Sky Bars, Joy, and Mom and Dad

 We’ve posted several of Janice’s synchronicities. The most recent was  The Loon of Fourth Lake. This one addresses spirit contact and involves a situation that is familiar to many boomers.

I have been dealing more and more lately with the care of my 92 year old mom, who has been having mild to moderate memory and cognitive impairment. I promised my dad I would take care of her, but it is a difficult promise to keep. I’ve been thinking a lot about my dad and wondering what he would want me to do. I think he has been sending me messages.

Last week when I was driving home from visiting my daughter, I stopped to get some coffee and the man in front of me was buying a Sky Bar. My dad used to love that candy and was always singing the jingle-“Sky Bar, it’s the four in one bar.” I haven’t eaten a Sky Bar in years or thought about him singing the jingle, so of course I bought one too.

Then I got in the car and was thinking about how he always made everything fun, even the worst chores.

How can I make taking care of mom less of a job? As I was pondering this question, a car drove by me with the license plate CK JOY.  Seek joy! I knew he was giving me a message to let more joy in my life even tho’ it is stressful right now.
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9 Responses to Sky Bars, Joy, and Mom and Dad

  1. terripatrick says:

    I love license plate messages.

    My word verification is "routins"
    and that's what even random license plate messages have become for me – part of my routine.

    Or I can even play with that WV.
    Rout ins – and consider that when I'm en-route somewhere, I'm welcoming in a message. 🙂

    I'm now going to see every CK as the word SEEK and it will be interesting to see what else will be there to read on those oft ignored and randomly generated signs.

  2. Nancy says:

    Nice that Janice could see the synchro, when she needed it the most.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Mercury retro, Nat. Here's the comment you posted originally, which I got off gmail:

    How tragic. 🙁

  4. Natalie says:

    My comment went awol???

    Think I said something along the lines of spirit contact often is the path to joy. 🙂

  5. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    To seek joy – how easy it is to forget, especially when under stress. A meaningful message.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I like this story for a lot of reasons, but mostly because of the message about seeking joy.

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    beautiful and moving story! and i love the message to seek joy! perfect for all of us at all times, really!

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Love that word verification, debra. Uniste – unite? And you're absolutely right.

  9. d page says:

    Very sweet. These moments are much needed for those of us that have the hard task of caring for others who have debilitating illnesses. Caretakers often don't have breaks from the worry and the work. It's so special when a synchro or message from the universe occurs that reminds us of love & joy.

    wv= uniste

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