The Ceiling Fan and – Spirits?

 We’ve posted a number of Butternut Squash’s synchros and used a couple of her incredible synchros in our book. Her experiences often focus on travel and the synchronicities she has while on the road in Nepal or Tibet or some other far flung corner of the world. This next story is completely different and actually fits into secret 2: The Heart, which is about how synchros are so intimately connected to our emotions.

I have known my husband for 22 years and we are best friends.  In all of that time, I think we have argued 3 times.  One night when we were staying in my aunt’s house, it was the same house that I mentioned to you with the heavy feeling where I lost my pen, we had an argument.  It was horrible.  I couldn’t look at my husband and I would not lay down next to him.

I put my blanket and pillow on the floor at the foot of the bed.  Neither one of us can tell you what the argument was about.  All I can say is that the anger lifted from me suddenly about 10 minutes later.  I laid down on the bed next to my husband and we both stared up at the motionless ceiling fan.

It began to move. It started to spin slowly at first and then faster and faster until it seemed as if it would fly apart.  And then… it stopped.  No one else was in the house at the time and the switch on the wall was off the whole time.  We were not afraid, we both just thought it was very weird.

To this day I am grateful for the shared experience.  I could have done without the arguing, but my husband has never had  the supernatural experiences that I have had except for that one time.  He is very scientific and a psychologist and has a practical explanation for everything.  Without that shared experience, I would worry that he might question the reliability of my perceptions.
The house that Butternut mentions was included in a comment on another post. Her sense is that spirit intervened here. But whether you attribute it to spirits, telekinesis or something else, you have to wonder how that fan started spinning.

This entry was posted in butternut, ghosts, spirit contact, spirits, telekinesis. Bookmark the permalink.

11 Responses to The Ceiling Fan and – Spirits?

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good question, Ray. Maybe our thoughts cause all these effects. Maybe, in the end, that's what synchronicity is – the mind stuff.

  2. Ray says:

    Telekinesis! Psychokinesis! I know from personal experience that it happens. It can induce scary feelings when it happens when you are not trying to move objects. I was trying to get a friend to come by and talk to me, but never in a minute thought that concentrating as hard as I could would cause an object to fall.

    I wonder what thoughts Butternut's husband had about the event. Was it a synchro or did the thoughts cause the effect?


  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Healing – then we in Florida are in big trouble.Most homes have bedroom fans! What kind of fix is there for it??

    And yay for these guys married to intuitive women!

  4. Healing Mudras says:

    Feng Shui wise it is not good to sleep under a ceiling fan or a beam…. See our post..


  5. Natalie says:

    Yes indeedy. Maybe it was solely for Butternut's hubby so he could join her in her journey.???

    Like Nancy, My Marky is getting right into the synchros now and is also learning about guides this week! I am So excited to share with him 🙂

    wv = train LOL ,Journey or to train him/s. 🙂

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We could probably speculate endlessly about why the fan spun. But the fact that it did certainly underscores the strange magic of the universe we inhabit!

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    some kind of energy! great story!

  8. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Fascinating story – as to why the fan started spinning I think I'd probably agree with Nancy .. but who knows ..

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I thought the same – telekinesis, or rather psychokinesis. I think the difference is that psychokinesis is spontaneous, the latter is consciously attempted. But I might be wrong – R

    WV: nedat no doubt (lol)

  10. Nancy says:

    I know exactly how Butternut feels – having a husband that is so throughly grounded in the sciences, it is such a relief when we have a shared synchronicity. He even comes home and tells me of his experiences now.

    This seems like telekinesis to me, just because of the high energy involved, but it could very well be some sort of spirit – especially because it's the same place as the pen incident.

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