
                     Entangled  photons

Several scientific experiments conducted in recent years hold intriguing implications about the nature of reality. Specifically, these experiments illustrate what researchers call “observer-dependent effects,” where the minds and knowledge of the experimenters effect the outcome of the experiment.

In 2002, an experiment was carried out that tested the communication between a pair of photons – whether they would be either a particle or a wave. The researchers extended the distance that one of the photons would have to travel to reach its detector, which means the other photon would hit its detector first.”The photons taking this path already finished their journeys – they either collapse into a particle or don’t before their twin encounters a scrambling device,” writes Robert Lanza, author of Biocentrism. “Somehow, the particles acted on this information before it happened, and across distances simultaneously. They decided not to become particles before their twin ever encountered the scrambler.”

To me, non-scientist that I am, this sounds a lot like telepathy and seems to support the contention that everything is connected.

Another experiment conducted in France in 2007 illustrated the effect that researchers have on their own experiments, something scientists call observer-dependent effects. In this experiment, photons were shot into an apparatus. Before they passed a beam splitter, they had to decide whether to behave like particles or like waves. Once the photons passed through the splitter, the experimenter randomly switched a second beam splitter on and off. The experimenter’s choice, his random switching of the splitter, “determined what the particle actually did at the fork in the past,” says Lanza.  “Paradoxically, whether events happened in the past may not be determined until sometimes in your future – and may even depend on actions you haven’t taken yet.”

The parallels between these experiments, the Seth material, and even some of the Hicks/Abraham material is stunning. In Seth Speaks, Seth talks about probable selves, probably realities, probable events. “Your thoughts and emotions go forth from you not only in all physical directions, but in directions that are quite invisible to you…You are also the receiver of other such signals coming from other probabilities that are connected with your own, but you choose which of those probable actions you want to make real or physical in your system…”

Both Seth and Abraham caution against dwelling on negative aspects in your life or negative events that have happened in the past. Abraham advises us to reach for “better feeling thoughts” so that we alter our vibrations, and attract the positive aspects that we desire. Seth says that when we focus on the negative, we set up “negative webs of probabilities” that don’t have to occur. “You can theoretically alter your own past as you have known it.” You do this by changing it first in your mind, in the present and this alters not only the nature of the event, but its effect on yourself and others.  Sounds like those photons, right?

As we’ve talked a lot about in this blog, it’s possible to tune into these future probabilities through dreams – or through synchronicities.Let’s say you have a dream about something in the future that terrifies you so deeply that you make adjustments in your present that actually prevent that event from occurring. “Such a dream is a message from a probable self who did experience the event.”

It’s always illuminating to find correlations between science and mysticism.

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15 Responses to Entanglement

  1. Jen says:

    The experiments that are being done regarding photons is fascinating! I love when science sort-of figures stuff out!

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Lauren – absolutely! I went to Band N yesterday buy biocentrism – they didn't have it. So now it'll arrive via amazon.

  3. Lauren says:

    Wow, love this post. May I have permission to quote from you sometime in my own wonderings about "a Webbed Vision"?

  4. Clarity says:

    Great post and fascinating subject. Thanks, for sharing 🙂

  5. Natalie says:

    It is indeed mind bogglingly (it's a word now) exciting. Sometimes i feel my head will pop trying to understand it all.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    There are no coincidences anywhere, ever.

  7. Healing Mudras says:

    this also corroborates the fact that healing waves use quantum intelligence to operate!

    and since my word verification is 'proph' like in prophecy… let me add… there are no coincidences in quantum intelligence

  8. DJan says:

    I read Biocentrism and think it may have altered the way I think about things. Now that I'm here in the present it's impossible for me to tell what caused what. But I was struck by this part of the book, too. I know that our minds are unable to grasp what will be revealed to us someday.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm in total agreement with you, Mike. We create our own limitations.
    Aleksandar – I'd never heard of quantum eraser. Thanks for the science explanation. Very cool.
    There are no mistakes. Well said.
    My shelf of to read books is starting to sag from the weight of so many books!

  10. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Great post. I've read about some of this before but must admit I don't always understand it fully.

    In saying that I have absolutely no doubt in the power of our thoughts, the effects they can have, and the unlimited levels they can reach – past, present, future and also other dimensions. The only limitations are those we inflict on ourselves.

  11. Anonymous says:

    As Von remarked, there are no mistakes. cj

  12. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    absolutely mesmerizing and mind-boggling – but seemingly so "simplistic" at the same time – so "natural" –

    and like nancy, another reading now! fantastic post!

  13. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    Your readers should understand what it actually means when photons (AND ELECTRONS) behave like particles or waves and how "awesome" is this phenomenon. Waves interfere with each other, which means in an experiment with two slits that that they create on a wall (screen) "dark" and light "lines". Particles create a bell-looking curve with only one maximum on the wall, just like stones being thrown through two slits. If you look at them they are particles, if you don't look at them they are waves. Similar and even more bizarre experiments have been made with beam splitters, mirrors and quantum erasers (sensors look at photons and "see" through which slit passes each photon, but you choose not to see and erase this information – your choice makes photons behave like waves).

  14. Nancy says:

    Great post, and comment by Von. I have Biocentrism sitting on my bookshelf – it may need to be my next science read.

  15. Von says:

    It's also possible to reframe what has happend in the past and is viewed 'negatively' and to learn to view it differently.There are no mistakes.

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