Angel Synchro

I was outside watering some new grass when the next door neighbor came over and told me that she’d seen a Facebook post I’d written that was entitled: ‘You Never Know What Your Neighbors are Doing Over There…’

Of course, being my neighbor it caught her attention. She laughed about it, because it wasn’t her or her family. It was the post that appeared here on January 5 that was called ‘Inside the Fence.’ I’m not sure why I renamed it, but it sure caught Annette’s attention.

I was glad to see her, because I’d been waiting for a chance to talk to her for a couple of days. I told her that I had something for her. I went inside and returned with a book called ANGELS that one of my yoga students had given me at Christmas. I’m all for angels, but I didn’t care much for this book. The sub-title was something like ‘True Stories of Angel Deeds.”

But when I looked through it, virtually every page contained bible quotes and it was apparent that it was a very religious tome. One story focused on how we should fear God and that it was terrible that some people (like me) thought that fearing God was not a good thing.

That was when I decided that I would give the book to the neighbors, who probably do fear, as well as praise, God.  So when I brought out the book, Annette’s eyes widened. She was excited to received it and very pleased that it was religious.

Then she went on to give me an angel synchro. It turns out that she has collected angels for years – something I didn’t know – and this very day she and her eight-year-old daughter were looking over the collection. It included one book on angels, and Madison, the daughter, wanted to know why she couldn’t have that book. Annette explained that her father had given it to her. It was part of the collection and she didn’t want it lost or ruined.

So now she was pleased that she had an angel book to share with Madison. “That’s a synchronicity, right?” she asked.

“You got it,” I replied.  She had never heard of synchronicity until they met us. So we’ve had a bit of influence on her and the angel book has now fallen into welcoming hands.


The image at the top is called that Doidge Angel Photograph. It comes from here, a site called ‘Real Angel Pictures.’

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15 Responses to Angel Synchro

  1. Curt Hailey says:

    I don’t ordinarily comment but I gotta say regards for the post on this one :D.

  2. mathmajik3322 says:

    About angels….in my spiritual faith, true angels are entities that have never been human and will never be human, but are instead entities created in their own right, as the Nature Spirits are also created beings, entities in their own right, and do not transmutate into human form. My faith doesn’t consider that humans who transition become angels. Guides, helpers, healers, teachers, yes. Angels, no. But that’s only my personal conviction construct. I do think we often consider children with special needs and/or illnesses to be “human angels”, because their situations always either elevate our frequencies and love, or the sadness destroys us. I had eleven children in my clinic in Atlanta with cystic fibrosis. At that time, these beautiful children rarely lived to puberty, and they were beyond doubt here as teachers. They were exquisite. It was an experience I shall never ever forget and for which I shall be eternally grateful.

  3. Darren B says:

    Speaking of Angel books,I have a Blogging buddy named Marina Petro who is a wonderful artist and has put all her Angel paintings into a book called…you guessed it…”Angels”.
    It is a wonderful book and you can see all the Angels in the book here;×240

    Check it out,you won’t be sorry.

  4. Darren B says:

    I do think there are angelic like beings and I cringe at any dogma from the Church.
    I bork at the word Angels,because of all the baggage that word carries,but I have no problem with others using the word…as long as they use it in a positive way and not to spread fear and self-righteousness while invoking the term.
    I like Lauren’s term “Messenger’s”,because let’s face it that’s what they seem to be.
    “Spirit Messenger’s” might even be a better term.
    I don’t believe they are the monopoly of one faith or race.
    My belief is that they cross all boundaries to to bring guidance to us mortals.
    After all we are all from the one source…it’s like fighting with your biological brothers and sisters as to who’s father is the best or which country on the planet has the best sun and moon in it’s sky.
    Well,we all know the answer to that last question is Australia,
    don’t we ?-)

  5. Nancy says:

    The book found its true home.

  6. mathmajik3322 says:

    OK. OK. Yep, we were 24 degrees last week with chill factor in the teens. But, it never stays cold but a few days, then warms back up, usually. Tends to go back and forth and we never know whether to wear shorts and flip-flops or heavy coats and gloves and hats and boots! One day it’s using the air conditioning, next day the heater. Go figure! 😉

  7. Lauren Raine says:

    Good post, interesting photo. I know that “angel” comes from a Greek word meaning “messenger”, which makes sense to me, but like yourself, the whole idea of “fearing God” makes no sense. Fearing a god or two is a pretty ancient way to keep people in line – I guess we’re lucky that gods don’t demand human sacrifice, at least literally, much any more.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I like that photo, too. Others at that site are also curious. Some are like seeing Jesus on the bark of a tree or Mary on a banana peel. Others make you wonder.

  8. mathmajik3322 says:

    Love this story! And the picture looks like the entities in the movie THE ABYSS, those beautiful beings so deep under the sea. Loved that movie, loved the musical score from it. Fear God? Nope. That’s why I left the Christian church. I didn’t fear my Mom and Dad, and they were only humans. So why would I fear the divine Creator….whatever that Creator might be….who is All That Is, including us. I’d hate to live in fear of death and facing a god with trembling heart for all my sins. My Creator, again, whatever It might be, is one of Love, not punishment and vengeance. Great post, gorgeous picture, guys. Gyps, you freezing? It’s gorgeous here….70 degrees and full sunshine. Not a cloud in the sky. Yep, I’m rubbing it in! You need to move to Florida, girl! 🙂

  9. It’s interesting how some people fear God and it’s easy to see how this came about – control. But if we are part of ‘God’ we shouldn’t really fear ourselves. The book found it’s rightful home and we all probably influence more people than we realise.

  10. gypsy says:

    well, yes, seems your neighbor was the perfect recipient for the book – i’m sure she will enjoy it – and what a great influence on her you all are – giving some balance – i’m glad she was able to recognize the synchronicity and to share it with you – we never know sometimes how we may impact upon others – great story – oh, and this image is really remarkable – just beautiful

    ok – i wasn’t going to do this – but your little comment about being out watering your new grass just made me see “green” – i’m so so jealous – yesterday even though the sun was out every single body of water between here and where i had to go up north [75 miles] was frozen over! 😉

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