Mercury Retrograde

Mercury is the planet closest to the sun. In mythology, it’s associated with Hermes, the winged messenger of the gods, of commerce, trade, and travel. In astrology, Mercury rules the signs of Gemini and Virgo, and governs communication, travel, education. It can be quite the trickster at times, particularly when it’s moving retrograde, which happens three times a year.

 From our vantage point on earth, retrograde motion is when a planet appears to be moving backward. In practical terms, this is when your travel plans go south, your internet connection fails, your computer crashes, your appliances go haywire, the battery in your car takes a permanent siesta, your relationships encounter snafus, you lose your wallet, get stranded in the Dallas airport, or run into your ex in the grocery store. It’s when things in your life seem to move two steps backward for every step forward.

It’s a good time to follow the three Rs: review, revise, rethink. Make your travel plans on either side of the retro dates – 8/20 to 9/12. Don’t launch projects, businesses, or submit anything new during a Mercury retro. If you have to travel, you had better view the journey as an adventure because you may encounter abrupt, inexplicable changes in your itinerary. Avoid purchasing large ticket items – unless you don’t mind returning them once Mercury turns direct again.

For some reason, I got it into my head that Mercury was going retro on August 23. But when I looked at my ephemeris Sunday, I realized it had gone retro in Virgo on the 20th,  that it had started slowing down – going stationary – on the 19th, the day of Megan’s car mishap. No one was hurt, but the mishap was costly. Mercury is retro in Virgo – and Megan’s sun and moon are in that sign.

Now we’ve experiencing communication mishaps. Our dog chewed through an internet cables twice, severing Rob’s connection to the internet. He, too, has a Virgo moon. We bought a range expander, which is supposed to extend the WiFi signal in your home and is supposed to be easy to install – plug it into the wall socket, get two blue lights for confirmation, and you’re in business. Ha. It doesn’t work with ATT’s uverse equipment. Back to Best Buy tomorrow to return the gizmo.

I’m revising my novel, right in line for a Mercury-ruled sign like Gemini. My gmail is acting up, the dishwasher sounds like it’s on its last legs. You get the idea here.

Just to give you a broader backdrop, look back to the presidential election in the U.S. in November 2000.Mercury had turned retrograde in Libra on October 18. It turned direct on November 7, 2000, at around 9:20 PM. That was about the time that Tom Brokaw and NBC News announced that Florida had been called too early, that there was some confusion in the ballots, that Gore may not have won the state. For the next 35 days, confusion reigned about who had actually won the presidency and the supreme court ultimately called it for George Bush.

Mercury turns direct again on September 12. Between now and then, be kind to yourself. Find joy in whatever you do. If it’s true that we create our lives from the inside out, spinning our experiences from the cloth of our deepest beliefs, then take a look at those deeper beliefs when things go awry.

A friend commented that before he knew about Mercury retrogrades, things would go all weird several times a year and he couldn’t figure out why. But when he looked back, he detected a pattern that coincided with these retrograde periods. Some years ago, the agent Rob had at the time refused to submit her clients’ manuscripts during Mercury retrograde.

Sure, part of what you do or don’t experience depends on your belief system.  But hey, there’s plenty of scientific research about the effects of the full moon on tides and weather – and on the number of nut cases that roll into the ER. If the phases of the moon can impact us, why not Mercury retrogrades?

And just for the record: Jung wrote about astrology – but not about Mercury retros.

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23 Responses to Mercury Retrograde

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Oh no! This is the worst kind of mercury retro. The dark trickster at work.

  2. Nancy says:

    yesterday someone hacked my facebook account! Apparently they sent instant messages to a bunch of my friends asking them to buy ringtones. Including my friend Aarti who is a food network star…how embarrassing

  3. Nancy says:

    thanks for the link! I went and did my little free chart and it was astonishingly accurate. I also have 5 houses in Virgo. Terrific. No wonder everything I say has been coming out wrong and my family is all irritated! Also our electric stove is not working. Will it start working do you think after all this is over?

  4. terripatrick says:

    Well, the editor request was before the Mercury retro – and I said I'd have it to her this week. So I've been revise, rethink, redo…

    My hubby is a Virgo and was born with a Mercury Retrograde so some stuff is making sense now! I'll make sure we both treat each other nice.

    WV: diestrat (I laughed) die straight?

  5. Marguerite says:

    And just when things were going smoothly, here we go again! I know all too well, what to expect with retro Mercury, thanks to my trusty Virgo book! Hang in there!

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Kim – you're definitely in the merc retro groove! Sorry about your son's ipod! The thing about the merc retro is this: sometimes when you lose stuff during one, it returns when merc turns direct again.

  7. Kim says:

    My son found someone's wallet and promptly went to their house to return it 🙂 But then someone broke into my son's car and stole his expensive IPOD. My husband just got a call from an elderly neighbor–and now he is out really late– major power problem– needs to replace something electrical NOW (due to dangerous problem)– power company was called too. WOW what a crazy past few days.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    if you finalized before the retro started, you should be fine. But doublecheck once you forward to make sure stuff arrived. I just did that with my editor.

    Today, merc retro event: we usually take noah to the gym with us – unless it's blistering hot – and leave him in the car with water and the windows down. Today, someone saw him and threatened to call 911.
    debra's comment came thru just as I was writing this.

  9. d page says:

    As I understand it, if you finalized before the retro, it should work out.

  10. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, i can't even begin the list here – but i told both my daughters the other day that i knew a retro was approaching and/or here already – so much stuff going amuck! just everything – but i am practicing my "nice-ities" [hmmm…is there such a word?] no matter – i'm in the midst of a financial agreement – finalized the agreement before this began – just have to forward some funds now – so i should be in the clear on that one? please? 😉

    and wv= hyperche!

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Debra – interesting observation about upgrades. Marlene – a grand x sounds like a grand cross.

  12. d page says:

    Mercury Retrograde has never failed to create messes in my life. When I was corporate bookkeeper, our office did not do any major reports or mailings during Mercury Retrograde. We kept it posted on the calendar.

    We did find that it was a good time to upgrade old equipment: computers phones, etc.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Mucho gracias again, Trish! What would we do without you and Rob to help guide us through these unprecedented times! WV: unolara cj

  14. Marlene says:

    I have had lots of strange happening in the last month…and Since you have been posting about Astrology..I have been hunting for my chart which I had made ….many years ago in SFO by a pretty famous astrologer..his names escapes me now i was 16yrs old..My friend and I paid to go to a 2 day class..which entailed his doing our chart and going thru it in class…I remember he used my chart as a example in class of a unusual one… I remember he had in mine something he called the "grand X" and the "mystic Rectangle" ..I can not remember what these things meant..and only remember it having to do with oposite plants on the chart…does anyone here know what this means..I could not find anything on line about it…maybe this has to do with some planetary issues going on now for me….

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Best to change the appt, connie. I was relieved to see that my novel is coming out on 9/14, just missing the merc retro.

    Nancy – that's merc retro in action. I like mike's plan – be kind to everyone!

  16. Nancy says:

    We're experiencing all kinds of snafus here. Daughter with a flea-ridden apartment she no longer lives in, as she and her puppy couch hops. Cable is weird – they're coming today, had a handyman here on Friday fixing the dishwasher – well you get the picture. And we are traveling next week. Geeze, I need to pay closer attention to these things.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Oh geez not again! That darn Mercury really does seem to enjoy flipping the coin on us! I know how much it impacts things mechanically and electronically, from vast experience, and I'm Capricorn Sun-Cancer Asc-Cancer Moon, but believe Merc backwards in Virgo affects all earth signs more and everyone else some. But how about relationship issues when Merc is backing up? Suggestions? I have a very, very important appointment on 9-1, and if relationships tend to be impacted by the dancing of dear Mercury, I want to change the appt until the potential for mis-steps have passed! Odd WV: othessne cj

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Here's a link when you can get a free astrology chart. It requires an accurate time of birth!

    Nancy – for gems and virgos, it's usually about communication and travel snafus!

  19. DJan says:

    Yep, Gemini rising, Virgo moon… and tomorrow I'm traveling across the country, coast to coast. Can't be helped, but I'll keep your admonition to think of the experience like an adventure. And hubby and I have been snapping at each other an unusual amount for us. Great, I used to pay attention to Mercury retrograde but haven't for years. Thanks for the heads up!

  20. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I'll just be kind to myself as you suggest – oh, and perhaps to my wife as well and … think I'll just be kind to everyone to be on the safe side.

  21. Nancy says:

    Well I dont know how many planets I have in virgo (how do people know this, LOL?) but I AM a virgo so maybe this means worse things for me? Or better? I have no idea!

  22. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Oops. See what I mean? Revisit, review, revise, rethink. RE. Every time.

  23. Natalie says:

    Yep! 3 planets in Virgo here! Just had to cancel a major trip (work related), appointments cancelled readings cancelled, things on the blink, relationships stretched by miscommunication and Noah looks like he may be Autistic, taking the number to 3 out of 5 children and counting. And that has just been today! gaaaaagh!

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