Category Archives: family

The Lottery and the Circus

 In between rewrites, I blog surf. Today, I dropped by Clarity’s blog. We posted one of her synchros recently.I like this synchronicity for its layers, and for Clarity’s utter,well,clarity, about  what was coming up. I also like it because it … Continue reading

Posted in circuses, clusters, family, lottery | 8 Comments

The Magical Picture

This synchronicity appeared in The Sunday Times (London) on May 5, 1974. ***For over 20 years, Eileen Bithell’s parents of Portsmouth, England, had a grocery store with a framed sign in the window that stated which days the store was … Continue reading

Posted in family, prophecy | 7 Comments

The Two Toms

This story is from Janice Cutbush, a retired teacher and friend in Ballspa, New York. Her husband, Tom Cutbush, died about ten years ago. Her son, also named Tom Cutbush, lives in Haddenfield, New Jersey. About a year ago, Janice’s … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, encounters, family, names | 6 Comments

The Butterfly Effect

Hazel from Toronto- the Clever Pup blog – sends this synchronicity that happened to her mother. It really illustrates how closely we are all connected – The Butterfly Effect!** One of the best synchronicity stories happened to my mother. I … Continue reading

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