One More Book Synchro

 This story came from Kim Edmands.   It’s the kind of synchro we love to hear about. It’s as if 7 Secrets has found its own momentum. Several times now, people have reported finding the book sitting on top of a stack of unrelated books, just waiting for them to pick it up. It’s how we have found books over the years – one falls off a shelf and lands at your feet, that sort of thing. Many thanks to Kim for taking the time to write!

Last week I was going to the Mall and decided to enter through Barnes and Noble with no intention of purchasing a book, just passing through to another store inside.

As I entered the store, I had been deep in thought about signs and their meanings. Having lost a son several years ago, signs have taken on a different meaning to me. Butterflies and dragonflies are of interest me. A workshop I recently attended they talked about signs and their meanings, so it opened me to something new. I had been thinking about it all day.

As I entered the store– sitting there on the front table next to the door, I spotted a book with a butterfly on it, so naturally I was drawn to it. The title— The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity.  There it sat by itself, apart from the other random books on the the table. I picked it up, not knowing what the title meant. I immediately realized it was exactly what I was just thinking about!!

Now, that is synchronicity!!
As a bonus, Kim added this synchro:
A synchronicity from years ago:

I was driving to work and a song came on the radio. It was a song that a previous co-worker played over and over while we worked. So it naturally reminded me of him. He had not worked at the restaurant for 6 months and last I heard he was living out of state.

Then out of my mouth I heard myself saying “He is going to be at work tonight”. I laughed to myself and thought that was a crazy thought because he lived over 1,000 miles away!

As I walked into the kitchen of the restaurant, there stood the very person who I had just said would be there that night!! I was dumbfounded. I immediately asked him why he was there– he said he had just gotten back into town and the owner called him to fill in at the last minute because he was ill.  

Of course, I did not tell anyone of my experience that night- it seemed like an odd thing to experience. I have experienced other synchronicites, but this is the one that sticks in my mind the most. Maybe it is the first one I remember experiencing- I was in my 20’s.

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10 Responses to One More Book Synchro

  1. Sansego says:

    The New Renaissance Bookstore in Portland was where I bought a copy of your book. They only had one copy, though. When I went there this past Wednesday, they had 6 copies for sale! I hope customers will buy them quickly.

    The stories of books literally falling on people is interesting. This happened to me in 1998, while I was in college. The book was the novel "What Dreams May Come" by Richard Matheson. The movie was coming out, so the paperback was a tie-in. It fell from the shelf right in front of me, so I picked it up, flipped through it, thought it looked interesting, so I bought it. For several days, I didn't do my homework because I was so engrossed in this "novel." It had answered every question I had about the afterlife and convinced me that reincarnation was "the way our universe works." I've always been intrigued by reincarnation and thought it made logical sense, but I just couldn't accept it until after reading this brilliant novel.

    wv: coity

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Mike – nice name for ebay!

  3. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    A sunflower on the cover: We call ourselves 'sunflowerdreams' on eBay! Though haven't used eBay for ages.

  4. Natalie says:

    Nice story about the book. Probably put there by a gentle spirit hand.

    I just love how the Universe works. 🙂

    wv = creadie see readie!LOL

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    azerSOY?! sounds like the trickster at work!

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    great stories – both of them! there is something especially neat when we receive messages from books i think –

    just moments ago i made another comment on your previous post – and my last sentence asked if anyone has seen the 70s film "soylent green" – the wv here – azerSOY! 🙂

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Some of the best books I've ever found have dropped off shelves. I often do what nancy does – send out a request.

    Mike – originally, the cover had this silly apple bough on it – echoes of desperate housewives, I believe. They removed that, put on the sunflower, the door. The butterfly stayed! Good thing, as it turns out.

    Connie – we've been to that franklin bookstore!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Great story! Like Nancy, if I'm looking for a book and don't have a clue what I need or want to read, I'll often a murmur of "OK, Guys, show me what I need to read, please!" and invariably, in first one way and then another, a book will find it way into my hands. On more that one occasion I've actually had a book drop on my foot off a store shelf, as though someone had pushed it from behind, but the shelves are against a wall! And also, on occasion a friend will phone or email and tell me she's bringing me a book to read….and it will be EXACTLY what I need at that time! And sometimes a book will be somewhere it's not supposed to be in the store, just sitting among other un-related books, and it will be the ONE! Dontcha just love it when these "coincidences….yeah, right!) occur? The most fascinating incident happened to me on a vacation in N. GA a few years ago. We drove into Franklin, NC for me to see if I could find a bookstore there, and on their main street there was an old/new book seller, with a wall dividing the old from the new. I didn't know what I needed, but was compelled to go inside. Asked the clerk for the spiritual section, she directed me to the used area. I was standing there all by myself, not moving, when a book literally slid off its shelf and landed on top of my foot. I picked it up, and it was the very subject I was studying at that particular time! I perused the shelves, and it was the only copy. When I took it to the clerk to pay for it, she said, "Oh my goodness! That book was just brought in a half hour ago and I was going to purchase it myself before I go home today! I'm disappointed!" Needless to say, I selfishly kept the book! It obviously belonged to me! And turned out to hold a wealth of information within its pages….AND, I began a correspondence with its author! Great experience!
    cj WV: "pookedot" hee hee luv it!

  9. Nancy says:

    Loved the book snychro! I have had that happen, so that now if I don't know what book I "need", I send out a "request." I often find names of books that I need to read from blogs that post about them. Especially your blog!

    The second one sounds precognitive.

  10. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Like these two. I've mentioned before how a butterfly stayed on my best friend's coffin at his funeral – magical creatures – and on your book cover too – perfect!

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