Crop Circle Enigma

First ‘Julia Set’, photo on left shows Stonehenge above the crop circle

Yesterday we mentioned our contact with Jim  Moseley, editor of Saucer Smear. After our phone conversation, Jim sent us the latest issue. One of the interesting items in the 8-page newsletter deals with crop circles. In the past, Jim has been a skeptic about the idea that the mysterious circles are UFO-related. He still has strong doubts, but now he also doubts that ALL the circles are human creations. Here’s why.
“In July of 1996, one of the most complex and spectacular crop circles ever seen appeared in a field opposite the famed ruins of Stonehenge. The design became known as the ‘Julia Set,’ because it resembles the mathematical fractal called by that name. We (Saucer Smear) distinctly remember that, at the time, it was logically assumed to be the work of advanced engineering students at a nearby college.

“A pilot crossed this field at about 5:30 p.m. that day and saw nothing unusual. When he crossed it again at 6:15 p.m., the ‘Julia Set’ was in place. This very short window of time is in itself astonishing!

“Police later reported that at 6 p.m. a large number of vehicles were pulled over to the side of a nearby road, causing a traffic hazard. According to a researcher named Lucy Pringle, an (unnamed) woman and her taxi driver were among those parked, and could not believe what they witnessed. They stood for about 30 minutes watching a large design forming under a swirling cloud of mist.

According to Pringle, the woman said there was ‘an apparition,’ an isolated mist’ over the field. As the circle grew, the mist rose. ‘The mist was about 2 or 3 feet off the ground, and was spinning around. As the circle got bigger, the mist swirled faster…and everyone was discussing it, and more and more traffic was building up.’

Moseley went on to point out that no human or alien perpetrators were seen and the formation took about twenty minutes to create. He added: “If this account is true, we are dealing here with a true mystery!”

In typical Moseley-Smear fashion, he followed up that story with another crop circle story that is even more bizarre, though somewhat explainable. This one comes from Australia with a headline that reads: ‘High wallabies being blamed for Aussie crop circles.’

Yes indeed, strange.

According to the report: Wallabies snacking in Tasmania’s legally grown opium poppy fields are getting ‘ high as a kite’ and hopping around in circles, trampling the crops, a state official said. Tasmania Attorney-General Lara Giddings told a budget hearing that she had recently read about the kangaroo-like marsupials’ antics in a brief on the state’s large poppy industry. Tasmaia is the world’s largest producer of legally grown opium for the pharmaceutical market.

“We have a problem with wallabies entering poppy fields, getting as high as a kite and going around in circles,” The Mercury newspaper quoted Giddings as telling the hearing, “Then they crash. We see crop circles in the poppy industry from wallabies that are high.”

Hm, maybe our Australian friends would like to explain that one.

We had a great dinner with Jim, talked a lot about the history of UFO investigation, quite a bit about Roswell, of which Jim is skeptical. It turned out our waitress was from Albuquerque, and was headed there on vacation today. Her two brothers both went to school in Roswell, and she agreed that the most interesting thing about the city was its UFO history.

Jim said that anyone reading the blog who is curious about Saucer Smear can write him for a free issue at
Jim Moseley, Box 1709, Key West, Fl. Of course, if you like it, Jim hopes you become one of his ‘non-subscribers.’

Just minutes after writing the main part of this post a couple of days ago, I received an e-mail from Gary Bobroff, who has a synchronicity site on Facebook. But instead of synchronicity, he was writing about another site he maintains on  crop circles! So I told him about this post, and here is his reply.

Hey Rob: The other thing that we know about the 1996 Stonehenge Julia Set is the British military records all air traffic through that area and the times of the Busty Taylor (and his MD passenger’s) flight are recorded. Gary

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12 Responses to Crop Circle Enigma

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    god wv, gypsy! crop ring sounds right to me!

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, i can't even comment about the drug-induced wallabies creating these crop circles! as for as the many many circles which are not thought to be "man-made" there is not much that is more fascinating to me! and i'd not heard the mist story – totally mesmerizing to think about! thanks so much for the two new links to visit!

    hmmmm….wv= "cring" = c-ring = crop ring??? 🙂

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The media loves skeptics. A couple of guys in the 90s made crop circles, so now they're all fake. Go figure. That's interesting about the military base – didn't know that. These fields around stonehenge sound wonderful!

  4. Vicki D. says:

    When we were at Stonehenge this past July I couldn't get over the feeling we kept getting from the fields surrounding it.

    I have always been fascinated by crop circles and if you follow any info. on them you'll find that there are more that cannot be explained or have been witnessed forming than not but for some reason (?) the media only reports when they are made by humans and some def. are.

    Right next to Stonehenge is a military base which I never knew existed and it is where they do military exercises. I wonder if the circles are trying to warn us about that.

    All I know is that the fields surrounding Stonehenge had a very strong energy and all my family and I wanted to do was to explore them and lie down in them.

  5. Butternut Squash says:

    These are absolutely fascinating!

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Certainly some crop circles are human creations, but not all can be explained away so easily. Complex formations appearing overnight with the stalks bent, but not broken – as if they were heated rather than snapped–are difficult to explain.

  7. Marcus T. Anthony says:

    Hmm, read a leading story on Yahoo a couple of weeks back which began something like: "It has been known for over 15 years that crop circles are created by human pranksters, but some people still insist that aliens are involved…"

    Perhaps they re being too dismissive…

  8. Nancy says:

    I wonder why these people's accounts haven't been blasted on the airwaves. I mean, a swirling mist would should be considered news!

    As for the little Wallabies – I highly doubt they could create the 'Julia Set.'

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Ah, wallabies high on lsd.

  10. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    The Julia Set is pretty convincing but as for wallabies on drugs … mind you, there are quite a few sheep in the Stonehenge area – who knows, highs left over by the hippies ingested by sheep perhaps … 🙂

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Tasmania! You lucky couple! Can't wait to her about that one.

  12. Natalie says:

    Can't explain the Wallabies at the moment guys, but we had another chuckle as Mark and I booked a getaway weekend to Tasmania a few hours ago.
    Will let you know in November. 🙂

    Crop circle story is fantasmagorical.

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