Hawaii 808

Here’s a synchronicity we received from Blayne, who lives in the state of Washington, but would like to live at least part-time in Hawaii.

I live about 15 miles from work. Its a beautiful drive, part of it next to water, sometimes deer are visible, and lots of trees.

One of my “dreams” is to live in Hawaii part time and write spiritual psychology books. I often see 808, the area code for Hawaii, in a variety of different venues. I live in Washington, and many times in the past several months I “find” myself behind vehicles with 808 in the license plate, actual Hawaii license plates, or vehicles with bumper stickers featuring a Hawaiian theme.

Anyway, on my way to work yesterday, I had just pulled onto HWY 101 that connects my house with Olympia.

Right as I entered the on ramp I looked at my digital clock and it read 808. Then I smiled in amazement as the very next car that passed me had a Hawaii inspection sticker on it’s right bottom bumper area.

This “stuff” happens to me constantly now. It allows me to live in and appreciate the present moment so much easier now. I feel so blessed. My life these days are a series of meaningful, powerful synchronicity. It has always been there I think. I was just asleep.
A followup (4/5). I didn’t mention that Blayne has a blog in which he talks about the numbers 1111. These numbers come up in his life repeatedly. Recently, a woman from Nottingham, England contacted him and they’ve been exchanging e-mails. She apparently is also attuned to the 1111 phenomenon. Blayne has been thinking about going to England to meet her, but he’s a car salesman and sales have been slow. His only recent sale came yesterday to a man whose last name is Nottingham.

Blayne’s blog

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6 Responses to Hawaii 808

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Terrific story, Susan. Thanks very much for posting it. Blayne is getting great feedback…to move to Hawaii!~

  2. Susan says:

    When I was a teenager I drove my father back from Arizona spending a good part of the drive travelling through New Mexico. I knew that someday I would live there. Many years later, my parents both gone, weathering a long-standing depression, hating my job, the vision of New Mexico returned. Due to the depression I couldn’t entertain the steps it would take to get me ther. Fortunately the universe stepped in: every book I read took place in New Mexico, every TV program I watched had a character from New mexico; everywhere I turned New Mexico was waiting. So I sold my house, quit my job, had a rummage sale, put my dog in the car and left for my dream.
    I’ve been here in New Mexico for years now and everytime the depression hits and I doubt my choice the universe sends reminders in the guise of synchronicity to tell me I’ve done the right hing.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I too am wrestling with the same dilemma about Hawaii….when do I make the leap? I booked my room at a B and B for the week of July 13….My B-Day is on the 15th so I will go to the end of the island…a little town called Hawi…(havee) and have lunch with Kathleen at the Bamboo restaurant…she and her husband are who first brought me to Hawaii and she is like a sister to me….hopefully my path will unfold and I will make the transition at the appropriate time…aloha nui loa…..

  4. terripatrick says:

    I posted a similar story to Blayne’s on my blog at – https://terripatrick.wordpress.com/2009/03/14/numbers/

    In retrospect, I know the journey since following the signs, has been a greater challenge than I imagined – but exceptionally beneficial. Release the logic and economics illusion and go forth – it could be a wild ride of living life.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I mentioned to Blayne that an insightful comment was left for him. Thanks, Elizabeth.
    – Trish

  6. Elizabeth says:

    I would hope that you someday take the plunge. Years ago, I had many several similar experiences about Montana, I live in Wisconsin. I worked in a bookstore and would pick up a novel to read, only to find that the story was about Montana. Had a never seen before customer come in and ask that the books he had purchased be sent to his home, in Montana. TV commercials about Montana, even a wrong number that originated in Montana. The place was calling to me. So, I went.

    Took a two week road trip with a friend and from the moment we stopped to take a pic of the sign welcoming us to that state,I knew I had found a new state of being, found a great deal of healing, and will always think of Montana as my special place. Have been back several more times, and would go again whenever the chance arises. Synchronicity is fantastic.


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