The Lottery and the Circus

 In between rewrites, I blog surf. Today, I dropped by Clarity’s blog. We posted one of her synchros recently.I like this synchronicity for its layers, and for Clarity’s utter,well,clarity, about  what was coming up. I also like it because it involves clusters and her son. Kid synchros are always the best of the best.
This is one of my more profound synchronicity experiences – it happened in 2006.

On the 5th of April 2006, my son turned five. We decided that a trip to the circus would be a great way to celebrate him so we ordered five tickets and invited my ‘in-laws’ (my partner and I are not married).

A couple of days earlier, I had just read about a true synchronicity which is supposed to be defined as two coincidences coming together at the exact same time – wham! OK, so the day before our circus trip, I am sitting in our kitchen looking through a magazine and just as I turn to a page about the circus we’re going to, my partner steps into the kitchen waving the circus tickets in his hand at me (he’d just returned from picking them up). Wham! There it was; a true synchronicity! Now, this gave me a feeling that something out of the ordinary could happen on that circus trip because according to the piece I’d read about true synchronicity this was often a prediction of coming important events. This experience really filled me with excitement.

The next day we’re on our way to the circus. I’m sitting in the car, studying the circus program and the first time I look out of the window I see a big number above a gate: 22. I’ve had a thing with 22’s for years and they often mean: pay attention! when the next 22 caught my eye; this time above a door, I just knew that something was brewing. But what??

The next time I look out of the window my eyes are drawn to the number 17A above a door. I tell you, it was like a magnet – I simply couldn’t get my eyes off that number until we’d passed it. This really made me smile at myself; I was beginning to see numbers everywhere. Perhaps a mild psychosis would be a more fitting diagnosis than a synchronicity-shower ..I have often had my doubts 🙂

Eventually, we arrived at the circus – we’d managed to get some excellent seats. I let my in-laws get seated first, then my partner, then my son, and as I’m about to sit down, I notice the number of my seat it’s 17A . OMG!!!! The same number as the one I couldn’t take my eyes off – and I hadn’t even seen the numbers on the tickets as my partner had put them straight in his wallet after he’d waved them at me ..and I have good eyes but not THAT good! How weird! I think I fell more than I sat down in my seat, being a bit dizzy by this incredible coincidence. The feeling that something out of the ordinary was going to happen got stronger – I just knew – KNEW – that something was going to happen. But what??

So the show began – and it was great. Halfway through, there was a break and my son and I ran around behind the scenes and in and out between all the circus wagons. From the corner of my eye, I see my partner’s dad being all busy, writing something down on our tickets. He tells me he’s writing our names and postal codes so we can participate in the lottery at the end of the break.

BINGO! I just knew what would happen then. WE WILL WIN THE LOTTERY! And it’s not like I ever win those kinds of things ..and the chances were not incredibly high either as we were up against almost 1800 other participants. But there was absolutely NO doubt in my mind. WE WOULD WIN THAT LOTTERY!

After the break, my son and hurry back to our seats and I’m just SO incredibly excited. I want to sit on my ‘lucky’ seat – number 17A – (not very grown up, I know – haha)…….but my son insists on sitting there instead. Grrrr, how annoying! But of course I give in and let the spoiled brat have MY seat! (said with a loving smile). A few minutes later, a clown announces the name of the winner of the lottery: he calls my son’s name! OH MY GOD!!! My son had insisted on sitting on 17A, the lucky seat, and he also turned out to be the winner. How well it all fitted together. And what a strange world we live in! But this synchronicity affair wasn’t quite over yet. There were additional layers in that synchronicity to be discovered.

Now, someone had to go pick up the prize: five tickets to an amusement park. My son was too tired, my partner too scared and his parents too shy, so I volunteered. I went down into the circus arena and as I was standing down there talking to the clown, being handed the tickets, it suddenly hit me that almost 2000 people were looking at us and it didn’t bother me at all.

Now, you may be the type of person who is at ease with talking in front of a large crowd but in my case I’d actually suffered from stage fright for years. Just a few weeks before the circus trip, someone had predicted that I would one day do talks in front of a crowd and I had replied: “Not with my stage fright!” Well, now I knew that I couldn’t use that excuse 🙂

This entry was posted in circuses, clusters, family, lottery. Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to The Lottery and the Circus

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi Michael – that sure seems like a clear sign to move!!

  2. Michael says:

    Was just talking about maybe moving back to the east coast where I grew up. Then, I found your blog about synchronicity and the second post has a picture of the circus pinball machine that is in my old house in which I grew up in. Awesome!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    You people are much more in tune with the numbers than I am. I love your interp, nat.

  4. Natalie says:

    Love that one too!
    What about 17 -A?

    1+7 == 8 ~ power and success

    A = top of the class

    22 = master number about building foundations for humanity?

    Her numbers seem to be saying that Clarity will succeed in her endeavours and help many people.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I especially like the confidence part of it at the end!

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    neat fun story! love the little one's stories and then, there's the whole element of circus here! what fun!! 😉 great story!

  7. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    What a fabulous story, so many different aspects and even a confidence lesson at the end – perfect!

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