The Blanket and the Lama

This story was posted on Debra Page’s mythic musing blog and I liked it so much I asked her if we could repost it. We’ve posted several of her synchros – Reindeer Woman and Laryssa are the ones that come immediately to mind. In this one, something created with love is returned with love several years later. The story comes full circle.
When I first met Lama Gyatso in his home in Los Angeles April 2004, I knew with complete certainty that my search for an authentic spiritual teacher was over. After taking refuge (vows) from him, I went home an did what every country girl does  when they love someone: I crocheted him a burgundy and cream afghan (blanket).( I knew nothing about Tibetan customs!) Through the years, the afghan would be on his lap while he gave teachings from his seat in the shrine room.

Lama Chodak Gayatso Nubpa left this Earth last fall. Lama told me before he left, “Don’t worry, you will always be in my Mindstream, no matter what.” I believe him.

This year has been very difficult as my illness, CFS/ME, has been wreaking havoc on my body. I have become 90% housebound, and very weak. I was going through a disheartening period this summer. In early August, my friend, artist Teresa Mill called me. She said she knew I was having a hard time with my illness and insomnia during the nights, but that she had something that may help me.

She arrived at my home with a blanket and some photos. She handed me the photos: they were of my beloved Lama on Coronado Beach, here in San Diego! She explained that she had attended a sand mandala ceremony that he had performed at the beach, sometime in the early or mid-1990’s. Teresa and I met in 2002, in the San Diego art scene. After I had connected with Lama Gyatso in 2004, she told me how she had met him at a sand mandala ceremony in San Diego.

What she didn’t tell me was this: during the ceremony on the beach, Lama Gyatso had become cold. She had given him her blanket and he wrapped himself in it. After the ceremony, the blanket was handed back to her. An attendant told her to take care of the blanket, because it was now an artifact holding many blessings.  Teresa kept the blanket, and did not see Lama Gyatso again.

Teresa gave me this very blanket , knowing how much I love my Lama. She wanted this blanket to comfort me.  This is when I told her, “The first thing I did for Lama, after accepting him as my teacher, was hand crochet him a blanket.” We both laughed at the wonder of it: two blankets ,two friends, many years…. and I know I am still in his Mindstream.

Thank you, Teresa, for a beautiful act of compassion and being part of a story filled with blessings.

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15 Responses to The Blanket and the Lama

  1. Nancy says:

    Wonderful story. It is so comforting to know that we are not in this alone.

  2. Marja says:

    Thanks for visiting and what a touching amazing story. These stories make life special.Take care marja

  3. Natalie says:

    Awww……that one just brought a tear to my eye. Such a beautiful story. *sniff*

    Congratulations, Trish. ♥

    wv =roseses

    one each. 🙂

  4. Raksha says:

    What a beautiful story, Debra! I hope the blanket has healing powers and that they are manifesting right now.

  5. Clarity says:

    What a beautiful and heart warming story. Thanks for sharing it 🙂

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I was wondering the same thing! I love the cover too. They did a beautiful job.

  7. d page says:

    Wow. I wonder how it landed on the shelf in Borders, El Cajon last week?
    I love the metallic silver cover!

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for letting me know! I just went to B&N to see if they had put it out yet – hope. The woman said they can't display until the 14th – she called it The Book Police!

  9. d page says:

    I just got a notice from Amazon that Esperanza has shipped. YAY! 🙂

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    This story really brought a lump to my throat when I first saw it, Debra.

  11. d page says:

    I feel so grateful to be able to share a story like this with people who have open hearts! I am also so grateful for this place that Trish & Rob have created for us all.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Such a gentle and uplifting story, Debra! I'm sure every time your beloved Lama warmed himself with your hand-made stitches, he felt the love that was in each one! And now that love comes back to you in a similar material way that you can touch and feel and wrap around you. Such a special, unique, comforting gift. I'm sure all of us here who are aware of your physical ailments send you healing thoughts. You have faced so many trials and challenges and remain steadfast in your spirituality. Bless you. And again, thank you for spreading your "blanket of warmth" around us! WV" "holit" YES! cj

  13. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    What a lovely, comforting post.

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    a beautifully moving story of the circle of all – great post!

    wv= redoidiv – re do divine? 🙂

  15. Gail says:

    Wonderful, heart warming story and helps renew the faith in the old saying, what goes around, comes around.

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