Cardinal Cross

In astrology, cardinal signs are about action, doing, movement, forward thrust. Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. Those are the cardinal signs. Aries, a fire sign, reads like the Star Trek motto – going where no man has gone before- and follows this path through focus on physical action to achieve a goal.  Cancer, a water sign,  follows this path through emotions, intuition, the subjective grasp of life and the universe.Libra, an air sign,  follows this path through social interactions, relationships, communication, mediation. Capricorn, an earth sign, follows the path through career matters, public interactions, and always strives for what is practical and efficient.

 On August 6-7, there’s a rare astrological cardinal cross. It involves Jupiter (expansion), Uranus ( sudden, unexpected events), the moon (emotions, your inner world, the puhlic) Pluto (profound, irrevocable change), Saturn (restrictions,delay, karma), Mars (physical and sexual energy), Venus (love, $, the arts). It’s a biggie. Astrologer Susan Miller says this configuration is so rare she has never seen it in her lifetime and we probably won’t see it against for another 500 years.

Cardinal signs will feel this most of all. But if you have a moon or rising in a cardinal sign, you’re going to be impacted. If you have planets in cardinal signs, you’ll feel this one. If you don’t have a copy of your birth chart, this site generates one. Be sure to have an accurate time of birth – parental verification, birth certificate, recollection of siblings, ministers etc.

OK. So let’s get down to what it all means. Some sort of internal shift is going on and eventually spills into the media, into the public awareness. It’s big, prominent, powerful, and whether we recognize it or not determines the quality of our journey.It occurs suddenly, unexpectedly, out of the blue and results in irrevocable change in how we see the world. The change may not be immediately obvious, but unfolds over time.

A paradigm shift? Perhaps. But what kind of shift? Toward dusk and darkness or dawn and sunlight?  The optimist in me hopes for the latter.

That optimist celebrated the Harmonic Convergence at dawn on a Fort Lauderdale Beach in 1987 (and I am NOT a sunrise person!) and later wondered if it, like Y2K and the alleged end times of 2012 was just hype.The Harmonic Convergence, like the 2012 hype, came about in part because of  Jose Arguelles book The Mayan Factor.  Astrologically, the convergence was supposed to indicate a major energy shift from conflict to peace. But if you look at the 23 years since the Harmonic Convergence, the shift seems to be anything BUT peaceful. And yet, some people, like author and actress Shirley MacLaine, referred to it as a “window of light” that allowed “access to higher realms of awareness.”  I agree on that point. More people are looking for answers now. Real answers. More people are asking deeper questions.

But the astrological aspects that occurred between August 16-17, 1987, are vastly different from the aspects coming up on August 6-7, 2010, from this cardinal cross. Cardinal signs are aggressive according to the nature of the particular sign. Aries is the archetypal warrior. Cancer is the archetypal nurturer and psychic. Libra is the archetypal mediator. Capricorn is the archetypal gungho type A personality.  As a species, maybe the 23 years since the Harmonic Convergence is going to culminate with this cardinal cross. If so, will it be a kind of gluttonous free for all, an orgy of consumption, war, and chest-beating beasts staking out their territories? Or will it be the booster rocket that propels us over the edge, past the tipping point so that we become the powerful mass consciousness that reaches for peace, harmony, equality?

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21 Responses to Cardinal Cross

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    anonymous – Unless you have interceptions in your chart, with cap rising, you probably have cancer on the cusp of your 7th house, Aries on the 4th house cusp and libra on the 10th house. So the cardinal cross impacts you (1st), the other other people see you; your home (4th), your partnerships (7th) your career. This is a simplified version, but without seeing your chart, it's hard to pinpoint specifics.

  2. Anonymous says:

    so my rising sign is in capricorn…can someone help me understand how this CC might manifest itself in my life? i also have a leo sun and a virgo moon. thank you.

  3. Cole says:

    Wow! I had a weird dream that you were going to ask for my birthdate. Cool. Ok I will email you. I am excited to know what is what, I get confused with this stuff. Thanks!

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Cole – send me your birth data. If your rising is 29 d cancer and Venus is 28 degrees, it means that venus is conjunct your rising, that your Leo sun falls in your first house – but how close to your rising?

  5. Cole says:

    Opps! No, I don't quite understand astrology yet. But based on your link, I had to double check it, my rising sign is in 29 degrees Cancer. Sun 6 degrees in Leo and Venus is 28 degrees in Cancer too. I don't know what that all means exactly but hopefully it is all good! I do think the print out was pretty accurate though describing my personality.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Marlene – aries is cardinal, pisces is mutable, leo is fixed. So with that aries sun, you feel the impact of the cc.

    Nancy – exictement!

    Cole – so you're a double cancer – sun and rising?

  7. Nancy says:

    The latter, please! I'm not sure I can take much more of what we've been living.

    I'll have to go back and read what Trish wrote regarding my chart. I'm not sure whether to be worried or excited.

    I'm also NOT a sunrise person.

  8. Marlene says:

    Well I had my chart done many years ago in SFO by an Astrologer
    My sun is Aries, Moon in Pices and Rising is Leo.. I believe 2 cardinal signs I should be feeling this new shift big time..I wonder in what way…interesting…

  9. Cole says:

    Strange day today indeed! Sun rising in Cancer according to your link, how exciting! I have a feeling this year has many new and powerful events still waiting for me to discover. Thanks for the link to the chart, very interesting. Take care McGregors. WV: ingenes !

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego – sounds like a good plan!Month to month frees you up..
    Connie – dinner with Moseley was fun. He said there are about half a dozen cases that are convincing in terms of contact. I asked him which ones. He got as far as the Ronnie Zamora case before we were interrupted!

  11. Anonymous says:

    How did dinner with Moseley go, you two? Anything interesting?
    cj WV: "entife"

  12. Sansego says:

    My deadline was that if I didn't find a new job by 31 July, I would vacate my apartment than renew because of the one year lease requirement. So, I am moving out next weekend into a month-to-month situation. I'm still looking for a new job, but there aren't a whole lot to apply to in Portland right now. Once I move out, I'll expand my search for jobs in the D.C. area and overseas. If I land one, then it'll be easier for me to move because I won't have the year lease hanging over my head.

    wv: stunk (lol!)

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    hmmmm…well, this leo is an absolute sun-greeting-worshipper – and i'd rather be up before and with the sun than most anything – well, and then, there's the moon, too…..;)

    if i'm reading my own chart correctly, my rising sun is virgo and my sun in leo with moon in sag – so i may be clear on this cc –

    anyway, very intriguing this post and the info – even without the impact of this cardinal cross, it seems that we all – individually and globally – are going through a shifting of sorts, spiritually, politically and environmentally –
    and i'm going for the optimistic end too!

    great post! thanks for all the info, you two!

    wv = intoy = into y2k? in toy?

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego-the cardinal cross could prompt you to take all the right steps because your work situation has become so unbearable. If I remember correctly, didn't you give yourself a deadline?

  15. Sansego says:

    I'm not sure what all this means. I'm pretty ignorant about astrology, so a translation would be helpful.

    Does this mean that a Capricorn like me might have a better chance to find a new job during this period? I hope so! I'm ready to bust out of my current work place after four years of more dysfunction and unhappiness than I've ever experience before!

    wv: poloces

  16. Anonymous says:

    Yep. Thanks for the heads up, Guys. I have Aries in my tenth house, obviously have Cancer in house 1 with Moon and Rising. These are definitely the "spots" where the influences are being felt, and Houses 4 and 7 also are being impacted. Good to have that confirmed, and I appreciate it MUCH! Hope the influences will pass quickly. WV: "sonops" may indicate "son ops" as in son operations. Pretty synchronistic.

  17. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I've got a cap moon, and Cancer in my career area.

    Mike – married to a warrior?! Watch out.

    Connie – with a moon and rising in Cancer, this will hit the four major points in your chart – 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses.

  18. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I wasn't aware of this, so thanks – especially as I am married to a warrior! It's natual for me to take the optimistic view.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Natalie, that makes at least three of us non-sunrise peeps! My hubby gets up singing and whistling with the roosters. He even climbs out of bed during the night to stand on the beach and watch the shuttles blast off. While those are spectacular sights, I'm usually still deep in dreamland! cj WV: phose

  20. Anonymous says:

    Whew. Having my Sun in Capricorn and my Moon and Ascendant in Cancer, this Cardinal Cross should be more than interesting. There actually IS a great deal of unprecedented activity going on in virtually every aspect of my life at this time, so we shall see what kind of impact this astrological configuration may have on events and circumstances. I hope there are changes on the positive side.
    Thanks for the info, Guys. It's great to know what influences we're moving through. Odd WV:
    "focrexc" cj

  21. Natalie says:

    It will be the latter. No-one will tolerate anything less.

    Btw – I am happy to have met another Non -sunrise person.The way hub talks, I was the only one. 🙂

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