Spirit Speaks, part 2

from center for touch drawing

Yesterday, we were talking about the synchros that occurred around the time/day of the death of a loved one – Gypsy’s sister.  Here are the rest of her synchros:


On the way back to Delaware, as I drove along, a large white bird of prey flew over my car,  large enough and white enough that it totally startled me. It was the size of a very large hawk, but was solid white and flew from right to left over me as I drove. (We found the white bird quite striking, particularly in light of other reports about white feathers. Mike Perry in the UK knows about this.)

Also on the return trip, as I drove I was thinking about a television show I’d seen a day or so previously on HGTV – the decorating of the White House for the holidays – and I was so smitten with one of the rooms in particular that I had decided next year I was going to use that same theme and elements for the house. It’s all about natural elements like mosses, pine cones, berries, etc. I was envisioning this “room” of mine when, there, on the side of the road of opposite traffic, was a huge live tree decorated completely – on the side of interstate 40!

My total cost driving to Louisiana for my sister’s funeral etc: $225 – again, a 9.

But here’s the kicker. On the trip down as I approached Texarkana, Arkansas, a town through which I’ve driven for 35 years, I missed my turn-off to Shreveport and got lost. I don’t mean I was a little bit; I drove round and round for 2 hours before ending up on some god forsaken back road in the middle of redneck gun racks in every pickup truck trailer park heaven and barbwire fence enclosing empty industrial buildings. I was lost.

I was so upset I just pulled over on the side of the road at a huge industrial building – it was behind me – and in front of me was the Bubba Trailer Park. I’d been on the phone with my daughter, Cindy, telling her I was lost and was going to call 911 – again the 9 and 1s . I literally had to call them to get me the hell out of dodge. The operator, of course, kept asking me just where I was and I kept exclaiming that if I KNEW where I was, I wouldn’t be expletive lost for god’s sake!

She had to hear how exhausted I was, had to hear in my voice  that I had driven from Texarkana to Shreveport for 35 years and had never missed my turn off, had never gotten lost. But here I was,  surrounded by hound dogs and alligators in the front yard of every trailer in the park!  And all I wanted to do was just get to my daughter’s house because my poor sister had just died.

Now, I have to tell you, this was not a pretty sight: Me lost lost  in Bubbaville. But I  must say that this poor 911 operator was absolutely perfect (except for asking me where I was.) She was patient and kind and told me to try to ascertain just exactly where I was. Turn my car around, she said,  so it faced the industrial building where I pulled over, and then I should give her the name of it and thus, we could track down the address.

So I turn around, flash my brights to the huge 8×16′ sign and there, in big red letters, is “FOR SALE OR LEASE” – nothing else – no phone number – no address – no nothing!

Eventually, this woman and some of the Bubbas got me onto Highway 71 into Shreveport, and I could almost hear my sister laughing at the whole mess.

But hey, you got here, didn’t you? she seemed to say.

Well, yes, I did. And I’m sure my sister was with me  every step  of the way,  communicating with me through signs, symbols, numbers, people.

Upon reflection, I have come to see that this literal “being lost” was perhaps my (subconscious) way of keeping me from having to deal with the reality of the “loss” of my sister. As long as I wasn’t  there, in Shreveport, then part of me could pretend that everything was still okay. The other thing is that it symbolized the literal sense of being emotionally lost without her in my life as she had been for so many years.


Gypsy “getting lost” in an area through which she’d driven for 35 years bears eerie similarities to clocks that stop or car batteries that die when a loved one passes on. Always, we are surrounded by signs, symbols, synchros. All we have to do is pay attention.


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7 Responses to Spirit Speaks, part 2

  1. Damian Sarwar says:

    Hi, i didn’t know where to post the synchronicities that happen to me in my life so i thought i’d share a few of the more profound and incalculable ones here.

    I’ve had quite a few where a random thought or word will just come into my mind and then a few seconds later on the tv or something i’ll see or hear that word. A recent example was when i was watching a wildlife documentary and suddenly i said to my friend ”that food we eat earlier was repulsive” and he was like ”when do you ever say repulsive” and literally a second later the guy on the screen said something like ”the habitat is repulsive” with an emphasis on that word and i just thought it was way too coincidental that i’d use that adjective when in all honesty i can’t remember saying it before as i’m 19 and it’s not really in my everyday vocabulary.

    There’s been quite a few more examples where i’ve said or thought of a few esoteric words and then seconds later i’ll hear it somewhere. Another recent example was getting an image of a tv character in my head on my way to the bus stop, a character i rarely think about and i just kept thinking of him then. I then reach the bus stop and to my surprise there was an exact look a like of him, albeit a little bit shorter. I mean, the same face, skin tone, even posture and eyes and i was just open mouthed. Other ones such as being on FB, leaving it and having the urge to look up the website ‘game’ and then finding out about ‘the game’, something i’d never heard of in my life. I read up on it and then i go back onto fb and scroll down and the next comment is ‘Amanda just made me lose the game’! I’ve had many others, far too many to list here but i thought i’d just share these few and i’d like to thank you for your book the seven secrets of synchronicity, i’ve just finished reading it and i really enjoyed it.

  2. At difficult times in life probably most of us get lost and lose our sense of direction – in a much broader sense than on a car journey. I know I have, and sometimes we need a little help or a nudge to get us back on the right track and to our beliefs. The symbolism is so strong on Gypsy’s heart felt story. It’s maybe why we should never ignore anyone in distress, as one day it could be us that needs a kind word or a shoulder to lean on.

    • gypsy says:

      i’ve thought a lot about the patience and kindness of the 911 operator since this happened – and even about the boys in their camouflage jumpsuits at the “bait and beer” store where i stopped to double check directions with the 911 operator still on the line and i cannot help but be moved by the kindness of each of them – and only hope that i can and will be the same toward the next stranger who stops me for help – thanks so much for your nice comment, mike – and i agree – the symbolism in all this is very strong –

      • Rob and Trish says:

        That operator was your angel, Gypsy.

        • gypsy says:

          so true – and i was thinking that very thing actually when i made that comment – and remembering – as you may also – the story of one of my other trips home when i was coming back from louisiana and had to stop for low air in my tires/gas etc – and these two young men – maybe still in their teens – pulled up beside me and for me to just stay in my car and they would take care of everything – they aired my tires, pumped the gas and asked was there anything else they could do to help me – i tried to catch them on the highway to properly thank them with a note later but they had just literally disappeared – literally – i never saw them again – i even wrote to the mayor and chief of police to ask if they knew who they might be – but i never received a response from either the mayor or COP – anyway, angels of mercy for sure! i love that story -it was just one of those beautiful moments in time that you never forget –

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Kindness to people in need: we would be living in a much different world if this were practiced everywhere.

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