Category Archives: c2

The Friendship Book

This cover for the book is from 2005. I couldn’t find any from the 1960s. – Trish***We initially ran across Keith Fraser’s story while trolling the strange coincidence archive – – a real treasure trove of synchronicities. We liked his … Continue reading

Posted in books, c2, precognition, relationships, romance | 2 Comments

World on Fire

Aztec greenstone mask of Quetzalcoatl We recently bought Daniel Pinchbeck’s book, 2012, The Return of Quetzalcoatl. We both had read his previous book, Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism. Rob read the 2012 … Continue reading

Posted in 911, c2, global, writers | 7 Comments

Golden Scarab

The next story needs a little background. Carl Jung’s investigation of synchronicity was triggered by a patient’s dream, in which she was given a golden scarab. Jung knew the scarab is a symbol of rebirth in Egyptian mythology and believed … Continue reading

Posted in animals, c2, Jung, Peat, scarabs, science | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Hawaii 808

Here’s a synchronicity we received from Blayne, who lives in the state of Washington, but would like to live at least part-time in Hawaii.*** I live about 15 miles from work. Its a beautiful drive, part of it next to … Continue reading

Posted in c2, connections to places, emotions, Numbers | 6 Comments

Chance Encounter

Here’s one from Madison Moore that involves one of life’s major events. I was married quite young to a man who was tall and thin with a head full of thick wavy hair and a mouth full of beautiful teeth. … Continue reading

Posted in c2, encounters, relationships | Leave a comment

Big Sur – The Cabin by the Sea

This synchronicity happened to Dr. L Darryl Armstrong, It beautifully illustrates what can happen when we feel strongly connected to a particular place.*** Several years ago during the first days of establishing our business, I had the occasion to work … Continue reading

Posted in c2, connections to places, places | 2 Comments