More than 2,000 military vehicles

This train was filmed in southern California, not far from Camp Pendleton. Someone on You Tube commented that the tanks and vehicles may not be headed to the Mideast because they’re green camouflage rather than the color of dirt and sand.






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10 Responses to More than 2,000 military vehicles

  1. gypsy says:

    of the military tanks etc …the first thing that popped into my mind was NWO – and again, wondering where jesse ventura is when we need him!

  2. Momwithwings says:

    This is scary. What and why and what for etc?

    Do they know something that we do not?

    ooh, I just got a loud “Yes” .

    Thank goodness for this site , I am constantly learning new things and/or being reminded of old things!

  3. Interesting – as is Gypsy’s link.

  4. Lauren Raine says:

    That’s an ominous sight. Not very reassuring………..

    Thanks for the links, gypsy – find on bottom of Baltic sea is fascinating.

  5. gypsy says:

    totally unrelated – however, i’ve been meaning to ask if you all have been following this incredibly interesting story of a major “find” in the baltic?

  6. gypsy says:

    i did a quick google search on military convoys being transported – green camo – and this is one of the many sites popping up – apparently as far back as last august there were reports of this kind of thing – including in oregon –


  7. Darren B says:

    That put’s a new spin on “Thomas the Tank Engine” .-)

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