Category Archives: disclosure

Ecuador releases its UFO files

Ecuador has released all of its UFO files. There’s some amazing footage on this video, clear shots of UFOs over the cities of Quito and Guayaquil, as well as UFOs over erupting volcanoes in Ecuador. Disclosure seems to be happening … Continue reading

Posted in disclosure, ecuador, UFOs | 21 Comments

The Event

Meet cutie Jason Ritter (Sean Walker), whose girlfriend has disappeared from the cruise ship they’ve been on. There’s not even a record that she was ever there. Or that he and his girlfriend even had a room on this ship. … Continue reading

Posted in disclosure, TV, UFOs | 14 Comments


Our daily newspaper rarely has anything about UFOs.  But  on July 7 there was a short piece about UFO disclosure. Apparently an Italian member of the European parliament, Mario Borghezio, urged member countries to open their secret files on UFOs. … Continue reading

Posted in disclosure, UFOs | 15 Comments