Presidential doodles

Here’s a fascinating post by Jeff Wells that appeared on his cerebral and right-brain blog, Rigorous Intuition, in 2006.
You’ve seen the story of the presidential doodles. There are many odd and revealing examples, such as GHW Bush’s “any more dead ones?” (ABC News says his sad and teary face “gives the note a bit of melancholy, or maybe humor,” appropriately ambiguous for a man of shimmering surface and black depths), but the one perhaps receiving the most notice hasn’t even been reproduced online. It’s a page from John F Kennedy, on which he’s written, repeatedly, “9-11,” and underscored the word “conspiracy” next to it.

Paul Joseph Watson wondered whether this was some kind of “inside joke” or a “hat tip to the 9/11 truth movement” before concluding “one thing’s for sure – it’s weird.” I’d say rather that two things are certain: it’s both weird, and it’s not.

ABC explains the numbers, without accounting for the word “conspiracy,” by saying that “It turns out that was the tally of a committee vote, not a foreshadowing of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.” But that’s a misapprehension of foreshadowing, which always carries within it a duality, referencing both a prosaic explanation and a supra-prosaic that is revealed only in hindsight. If this were, say, a Richard Condon novel and not living history, and so foreshadowing just a literary device, there would be no dispute that Kennedy’s doodle fit the definition. It’s disputed now because people object to the impression that we may be the characters instead of the authors of our lives.

Kennedy’s doodle didn’t “predict” 9/11any more than The Coup’s cover art or The Lone Gunman‘s pilot episode, but all three are suggestive of a grander conspiracy – the grandest – that encompasses all of human history. I’m talking about the conspiracy of consciousness. That by encoding the narrative of history with artful gestures of interpretation – the things that make us go hmmm – consciousness conspires to bring us to comprehension.

Consider for a moment the familiar JFK and Abraham Lincoln coincidences, how their stories seem to enfold, and unfold, one another. Such details as Lincoln’s election to congress in 1846, JFK’s exactly 100 years later, and each entering the presidency 14 years after that; Lincoln’s having a secretary named Kennedy, and Kennedy’s a secretary Lincoln, and each being succeeded by a man named Johnson; both were shot in the head on a Friday, Lincoln by a man with three names born in 1839 who fled a theatre to a warehouse, while Kennedy’s alleged three-named gunman, born in 1939, fled a warehouse to a theatre; “Kennedy” and “Lincoln” each contain seven letters, and John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald, 15 – you know the list, and how it goes on.

Of course, a grab bag of coincidence a century apart should defy the conventions of even the loosest conspiracy model. But in a holographic model, things change. It is consciousness – not individual consciousness, but the collective consciousness of all life – that draws locality and temporality out of the wave pattern of higher vibrations that form the holographic universe and constructs the space and time setting for our life narrative. And consciousness is a storyteller, employing literary devices such as foreshadowing as well as metaphor in our waking curiosity and dream state, while some astral project and remote view, and as plant shamans, with heads full of snakes, explore innerspace via such gateways as DMT and ayahuasca.

JFK didn’t “plan” 9/11, or have “inside info” as I’ve seen some Randiesque skeptics sarcastically assert. But repeating patterns, even across centuries or great distances, may still evidence a conspiracy. But the better kind: one of undifferentiated consciousness provoking us within the continuum towards greater reading comprehension.

Perhaps to help it write a happier ending.

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13 Responses to Presidential doodles

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I o9ften wonder if they're shown the zapruder film.

  2. Sansego says:

    I'm with CJ. I really believe that JFK (and even RFK) was killed because he refused to follow "the plan." I also believe that each president after Kennedy has been told the truth about his assassination and are kind of hinted that the same fate will fall on them if they don't do what the M-I-C wants them to do. If they follow the plan, they are guaranteed wealth upon exiting the White House. Clinton was not wealthy when he became president, but now he is rich enough to spend $3 million on his daughter's wedding! Obama not too long ago just finished paying off his and his wife's college loans. There's no doubt that they will also receive great wealth upon leaving the White House.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Depends upon what a person considers "satan" to be, Ray, I suppose. In my opinion there is a "satanic frequency" just as there is a "Christ" frequency, having nada to do with the Bible or with religion, but with Dark and Light, Evil and Good, etc. I personally have never once thought of "satan" as a specific entity, but I have never thought of "christ" as being a specific entity, either. To me, these are examples or representations of frequencies upon which an individual or group or whatever chooses to express. cj

  4. Ray says:

    CJ's comment reminded me of a program I heard on the radio while sitting in my car night before last. I can't remember the name of the talk show host, but he was talking about the CIA being founded by the Skull & Bones Club. He was talking about both Bush's being members with GHWB being head of the CIA and GW using them to further his agenda.

    The host was telling his audience that Skull & Bones is a Satanist conspiracy.

    There could be a conspiracy at foot, but Satanist? What is this guy and his callers smoking?


  5. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Great post, has given me some food for thought that's for sure.

  6. Natalie says:

    I like the duality idea for sure.

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    incredible story – seems now that i'd heard it before but can't remember when or where [or was that a song title?] – in any event, cj's comment truly much fodder for thought! incredible to think of the all of it and all the implications! thanks so much for keeping your magnificent storehouse of info stored to capacity with gems like this! now, to follow that yellow brick road of links!

  8. Nancy says:

    One can only hope.

    I've followed your link to Jeff Wells. Now to find his new blog. I will probably spend the rest of the day following the other links and then the links from those links… you are always a wealth of information.

    All of this reminds me of the overlapping time theory. Everything repeats itself.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, but it's the research and writing and research of Jeff Wells.

  10. Lauren says:

    Thanks for your own rigorous, and eloquent, continuing investigation into these phenomena. Your reflections here ring profoundly true………I absolutely agree that consciousness is a storyteller, a tale spinner, a yarn weaver, an artist. Thank you for putting it so well………

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good food for thought, Connie.

    Hi Palisade!

  12. Palisade says:

    Lovely. Thanx for sharing this.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Regarding JFK, there exists the possibility that he did actually possess a timeline, intuitively or otherwise, of planned future events. We can't ignore the wealth of highly credible information surfacing during recent years that suggests, at the very least, a long-term outline by TPTB, or whoever is running the show. Although certainly there are paranoid conspiracy theorists who see conspiracy behind every incident and event, it seems undeniable to thinking folks that SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES, and that it is proceeding according to the program for decades. My personal opinion is that JFK seriously rocked the boat, refused to follow "the plan", and for that reason he was taken out of the equation. I'm not suggesting that he knew the exact event of 9-11-2001 almost forty years before it manifested, but that perhaps there is a program in place that connects the numbers 911 to the world of conspiracy, and perhaps JFK was aware of THAT and wouldn't be a puppetfor the handlers. Just a thought. cj

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