Radio Waves

I was supposed to talk about synchronicity yesterday (Thursday) on Dreamland. The show would include me (Rob) and hosts Anne Streiber and Starfire Tor. It was to begin at 4 p.m. At 4:01, I got a call that they were cancelling due to technical glitches. That’s the second time the show has been canceled, later to be re-scheduled. Oh well.

So a few hours later, I went on Facebook and right away noticed Starfire Tor had posted something new. Here’s what she said:  

“I was thinking about synchronicity, which figures into a show I would have recorded today but that’s postponed because of some technical weirdness. Here’s my question for you. What was the last synchronicity that you had? Was it verbal, visual, a time prompt, or something with tech or on the net? Reply back with your sync. Maybe complete strangers have had similar syncs.”

Okay, I’ve never met Starfire, never talked to her, so I guess I’m a complete stranger, and yes, I have had a similar sync. So here’s how I commented: 

How about this one: I too was going to talk on the radio about synchronicity…and it was postponed. Oops, same show. lol.”

So then I went to my own Facebook page and put this up: “Twice now I was about to do a radio show on synchronicity on Dreamland and the show was canceled. This time it was technical difficulties, an echoing sound in the system. That’s that kind of stuff that happens during Mercury retrograde..and guess what, it’s Mercury retrograde. Synchronicity.”
Readers of Starfire Tor’s Facebook page have added a surprising number of interesting synchros. If you’re on Facebook, you should be able to access her wall.

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8 Responses to Radio Waves

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi Starfire – we understand! This is the sort of thing that happens all the time when Mercury is retrograde. Mercury rules communication and travel. Since it's been retro in Virgo, a detail-oriented sign, the devil this time around really has been in the details. The good news is that it turns direct on the 12!
    – Trish

  2. Starfire Tor says:

    Hi Rob and Trish – The first postponement happened because Anne had a hoarse throat. It happens. This last postponement happened because there was a weird tech problem with the sound, which I can attest to. There was heavy reverb combined with the sound dropping out altogether. The source of the problem could not be pinned down at that time, although efforts were made to do so. Had we all tried to move forward with the interview, there was a good chance that the problem would pop up and spoil our ability to complete the show properly. ~ Starfire Tor

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The funny thing is that they only wanted to interview one of us because they thought two on the same line would mess up the connection. Instead, the glitches began before I was even on the phone.

    I think they asked me to represent the book because earlier they'd asked Trish to come on Dreamland and talk about Esperanza. So far, it all remains in dreamland…

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    silly computer, phone, glitches for days on end – not to mention the whole drama lately [for me] of verbal communications – is this retro "really" gonna end? and WHEN??? 😉

    and i was wondering what happened yesterday to your interview – geezzeee!

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I first saw Ray's email on my blackberry, where the logo for Mirriam-Webster didn't show up. So all I saw was MW word for the day. I'm thinking, what is MW?

    Looks like you experienced a synchro about the word synchro, Ray!

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sounds like Mercury retrograde, Nat.

  7. Ray says:

    I am in the process of catching up on email. Just a few minutes ago I read and forwarded to your email address the M-W Dictionary Word of the Day. Today's word: Synchronicity. Then I come here and see this electronic synchro.


  8. Natalie says:

    Hmmm……………weirdness. I would be wondering why else?

    I am having trouble getting onto your site from my Blogroll. I have missed many updates lately, it is only that i specifically seek you out via other means, that i know you have posted.

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