Tickle, Tickle

              The moon, from Dali’s tarot 

 We received an email from clarity, inviting us to take a look at her blog about some of the synchros she has experienced.  She has some good ones and we selected this one to repost. From Salvatore Dali’s tarot deck, we chose The Moon, symbolic of intuition, emotion, mom, nurturing, our inner worlds.
A few years ago, my son was ill and I had to take some time off to take care of him. During the days he’d sleep a lot and sometimes be awake to watch some TV – and during the nights he’d wake up a lot and need something to drink or to be comforted and lulled back to sleep. As you can imagine, I didn’t get much sleep myself.

As he felt alone lying in his bed in his room, I placed his mattress on the floor in the living room and let him sleep there, day and night – it made him feel safe. As I had to be near him at night, I chose to sleep on the sofa, right next to him.

Now ..our sofa is a very nice and comfortable piece of furniture to sit in but far from perfect to sleep on. During the two weeks my son was ill, I developed a nasty back pain – or rather, an old back pain I’d had coming and going for years, came back and was worse than ever. In fact, it became so bad I could hardly move during the day and no matter what position I tried to fall asleep in, I was in a terrible pain. I called my doctor to get an appointment but she wasn’t able to fit me in until after a couple of days and I couldn’t go there until my son was well again, anyway, so I had to get through the days on painkillers and manage as well as I could.


At the time this happened, I was doing a lot of meditation and reading about spirits and spirit guides. I mainly used the meditation as an effective tool to relax and get some relief from a busy life running my own business, as well as trying to be as good a mother as I could be. As far as the spirits and spirit guides were concerned, I wasn’t convinced as to whether or not these ‘entities’ really existed but still found the subject intriguing.

As the pain killers only took some of the pain, I tried doing some meditation to get some further relief. It helped – a little – but I was still in too much pain to be able to fall asleep. Then I remembered how people claim they can call upon spirits and spirit guides for help in times of need. Well, this was certainly a time of need for me; having to take care of my son and at the same time having to battle a nasty backache – so why not try and call for some spiritual assistance? The way I saw it, I had nothing to lose.

As I didn’t want to disturb my son, I whispered this into the room: “If there are any spirits present here in this room, could you then please do something about my back pain?”. Then I suddenly felt a very brief sensation on the spot where my back hurt, like fingers tickling it, and I am not kidding: my back pain disappeared as if by magic. I was totally amazed ..and whispered a deep felt ‘thank you’ out into the room. But what was even more amazing than the immediate releif was that I haven’t had any problems with my back since then (this happened more than 2 years ago). Maybe, we really are surrounded by spirits who will come to our help in times of need. If so, isn’t it great to know?!

This entry was posted in back pain, health, spirit contact. Bookmark the permalink.

11 Responses to Tickle, Tickle

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It's a great story, Clarity. Thanks for letting us use it!

  2. Clarity says:

    Thanks, for posting my story, Trish and Bob, and happy to see that others enjoyed reading it 🙂

  3. Jeninacide says:

    I love this story! I think I may have to ask my spirits to help with some awful neck pain!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Same here, Natalie, quite literally! Without them, I wouldn't be able to survive. They're an integral part of every moment of my life! cj

  5. Nancy says:

    Very cool story!

  6. Natalie says:

    Love the spooks, without them I would not be here.

    It was a good story too. 🙂

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I hear a story here! Love what the radio was playing. Unseen helpers, for sure.

  8. maggie's garden says:

    Oh for sure…I do know they're there and love when I communicate with them. In fact at one point on a New Years Eve some years back… while picking my son up at a party…they saved my life. On the radio was playing of all things …Calling on Angels by Train.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    A lot of people are afraid of 'spooks.' But if you call on spirit beings of equal or higher vibration, the contact is usually beneficial.

  10. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Great story – and also illustrates the 'don't ask, don't get' theory (or the opposite).

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what a great story! and what i realized while reading it is that i need to focus more on communicating with the spirits, myself –

    oh, and love the image!

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