Category Archives: 9-11

Historic Dates/Numbers Synchros

                                                                         9/11/2001                                                                      2/11/2011 The first date – 9-11-2001  is when planes flew into the World Trade Center and 3,000 Americans were killed. This terrorist event launched two wars and resulted in the creation of the TSA (the gropers at … Continue reading

Posted in 9-11, Egypt, numbers dates | 3 Comments

Presidential doodles

Here’s a fascinating post by Jeff Wells that appeared on his cerebral and right-brain blog, Rigorous Intuition, in 2006.***You’ve seen the story of the presidential doodles. There are many odd and revealing examples, such as GHW Bush’s “any more dead … Continue reading

Posted in 9-11, JFK | 13 Comments

9-11 and the 11s

Yes, it’s 9-11 again and worth mentioning some of the numerous synchronicities related to that fateful date. If I had a chance to interview Khalid Sheik Mohammed , who is supposedly behind the planning of the World Trade Center attack, … Continue reading

Posted in 11, 9-11, World Trade Center | 14 Comments