saw the new containment cap working. The gusher of oil either slowed or stopped. But I dismissed it as wishful thinking and then promptly zoned out.

When Rob brought us out of the meditation, he asked what people had seen. One woman said she had seen the new containment cap working. Rob said he had seen rectangular shapes that were yellow, against a kind of purple background. I’m sitting there thinking, Holy crap. They saw what I saw, and it might all be wishful thinking.

When we got home and turned on Countdown, there it was, the yellow rectangular shape, the new containment cap, against a purple background (the dark water). Olbermann announced that the cap appeared to be working. True to the nature of newspapers today–not being able to keep up with the Internet or cable news–our local paper pictured the yellow cap surrounded by purple water on the front page a day late.

It looked as if the meditation on remote viewing actually had produced accurate results, and since Carl Jung grouped psychic experiences as a sub-set of synchronicity, it’s a synchro hit.The remote viewing meditation  Rob used is one of several meditations on the CD that accompanies his book, Psychic Power.

Four days into the cap, it appears to be holding. And yet Huffingtonpost reports seepage.  So what’s the real deal?

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15 Responses to Meditation Synchros

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Vicki – the WV is unsettling.

  2. Vicki D. says:

    I wasn't going to leave another message but then I saw the word verification……eerie…..calsties,-casualties?

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    There's seepage reported, but no one seems concerned about it.

    That's some WV, Vicki: squid or screwed. Hmm.

  4. Natalie says:

    Oh! Go you! That is awesome guys. 🙂

  5. Nancy says:

    Great post. Wow. I'll have to look into his book Psychic Power.

    I hope and pray everyday for that cap to work.

  6. Vicki D. says:

    I wish I lived closer so that I could be in your meditation class!

    I immediately went to Amazon though and bought your book with the CD,now I cannot wait.

    I am going crazy waiting for Esperanza to be released!!!

    In regards to BP I still have bad feelings. When we were in London, no one over there was covering any of this.

    Interesting thought yesterday about the east coast earthquakes being related to the BP disaster.

    WV: squed…squid or screwed?

  7. DJan says:

    We are all so hopeful about that cap. It's been such an incredible disaster and we need to see the end of it, and I do hope this is it. I am encouraged by the remote viewing meditation. Fingers crossed that it will begin to heal now…

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Just clicked over to huffingpost. Turns out BP photoshopped their command center. Here's the link:

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Cole – you probably are seeing stuff. I only astral projected once, years ago, but definitely did leave my body. Remote viewing seems to be quite different – seeing something at a distance location, but from within your own body.

    I trust Kaku's instincts as a scientist. But this cap this still bothers me. The pressure has to go somewhere.

  10. Cole says:

    How cool, that some of you collectively saw images of the capped oil. Being so concerned as you both were/are (as were others, but you both made points to post numerous pieces on the subject) maybe that topic was something you subconsciously were truly connected to already, making it easier to tap into your vision and see.

    I have just been researching out this phenomenon of remote viewing for my blog on Mystic, slow going again, but I'll get to it soon. Anyway, I am struggling to understand what it is that I have experienced for years myself. Remote viewing or astral projecting, I don't know, too much wine LOL.

    But I frequently see things during meditation, or when I am just very relaxed near sleep or if things are very quite and I am alone. They are quick images of people I do not know, doing random daily things or places that I am not sure of where they are. But it feels like I am right there watching it and them.

    I snap out of it and feel puzzled if it was my imagination or am I really seeing something. It is strange and feels weird too. On several occasions though I was accurate with what I saw and how it related to a family member that was terminally ill and another who had been hospitalized.

    So it makes me wonder about the times I see the strangers. Sounds weird I know. Interesting post as usual.

    By the way, I am enjoying your book. 🙂

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, MAN!!! i'm so jealous! i wanna be there!!! in the class!

    ok, baby-whining over – what an incredible journey you all took! just incredible! and how beautiful to see your mother and father looking well – what a message for you, trish!

    about the cap – i listened to M KAKU on GMA this morn say that he is optimistic in terms of the cap – however, he did acknowledge that there are more than on fissures or cracks of leaking methane and some he thinks are related to this well – there is one that is about 2 miles from the well that he said may not be part of this – what he was most optimistic about was also apparently that bp or whomever now has a couple of contingency plans – of course, that does nothing to assuage any feelings i have about them and/or their abilities and/or truthfulness – but of the cap itself, it does seem to be working as "it" is intended – my concern, like cj's is not directly with the cap but with the pressure from below – in any event, wonderful positive vision you all had of the cap working – exciting!!!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Oh gosh, Trish, what a magnificent gift! And you KNOW thay are young and perfect now, and appearing to you at their best! So, so special!
    P.S. The blue and lavender picture of the chakras. etc, is simply breath-taking! Strange, strange WV, Trish. If you go and look at my most recent email to you, then come back and look at this WV: "forep"…you'll understand the synchronicity. My email to you was about an Elvis Presley song, initials EP, which I used several times in the email, now here are his initials in my WV: forep. FOR EP. What, I wonder, is the message? There is one, no doubt!

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Last night's meditation was a chakra meditation. During the solar plexus part of it, I saw my mother sitting in a corner of a room, with my dad walking toward her. Both looked great. My dad, who had Parkinson's the last years of his life, walked normally, My mother looked about 35.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Great post! And such interesting synchronicity that several of you "saw" such similar images! In terms of the cap "working", that could potentially be interpreted in several ways, maybe? That the cap itself will work in terms of containing the oil, although there may be leaks elsewhere. AP and all MSM are reporting the cap is leaking oil and gas but the cap isn't being removed. Hopefully over time it WILL work effectively and there will be no repercussions elsewhere from the extreme pressure. I would interpret the vision of the headline and the colors as indicating that the cap, in and of itself, is doing the job and preventing the gusher from continuing. Taking the situation further, though, I would hope that the containment cap, while doing ITS job, doesn't create other issues, which is what I think most of us are praying! Wonderful Yoga session, when several folks receive the same input! Thanks for sharing! I once participated in a group meditation/hypnosis session with about 30 other folks, facilitated by Ron but with absolutely NO suggestive input from him, and afterwards when we shared our experiences, many of us had "gone" to the very same place! It was phenomenal! cj WV:
    "somys" relevant to "somnambulent"??

  15. 67 Not Out (mike Perry) says:

    If there is no time I guess we can see the future – sounds a great meditation.

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