Ghost Train and the Dark Trickster

                                       (Iredell County photo)

At 2 AM on August 27, 1891, just two miles from Statesville, North Carolina, passenger train number 9 plunged 65 feet through a bridge, killing 20 passengers, seriously injuring 9, and leaving 20 other passengers badly bruised and traumatized. This wreck started the Ghost Train legend, which contends that every year on the anniversary of the wreck, the doomed train returns to haunt the tracks where the wreck occurred.

According to an article on,  “people have reportedly heard grinding metal, screaming passengers, and a watchman’s light.”

Skip ahead 119 years, to August 27, 2010. A dozen amateur ghost hunters were on the tracks around 2: 45 AM, hoping to catch sight of the ghost train. As a train came around a curve on Bostonian’s Bridge, the group didn’t get out of the way. They believed that what they were seeing was the legendary ghost train and couldn’t hurt them.  By the time they realized the train was real, the group started running east, away from the train. All but three people escaped the bridge. A 29-year-old man was killed and two others were injured.

This tragic story has the dark trickster’s fingerprints all over it.

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17 Responses to Ghost Train and the Dark Trickster

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hey Karen – that BBQ was a great idea! Thanks for doing it. Ghost stories here and lots of synchro stories.

  2. KarenG says:

    So I'll get to read ghost stories here? Cool! Thanks for joining the BBQ 🙂


  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It really is a very weird story.

  4. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    What a fascinating and tragic story. You have intrigued my curiosity with this one.

  5. arlee bird says:

    Interesting story with an ironic twist. I was blogging all last week with a train theme, but with the spin of promoting train travel. I thought about doing a train wreck story, but decided it would fit well with my week long theme.

    Found your blog while perusing guests at KarenG's BBQ. Now following. Stop by if you got a moment and check out what I do on my blog.

    Tossing It Out

  6. Natalie says:

    How tragic. 🙁

    wv = blecti

  7. simply says:


    heh Rob last Thursday they used a guy to help me bail on a job,,,, his name "Edwards"

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    d – I thought about you and your ghost hunting team when I read this story.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Love your blog, Candyland! Thanks for stopping by.

    Milo – you're right. It's a great idea for a story. Go for it!

  10. Milo James Fowler says:

    Ghost-Hunters–turned–ghosts. Tragic, but a fascinating story idea…

  11. Candyland says:

    Oh man! How sad! I'm not one for ghost hunts, but that gave me chills to think about! Happy weekend!

  12. d page says:

    I am part of a serious ghost hunting team which includes law enforcement individuals. Pacific Paranormal Investigations is very careful regarding every environment they enter. We discussed this case on our web forum. All of us were very sad for those involved. Unfortunately, there will be even more amateurs drawn to this location due to this tragedy. Common sense and a grasp of science is very important when investigating, a fact that is often forgotten in the thrill of encountering spirits.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Marguerite! Off to check out the barbecue – I should probably eat first, right?

  14. Marguerite says:

    Scary but interesting story! Just want to invite ya'll to a great blog BBQ, going on at a friend of mine's blog. (link is on my current post, under recipe) Lots of published authors and aspiring authors in attendance. You won't want to miss it!

  15. Anonymous says:

    I think the key word here is "amateur". Any persons involved with potential hauntings must keep their wits about them at all times and should be sufficiently experienced to never jump to premature conclusions. This could have been much more tragic than it was! Cool story with a powerful message. Look at this WV: 'imange' "image" or "imagination"? Hauntings can be real, and they can be imaginary. Discernment is the name of the game with spooks! cj

  16. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Oh gosh, what a story – guess you should never fully trust a ghost.

  17. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what an incredible/fascinating story – i could literally see those on the tracks as the train approached!

    wv = abudg [budge]

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