Mass Dreams of the Future

A little background on this book, published in 1989.

On November 22, 2009, we posted a story called Domed City. It was about an hypnotic progression that Renie Wiley, a psychic and friend, did for Rob and I. To recap from that earlier post, I saw myself as a bald woman, living in a domed city. Renie asked me a series of questions about why we were living in domes, why I was bald. It wasn’t a style; it was the result of a genetic shift in the population apparently the result of some sort of catastrophe way back when (no dates given). Now the lucky people lived in domes, the unlucky ones lived outside, eking out an existence in a shattered landscape.

Not long afterward, we ran across Mass Dreams of the Future by Helen Wambaugh and Chet Snow. Dr. Wambaugh , a past-life regressionist for nearly thirty years, began progressing groups of people in their future lives. She progressed more than 2000 people in France and the U.S. to three different time periods – the late 1990s, 2100 and 2300. Three different future scenarios emerged – and one of them was life in the dome.

So I was thinking about this book the other day, looked for it in our library, couldn’t find it, and ordered a used copy. It arrived yesterday and I’m now about halfway through it. What’s especially interesting about the book now,  more than 20 years after I first read it, is that Helen used the late 1990s as one of her target eras. As Rob noted, she probably chose that date  because of the proximity to the year 2000.

But the 1990s material in the book doesn’t fit that time frame at all. If anything, it fits what is happening in the world now: an inflation in food prices; unusual weather patterns that “wreak havoc on crops and livestock production; a stock market that is no longer a secure investment because “it swings up and down more wildly” than ever before; an intensification in financial crises and bank failures; difficulties with credit cards; increased volcanic activity, more severe earthquakes, both of which “disrupt communications and fan inflationary pressures.” The material also goes into the types of political turmoil that people saw in their progressions, all of which echoes the current political turmoils.

Even though the time frame for these scenarios is wrong, Helen’s statistics are fascinating – and troubling. After each of these progression workshops, Helen had the participants fill out extensive questionnaires about what they experienced and which era they went to – late 1990s, 2100, or 2300 AD. About 6 percent of participants chose 2100 AD while 13 percent chose 2300 AD. In other words, only 20 percent of so of the participants saw themselves living in either of these future time periods. Helen was  so puzzled and troubled by these statistics that she asked several colleagues to hold identical workshops. But the statistics were consistent: only 20 percent of participants saw themselves in future lives either of these eras.

In chapter 8, the book discusses “mass dreams” of 2300 A.D. and beyond and one of these scenarios is the domed cities. They are described as “modern, futuristic cites set among rolling hills and verdant fields. Buildings incorporate curved roofs or domes which are translucent.” I didn’t see any rolling hills, but the dome in which I lived was certainly translucent. 

Helen was apparently so depressed by her findings – of a severely depopulated planet in the twenty-second century – that she considered not publishing her findings. Fortunately for the rest of us, she overcame her reluctance. So despite the inaccuracies about the late 1990s target date (Nebraska, for instance, is on the west coast), there’s a lot of material in this book that coincides with what Edgar Cayce predicted (his dates were wrong, too) and with what other psychics throughout the centuries have predicted. And if you talk to a Christian about the end times, they say it’s all in the bible.

Chet Snow is still alive. He apparently leads tours to sacred sites around the planet. Right here, you can  see a map of what he believes the planet will look like at some point between 1998 and 2012. While I was reading this material tonight, I received a text message from Gypsy, alerting us to a National Geographic special on 2012 and the end of the Mayan calendar. Nice little synchro.

So Rob and I watched it – and nearly turned off the TV when they showed a scientist trekking through woods and brush to get to Chichen Itza. When the site is open to the public, it’s filled with tour buses. The surrounding area looks like a parking lot. The best part of the show was at the end, 16,000 feet in the mountains of Peru, where tropical plants were flash frozen 5,200 years ago, a time frame indicated in various cultures – including the Mayan calendar – for some sort of catastrophic event that changed the global climate and geography.

Skipping around in the book, there was a part about where some of the participants in these progressions saw themselves living in these future eras: Arizona, Louisiana, Mississippi, New England, Utah, Washington state, Oregon, greater NYC,  Australia, England, France, Tibet, the shores of the Indian Ocean.An American depicted Manhattan of 2090 as “having no plant life…the tops of the buildings were damaged and there were piles of rubble, stones and pebbles underfoot.” Other descriptions of various areas included a report by a San Francisco man who felt he was living among the ruins of L.A. He could see “islands, perhaps what’s left of California. The weather is strange, with fog and clouds and lots of purple in the sky.”

As I watched the National Geographic special, I kept thinking about the oil in the Gulf of Mexico. Is that the planetary tipping point?

This entry was posted in 2012, Cayce, domed city, future, helen wambaugh, progressions. Bookmark the permalink.

27 Responses to Mass Dreams of the Future

  1. Hope to unite people to save planet EARTH says:

    We are here at this time for a purpose with our rising consciousness. We are here to help Earth moving to forward to a higher dimension and help humanity along the way (those who are ready and want to move forward in their consciousness).

    Every body has a choice, including us. I think we all should aim to leave human existence if possible but for those who are still wanting to learn on this Earthy existence, hope they could learn in a better environment.

    I believe living close to nature would bring us to the truth and hence we need to be nature's friends. It means that we need to respect nature like plants and animals and in order to do that, only vegetarian/vegan lifestyle would bring us to that path.



  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    an eagle or a dove…hmmm. Good question, simple!

  3. simple says:

    a guitar player once pointed to me that it had been said, written not sure I guess both that "a Bird in the hand was worth 2 in the Bush" question is whom is the Bird. Is it an Eagle or maybe a Dove… As far as humanity being a cash crop,,, well thinking unless a person is INDEPENDENT,, which contrary to some's belief I'm thinking is a "Oxymoron" a person is always basically under someones rule or the other.. Like beonging to the EARTH (absolutely love the native americans mentality),,, but if he she (a person) is smart they might choice the most benevalent owner they kind find…. Bush was brought in to do the work that yes,, the powers that be wanted done and if he didn't well,,,

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I DO remember that movie. Heston was good in it. Sure didn't make me want to live in 2022, though!

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i agree with trish's comment above that…"mass consciousness creates the world/environment where we live. Our personal consciousness creates our experiences from the inside out. Perhaps mass consciousness is creating catastrophic events so that we, humanity, can begin to shift into a new paradigm." – and i think about it frequently in light of the global issues today –

    my own dreams/visions of domed cities have not been frightening nor dismal even – for whatever that might mean –

    however, i am also reminded in this post and all the dialogue of the 1970s film SOYLENT GREEN which takes place in the year 2022 – has anyone seen that one?

  6. Anonymous says:

    If a domed city was filled with lots of light, flowers, trees, and animals, I would enjoy such an existence. It feels very familiar to me. During several individual hypnosis sessions, (facilitated by the same clinical/medical hypnotist who gave me no suggestive guidance per se), I found myself alone, standing, inside a vertical "crystal" octagonal enclosure, just large enough for one person. The crystal "box" was prismed like a rainbow, and while being thus "encased", I received astonishing insights. I'm severely claustrophobic, so one would think I'd be kicking and screaming in that enclosure. But it somehow felt like "home" to me, and I sense living within a translucent domed city would have a similar effect. (For me.) I truly think I've been there, done that. Maybe just in dreams or memories, but nonetheless….
    cj in MU

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    >>We are seen by the elite as a sort of cash crop!

    Jane, fits with the reptilian saga that has most of the world's movers and shakers moving and shaking in reptilian skin beneath their fake human appearances. The royal family among them. Yikes!

  8. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Super post – so much food for thought – thanks.

    Your own last comment about Bush: Similar things have happened in the UK under Bush's mate (puppy-dog?) Tony Blair. It will be interesting if any of this will actually be changed or rescinded by our new PM Cameron – or perhaps it is now an unstoppable motion.

    (After thinking about it, I don't see the Oil Spill as being a tipping point.)

  9. Jane says:

    Thank you All for amazing thought provoking,aware & intelligent stuff that resonates with me. I think also we are creating our personal & collective realities because I as far as I am aware we live in a multi dimensional holographic universe in which we are witnessing ourselves in the act of creation. I have not experienced the dreams of living in domes & probably would not chose to re incarnate into that reality. The absence of poulation in the dreams indicates to me that many others may have entered a different reality/parallel universe of light filled 5th density awareness. I hope so!
    Politically I honestly do not think it matters which president/prime minister is in power, because I dont believe they are elected by us at all – the idea of democratic election is there to distract us from the truth that real power resides much further up,Illuminati, whatever you want to label it. Presidents are fairly low down in the heirarchy (47 top secret levels beyond president!)Lies,nesting in lies & more lies like Russian Dolls,so much top secret that no one department can ever grasp the whole picture,mis information at every level,even NASA just another spin doctor!The power shaping the world manipulate very profitable wars, manipulate us into believing we are free.Having been brainwashed into a slave mentality for centuries we don't know what true freedom is! We are seen by the elite as a sort of cash crop!Food is used as a weapon to reduce population (both starving millions & the rest of us plenty of toxic food devoid of nutrition) which means we get sick & the pharmaceutical industry gets richer further posioning us with ineffective medicines & callous ineffective treatments.I recommend project Camelot interviews on youtube if you want to know whats really going on. They interview whistleblowers from Science,goverment,archeolagy,NASA & so on,many of whom have risked their lives to get the truth out there.Truth is always first denied,then ridiculed & finally accepted as obvious!
    I am 58 & so glad I woke up! Thanks to Trish & Rob & the rest of you for the comfort of like minds & healthy open discussion. Bless you All!

  10. Natalie says:

    Awesome post that 'sits' with me.I have also dreamed of domes.

    I think you all should come Down Under for a coffee under my dome. 😀

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think that mass consciousness creates the world/environment where we live. Our personal consciousness creates our experiences from the inside out.

    Perhaps mass consciousness is creating catastrophic events so that we, humanity, can begin to shift into a new paradigm. The book, The Tipping Point, is about how an idea burgeons, spreads, tips consensus opinion/reality. For me, synchronicity is the language of that process. Love that you're a Libra. You guys help to balance the rest of us.

    Simple – Bush created A LOT of new policies/departments – warrantless wiretapping, homeland security, the TSA, Gitmo, condoned torture, started as war under false pretenses…Obama didn't create these things. He inherited them. But what has he done to change them?

    – Trish

  12. maggie's garden says:

    Thanks for a very interesting and educational post. This is amazing stuff here. I'm not sure how to process it all. On one hand I believe we create things that happen to us by connected thought energy…so in thinking these things as a mass we have a greater chance of it happening. And on the other hand…life just might be playing itself out regardless of our conscious thoughts. If that's the case do we have the conscious ability to change things even with our most positive thoughts of a thriving planet? Must be the Libra in me. I have read that the subconscious mind is the real creator of life…and that the veil between the subconscious/conscious mind is thinning and that it's rate of speed bringing forth to the conscious mind is increasing in speed….to a point that there is no time between the subconscious and conscious mind….the two are becoming instantaneous. Are we creating these catastrophic events at this subconscious level?

    wv karch first three letters in my name and arch as in dome?

  13. simple says:

    before we live under (if ever, or is that doom) domes, man might just wind up living under G.,,, but think of it domed cities,, think of how much construction it would take,, gots ta B goood for the econome,,, but as far as Obama going with Bushes policies,,, well whose policies where Bush running with,,, if the truth be known the Times aren't determined by the Pres… the Pres is detemined by the times,, ya wanna known synchro what Pres is it and what Super Bowl was it

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We're undergoing major changes in the environment, in the structure of society, in concepts of borders between countries, in the stability of political and religious institutions. The diehard reactionaries are fighting to hang on to the past, but it's a losing battle. Their grip on power is fading and they know it.

    A number of movies have been made about people who live in the protected sterile world under domes and those who live on the outside. One of my favorites was A Boy and His Dog (1975), starring a young Don Johnson, based on a short story by Harlan Ellison. Cool story and movie – R
    wv: worching…marching, watching

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It is a tall order for Obama, Sansego. Unfortunately, he has left a lot of Bush's policies in place. I'm hoping to avoid that life under a dome!

  16. Sansego says:

    All I know is that if the future of life on planet earth means living in domed cities, I would not want to reincarnate again. I'm a believer in reincarnation and can see many future possible lives I'd like the chance to live, but only if the earth was more like the last two hundred years or so.

    When I was in the 2nd grade (1979-1980), I often drew pictures of domed cities, as I imagined this was how the future would be. I don't know if I saw the idea somewhere or had an internal instinct or "knowing" for it, but whenever I read your posts on domed cities, I always have an uneasy feeling in my gut. This is not the future I want to see for our planet.

    As for the possible timeline errors, I've thought during my studies in political science and history in college that Democrats seem to slow down the "decay" or make improvements that delay a breakdown in society. We've seen under Presidents Hoover, Nixon, Reagan and Baby Bush just how badly our society decays. Perhaps some of President Clinton's policies slowed down what might have otherwise begun to happen if George Herbert Walker Bush had won a second term in 1992. Under Baby Bush, our societal structures rapidly declined to the lowest point since the Hoover years. I'm not sure if Obama has the fortitude and experience or vision to bring our country back to where it was in 2000. That's a tall order.

    It is my wish that more people would just "wake up" and see that we have a choice in our future, but our choices require sacrifices in our easy lifestyles, which most people don't seem inclined to do.

    If domed cities are inevitable, then I hope it only happens long after I'm gone and if this is my last lifetime on earth, I better make the best of it!

    wv: garigr

  17. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jen – bet florida sinks first!

    Debra – fascinating about prophecies that go back that far. & the fast food thing!

  18. Jeninacide says:

    The first thing I thought when I read this post was that there were a LOT of souls not coming back down to an earthly body. This idea doesn't bother me so much as I like the idea of not having to come back, necessarily. That map, however, is scary. According to that map I am underwater as we speak. ACK!

  19. d page says:

    I've also had future "experiences", where things don't bode well for humanity. Some remnants of technology that appeared in the most vivid episode are being developed now.

    I was never given a timeline.
    One mountain top in central California had become a small island. Massive changes.

    When I began my Tibetan studies I found that they have prophecies from 800 AD. In the prophecies, there is a future were there are not enough human bodies for the incarnation process. Prior to that is a period called "degenerating times" where the collective mindstream becomes mentally ill, and the elements that make up material existence are unbalanced. According to the teachings, we are in that time now. (Interestingly, one of the first indicators of the degenerating times was the appearance of "fast food readily available" with warnings about it being non-nutritious and contaminated in some way.)

  20. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We still have goodman's book somewhere in our library. It's a classic.

    Nancy – I've wondered the same thing. Some time ago, during a psychic reading, I asked if either of my parents was going to reincarnate soon. The psychic said my mother probably would be first, because she was more "community minded" than my dad was. True. Then she went on to say: "The only people who will be coming back in the near future will do so because they have a mission. Earth is not going to be a desirable place to live."

    wv: suresto – sure and then esto, spanish for this. sure this?!

  21. Anonymous says:

    A different idea: Cayce spoke of "domed crystal cities" in Atlantis. Time, whatever Time is, is not linear although we use linear Time. Time is round, a circle, according to Tesla and Einstein. Perhaps some of us are "remembering" past lives in Atlantis….rememberings that we may experience in this 3rd dimensional reality again in coming decades because we are repeating the same errors that were made in Atlantis? Perhaps we've passed this way before and are preparing to pass this way again, because we didn't learn how to prevent it. Just a thought.
    cj look at THIS WV: "mystsk" WOW!

  22. Anonymous says:

    Gyps, it seems that many, many of us are experiencing "future memory", in one way or another. I have quite a few friends who are choosing to re-locate and re-establish their lives and their families' lives, in various places in different parts of the country. I, personally, sense from the psychic input I've had for quite a long time, that at the end of the day, no place on the planet will ultimately be spared. But I also sense that while there will certainly be catastrophic, permanent life-altering events such as we have in the GOM, the events will come in an ever-increasing domino effect until there is virtually no time between the events. There is no "safe" place. I think we must do the very best we can do wherever we may be. There's a little plaque in my garden that reads, "Grow Where You Are Planted", and for me, that sums it up. No doubt about it, we are living in shivery chillijng times, Cuz. cj look at this WV: "soart" soar to it? or, "sow art" ?

  23. Nancy says:

    I'm wondering if the reduced number of earth participants is because people choose not to be reincarnated? It doesn't sound like an easy incarnation. Especially if you are not lucky enough to be in a dome! The timing was off, but many of the actions, that culminated in our current state of affairs, were germinated during the 1990's. The loss of jobs to Asia, the bubble, the rise in the consumption of oil in developing nations, etc.

    Fascinating post. I've read all that Edgar Cayce had to say on the subject, but may have to order this book. I do know many of us feel a foreboding, a definite desire to "circle the wagons", so to speak.

  24. Anonymous says:

    P.S. I just went to Amazon to see if Goodman's book WE ARE THE EARTHQUAKE GENERATION is still available. It is there, in several editions. He originally wrote it in 1978…..many years before Y2k. That 1978 is the edition I purchased. So, that many decades ago, the scientists and psychics and other credible folks were predicting the events that are happening to us in the NOW. I've ordered a copy of his book to re-read it, because my own copy is long gone. It's available for pennies, literally, because it's so old. cj

  25. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    and another absolute must-read!!!
    great post, you two!

    oh, and now the wv = restess 🙂

  26. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ok – this is another of those chilling posts – in the literal sense to me – cold chills as i read it – and now to re-read – but the one thing that instantly appeared was that dream i had not so long ago where i saw people "ekking out an existence" [as you say] living in a tundra/barren environment — and while i've not yet experienced the regression or progression i have dreamed/envisioned a domed city too – translucent as you mention – from my earliest memories i have seen this domed life – and another thing i have "seen/dreamed" is that the world as i have always known it in my life would end in my own lifetime – i mean, i remember thinking this from childhood when i began to be aware of dreams and vision etc – the year i thought would be 2000 – although thankfully that year has come and gone –

    the other thing is that from the beginning of this oil spill, i cannot rid my own mind of cayce's predictions – particularly as it relates to the physical changes to the continent – enough so that when it all first happened, i spoke to my son and daughters who live in louisiana and texas about it – and then i looked at this map just now – it's just as i imagined – very sobering – thought-provoking post, macgregors – very!

    – MU –

    wv= inescau [inescapable?]

  27. Anonymous says:

    There is another text, by P.M.H. Atwater, entitled FUTURE MEMORY", published in 1996, that covers the same subjects. But the more comprehensive text I've read on these topics was by the geophysicist Dr. Jeffery Goodman in the earlier 1990s. His book was a compilation from many schools of thought and many different genres, but involving the same subject: the future of this planet and its inhabitants. The most enthralling thing about Goodman's material is that virtually everything in it was correct, down to the final crossed t and dotted i, from many highly credible sources in all walks of life, scientific and metaphysical, etc., and all of them agreed, independently, on the specifics. However, they ALL had the TIMING wrong. They prognosticated the incidents and events would occur around the turn of the century, ie, 1999-2000, but while their facts were on point, the actual events and incidents are happening NOW. They didn't happen at the change of the century. Recently this has caused me to wonder about the unreliability of Time itself; that although we have the abilities to foresee Tomorrows, the "calendars" are in error. A fascinating post, Guys. We're living those "Tomorrows" today. My son has inadvertantly, in sleeping dreams, progressed spontaneously to a life in which humans reside in domed cities, but in which the humans outside the domed cities are at war with off-of-earth entities. My son does not study these types of things or read these types of books, etc. His dreams are not coming to him from a mind that has been "programmed" by anything he's seen or read in his conscious state. Of some interest, he did not begin to have these dreams until after he underwent open-heart surgery following a lengthy battle with life-threatening bacterial endocarditis, a horrible infection within the interior of his heart, when he was only 30. Since then, from the days of his recovery, he has precognitive dreams and lightning bolt flashes of visions that do indeed manifest as he has foreseen them. Very strange indeed.


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