White Feathers

Recently, we’ve run across a number of white feather synchros related to spirit contact. This phenomenon first came to our attention months ago, through Mike Perry’s excellent blog on synchronicity. The other day, he posted another synchro involving a white feather that was particularly moving, about his daughter’s death years ago. Later that day I remarked to Rob that I couldn’t imagine losing a child. Parents are not supposed to outlive their kids. We’ve also run across stories about white feathers appearing during major transitions in our lives – moves, job changes, marriage/divorce.

 I’m wondering if white feathers are an evolving archetype for spirit contact. I don’t know if Jung talked specifically about evolving archetypes. But it seems logical this would happen as we become more connected as a species, a planet, as a mass consciousness.I think it was Butternut Squash who posed an intriguing question:

Are we  actually now seeing the same thing, or are we learning from each other to interpret in a similar way? 

Does something become an archetype when it reaches a tipping point? Does the Internet make this happen more rapidly, because of the luminal speeds at which we communicate?

In Malcomb Gladwell’s book The Tipping Point, he defines tipping points as “the levels for which the momentum for change become unstoppable.” It’s the “moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point.” It’s when you utter a few words and a complete stranger from another continent snaps his fingers and says, “I know exactly what you mean.” Or: “The same thing happened to me.”

I think white feathers have reached that tipping point. They aren’t the only way that the dead communicate with the living, but perhaps they are some sort of universal symbol that says, I am here. I love you. I am watching over you…

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20 Responses to White Feathers

  1. Anonymous says:

    Today a white feather landing in from of me when i sit at backyard n have a talk with someone. But 'till now still do know what is it mean and then i found your blog and read others website. Hope it will be a good thing.

  2. Sansego says:

    For the past week, I've been reading Mary Tillman's memoirs about her son Pat Tillman. She wrote that at one of the memorial services for her son, doves were released and one feather had found its way to her feet. When I read that, I though, what's the likelihood of that? It made me immediately think of the opening scene of Forrest Gump, when a feather lands at his feet.

    I've actually never heard of the white feather being a sign of a transition. I've come across pigeon feathers over the past few months and thought nothing of it. I'm still waiting for my change.

    wv: ressiles

  3. Gwendolyn H. Barry says:

    Same as the 'making company' 🙂
    Daughters of Isis!

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Mike – wow, your feather experiences are incredibly literal. Black or white, positive or negative.

    Gwendolyn- maybe it's reached the point where clusters of the word are enough? What was your store called??

  5. Gwendolyn H. Barry says:

    Perhaps this is a 'tipping point'… every since I experienced an astral initiation (circa '95) and still had the shop open on Sample Rd in Pomp Bch… the white feathers have proceeded transition and significant events in my life. They actually either fall from the sky (3 times) in front of me or are laying perfect in front of a door I will be unlocking. Now, this hasn't happened in a while… and I've made some really large changes in my lifestyle in the last year. So far, no princes' feather, no signal from spirit. But this is like the second or third time in a week I've found or spoken of this subject… evolving archetypes? Hummm.

  6. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Such wonderful comments above and thank you for mentioning my blog.

    You asked about whether the feathers have to be white. For me they are when connected with those we have lost (temporarily, of course).

    For my wife and I black feathers aren't such 'good' news and seem to indicate (for us) warnings, bad news and so on. We saw a black feather on the morning our daughter died unexpectedly.

    White feathers (usually large and almost fluffy in appearance) always make me feel at peace with the world.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    i remember, nat!

  8. Natalie says:

    Way back in the beginning, I think it was actually my feather story that first alerted you to my site. 🙂

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Love these stories. I meant to comment earlier, too, about connie's sense of time. Your description is really vivid.

  10. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i've all my life felt such a deep deep sense of spirit connection with feathers – even as a child i viewed them as something special and not of this world somehow – and i still do – a great thought-provoking post here – and cj's comment about the sense of everything slowing down is something i share as well – just had not really put it all into consciousness to verbalize but she's done such a great job of it – and what beautifully moving bird stories!

  11. d page says:

    What a sweet story.

    wv= faterme: fate r me

  12. Anonymous says:

    When my peach-faced lovebird died, I was devastated. She was bonded to me because she didn't have a mate, purposely on my part because when they have mates they don't easily bond with people. Anyway, sobbing, I wrapped her tiny body in velvet with her favorite toys, and put her with them into a box that I sealed. I did all this inside the house, then took it outside under a peachtree and buried it deeply. (We lived in the country.) That night I dreamed of Echo. She was transparent, ( Her etheric body, I'm sure), and was singing happily on a branch of the peachtree. Next morning, I found a turquoise feather under the tree. It couldn't have come from the sealed box,or from the house. It was one of her feathers, though. And I was so comforted! I knew my little Echo was alive and well and staying around. cj

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Around the time Trish's father died, a white pigeon landed in our yard. Up to that point, I'd never seen a pigeon around here. You could walk right up to the pigeon and pet it, tho sometimes it would peck at your fingers.

    The pigeon made its home in our garage. Flew in at dusk, left in the morning when we opened the garage door. It stayed there for months.

    But eventually the garage was turning into a big dirty bird cage with feathers and droppings everywhere. So one day I put the pigeon into a cage and released it a few miles away in an area with lots of horse barns. A couple years later, our next door neighbor said it came back for a brief visit, then flew off.

    Years later, I was still finding feathers when I cleaned the garage.

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    So the feathers don't have to be white!

  15. d page says:

    According to Jungian theory, Archetypes evolve, just as humans do.

    My daughter and I have had raven and crow feather "messages".
    I have had hummingbird feather sychros as well.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Oddly enough, so many speak of everything speeding up, yet I have a powerful and inexplicable sense of everything slowing down.
    I can't explain this. It's an intuitive sensitivity that seems to be like a clock with four hands instead of two hands, and two hands are moving forward while the other two hands are moving backwards. An uncanny and disturbing dichotomy, as if there are two parallel worlds spinning within each other, paradoxically and opposing. It causes me to wonder if at some Zero Point the two worlds will somehow merge and become One, then move in synergy, exceeding the sum of their individual parts. It's a disconcerting feeling. cj

  17. Nancy says:

    I found a feather the other day and stuck it on a bookcase. It wasn't white, but for some reason I felt the need to keep it.

    As for the learning and becoming, I think you're right. The internet is speeding things up. The book I'm reading says that we are in a transitory stage before a major shift in consciousness. It doesn't surprise me that things are speeding up and connections are being made.

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, DJan!
    Connie – thanks for the reminder. I had totally forgotten about that scene in Forrest Gump.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Do you remember the white feather in the Forrest Gump movie? Jenny had died, and Forrest was sitting on a rock at the schoolbus stop with Little Forrest. The white feather had lifted from a page in the child's book, and when Little Forrest got onto the bus for his first day of school, the feather began to slowly drift and float towards heaven. It signified both the end…and the beginning…and was one of the most poignant scenes I've ever witnessed in a movie, or elsewhere. It spoke volumes to me.
    My very dear friend who holds a doctorate in clinical and medical hypnosis, uses the mind-image of a drifting, beautiful white feather
    as a means of inducing peaceful transition into the deepest state of hypnosis. I have kept a white feather in one of my special "Holy Texts" that belonged to my Dad, and for some unknown reason, that white feather brings me hope, and peace. An archetype? I think so.
    For many, many folks it has evolved to represent the wings of angels, and thus perhaps the presence with us of our loved ones who have shed their cocoons of skin and entered other dimensions, yet still come to call. cj

  20. DJan says:

    I'll be looking for my white feather, Trish. I also read the Tipping Point and I do wonder about the same issues. Just a quick comment to let you know I read but cannot possibly comment on every post you make! (smiles)

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