
 jeweled lizard

Aside from the obvious tragedy of mass extinctions, what do they mean on a metaphoric level? What prompted me to wonder about this was an article in National Geographic News about how, if global warming continues at its present rate, many lizards will become extinct.

The study, conducted by Barry Sinervo, a herpetologist at Berkeley, concludes that no matter what we do to combat global warming from this point on, at least 6 percent of lizard species will go extinct. By 2080, the study estimates that 1 in 5 lizards will be extinct.

Extinctions since 2000?  Take a look at this list: Pyrenean Ibex, the bajii (China’s freshwater river dolphin), three  Hawaiian species of birds – the Po’ouli,  the Kama’o, and the Hawaiian Crow, Western Black Rhino, the Golden Toad, Spix’s Macaw. This list doesn’t include plants and invertebrates.

Another animal that now faces extinction is the tamarind monkey, which lives in zoos and the forests of Colombia.There are just 7,000 of them left. The original article is here. 

In one of Jane Roberts’ Seth books,Seth specifically addresses extinctions. If memory serves me, Seth said something to the effect that extinct animals reappeared in probable realities. If that’s true, could it be one explanation for why certain animals that are deemed extinct suddenly reappear?  These creatures, often referred to as “Lazarus species,” include  the New Holland Mouse, for instance, first discovered in 1843. It vanished for more than a century and then  reappeared in a national park north of Sydney, Australia.

Maybe the Dodo bird, which went extinct around 1800, is alive and well in some probable reality and is simply waiting for an opportune time to resurface. I hope that’s how it works.

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14 Responses to Extinctions

  1. Anonymous says:

    Here's something I read on the "Castle on the Hill" website (Uki,Australia) and thought I would pass on to your readers:

    *October is fast approaching and it is going to be an awesome month. For a start, we will have the date of 10.10.10. In numerology 10 is the number for changes.To me it means opening up your heart for a positive change.

    Here is a message from Duncan Roads of Nexus Magazine.*

    *(a magazine that I have subscribed to for years/Daz)

    “A world-wide movement has started with people from all walks of life, from all races and religions joining in.

    Every full moon and every new moon – people are spending a few minutes to build up, feel, and broadcast – love – to the world.

    No organization or lists to join, no money to send, no website to visit, no training required – open to all those who feel the need.

    Let us do it!!!

    Yeah! Let's do it!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Go by your gut feeling people…can any form of consciousness truly die?
    Something to think about isn't it?

    "I think,therefore I am,I think."
    (quote from George Carlin)

    Cheers / Daz

  3. Shadow says:

    i'd dearly like to believe these creature are alive in a probably reality… this is shocking!

  4. Anonymous says:

    natalie that is so funny! Medium or not, how can ANYONE not know what synchronicity is?? So what did the medium end up doing? Group readings? Obviously she wasn't prepared with anything. How very weird. Seems like she could have easily talked about mediumship and how it works, or something along those lines. Maybe she just wasn't used to being a public speaker. Odd choice for a Spiritualist Church, to have a speaker who doesn't know what to say! cj

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nat – YOU should've gotten up and talked about it!! It's a hoot the medium didn't have a clue.

  6. Natalie says:

    Let's hope they come back, but maybe not the Dinos.

    I'm with Connie ~ Congratulations! Whoo Hoo!
    Just as an aside, I went to a Spiritualist Church recently to listen to a guest speaker. The speaker was ill, and so a medium from the church did the address. She took the floor and asked "What should I talk about?"

    I suggested Synchronicity because I thought the audience could participate too, and it would be cool to gather some more! ANYWAY ~
    She didn't have a clue what synchronicity was!!! I found that really odd, seeing as she was a Medium who ran her own healing business. Hmmm….

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Debra – what a cool synchro! Am going to check that link!

  8. Anonymous says:

    This we know: Nothing is ever destroyed, but only changes form. So, it seems to follow that our extinct species shall certainly return to us at some point, perhaps in a different expression of being. cj

  9. d page says:

    After reading your post today, I found this in my inbox from Conservation International: Frogs Rediscovered: Found 3 Lost Frogs


  10. Anonymous says:

    Off-subject: Just saw your announcement that you've sold the second Synchronicity book! Hooray!!
    Congratulations and all that good stuff! First one is great….second one will be great! Now we wait yet again!

  11. Nancy says:

    We wouldn't have to go far to be more advanced than some of our species.

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Supposedly, the dinosaurs went extinct from an Earth-altering meteor strike 50 million years ago, opening the way for other species to develop…including us.

    Maybe our own extinction, whether resulting from events ignited by humans or nature, will lead to our replacement by other advanced species.

  13. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    It would certainly be good to see a few lost creatures 'reappear'. I'm not certain though that it is just global warming that is making various species extinct. I don't think we are helping in other ways as well.

  14. arlee bird says:

    It's sad to see these extinctions occur, but I wonder how much real impact most of this has on the world in general? Is the disappearance of certain species just part of the natural progression and related to laws of survival?

    This is somewhat related to my debate question today Do creatures like Bigfoot really exist?. I'd love to get your opinions on that topic. Also, if you didn't see my post yesterday, I was relating my recent visit to Ghost Fest 4, a paranormal event on the Queen Mary in Long Beach.

    Tossing It Out

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