Michio Kaku and UFOs

Michio Kaku certainly doesn’t fit any clear-cut role. He’s a bestselling author, theoretical physicist, professor at City College of New York, co-creator of string field theory, host of Sci-fi Science  on the Science channel, and probably a bunch of other stuff that I left out. I’m not sure how he can do all these things, but he puts the rest of us lazy bums to shame!

 His books are infinitely readable. Physics of the Impossible and Parallel Worlds are two of my favorites.  Recently, he was on MSNBC, talking about UFOs. When this guy talks, I’m compelled to listen.

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14 Responses to Michio Kaku and UFOs

  1. Anonymous says:

    Many years ago, in the midst of the days leading up to my Mother's death, I had s similar "dream" experience. Every night at bedtime (in reality) I would sit on the bed and gently massage creamy lotion into my hands and fingers because at that time I was working with colored chalk and it made my hands feel weird. Anyway, I rubbed the lotions well into both my hands and all my fingers. That night, I had a lucid dream in which I climbed a wooden diving tower and fell backwards into a lily pond. When I woke up, my thumb hurt, and there was a quarter-inch WOODEN SPLINTER in my thumb. It absolutely had not been there when I went to sleep, and I did not sleepwalk, plus, there was no wood where I could have gotten the splinter even if I had sleep walked! A very, very weird and inexplicable experience. I was so unsettled by it that I actually phoned the Silva Mind-Control School there and asked them about it! They were pretty astonished. cj

  2. Marlene says:

    No..it was a dream..I dreamed I went to visit this person in a park and we talked and before i left we hugged and I remember the perfume they wore..was strong as we huggged… this person and I had a very strong bond..and they lived in Europe..so the time was when I slept they were in thier mid day… I called later that next day and asked what they were doing around this time… ( without telling them about this dream..) " I was having lunch in a park noon day..and was thinking of you" so I somehow brought back the scent..I must have been there somehow..but it was a dream as far as I remember…thats how I recall it…

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Was this an out of body experience? Very interesting stuff here, Marlene, especially with the perfume.

  4. Marlene says:

    I have had a validation from another person that I actually went somewhere..it was a physical
    proof I brought over..perfume was on me..when I awoke..the scent that person I visited had was on my hands and in the room..my husband who is very logical fellow and is cautious in his beliefs..smelled it…how this ever happened i do not know..both he and I never spoke of it after..it was a very sobering experience ..and only one time.

  5. Anonymous says:

    There was a time when I scoffed at the idea of parallel lives; at the idea that my soul might choose to experience more than one "whatever" simultaneously. I no longer doubt the veracity of that concept, and have come to also think it possible that if, for example, I may have a fragment of my soul experiencing a parallel self separate from me in another space/place but connected to me through the Whole Soul complex, that whenever that parallel self has some kind of serious trauma, I feel it. I've become aware of recognizing that specific sensing experience. I know many must think I've lost my mind about this, but for me it's quite valid.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I often feel that these parallel universes or whatever you want to call them are more probable than parallel. Maybe the places we live if we had made choice B instead of choice A.

  7. Marlene says:

    Anon…. its almost like..when you wake you miss them??? like you are leaving something left undone behind??? I can't believe my mind creates these individuals .and has the ability to start where I left off???? I have had these same dreams for a very long time.. I told myself there has to be a para universe I go too…or I'm insane… 🙂

  8. Nancy says:

    Thanks so much – off to Amazon now and also to record Sci-fi Science. This is right up my alley!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Marlene, it is the same with me. Many of my dreams are recurring ones where I am in a place/space with the same people…not here, not now….not past-life….and even if I awaken fully and go back to sleep, I return to that place. The dream occurs with regularity. I agree. It is a parallel world, and perhaps our Whole Souls, which are entities too enormous for our finite minds to conceive, may indeed have parallel selves in different dimensions of Being.
    interesting WV: comen 'Come in', or 'co-men'. Or, 'c-omen', as in 'see omen'. cj

  10. Marlene says:

    kaku..love his book Parallel worlds
    its very easy to read as far as those topics go…he is a facinating man! I will definately be ordering this book…AND i have always thought that when we dreams we do go to another parallel world.. where we co exsist with another group of people ..I have frequent recurring dreams of living in a diff place and knowing people which I have never seen in this life…I keep going there and sometimes the dream continues where I left off! I used to think it was previous life dreams.. but the settings and town I am in…is not a past setting…I really believe I actually go somewhere in my dream state…

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    OK, I'm off to buy that book. $15, can't beat that.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Damn! Talk about sychronicity! I came awake this morning thinking about dreams, and had intended to write to T and R about the possibility that Dreams may exist as a "parallel universe" where our essence goes when our body is sleeping! How cool! I lay there and thought about it for a long time….the possibility or parallel universes, parallel dimensions, parallel lives, etc!
    Must read this! cj

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    just fyi – amazon has the kean book for about $15 and eligible for their free shipping deal –

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    when kaku does anything, i'm compelled to stop and listen! i was following his work before…well, for a long time – loved this interview, but then, i love all his interviews – however, this book is another must have – headed over to amazon now – thanks so much for sharing this spot of him – and ufo's – oh, and his analogy to the ants, fabulous!


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