Ghosts as Tricksters

 When we posted a synchro called Hank and Judy, Photographers,  there were a number of really great comments, stories unto themselves, and some interesting email that came in. Here are two of them – one from an email, the other a comment.
This one comes from Sharlie West. We used  one of her synchros in our book. She has the most unusual experiences with ghosts/spirits. This one sounds like ghosts as tricksters!

My home is haunted. I’ve gotten used to the spirits; they were more active when the house was filled with children. Things still disappear and we never find them. We all kidded about it a lot. One Thanksgiving the family was sitting around the table talking about our occasional spirit visitors. We were drinking wine and gave a Thanksgiving toast, raising our glasses high. My mom said, “If there are any ghosts, let them make themselves known.” We were all smiling until her wine glass broke midair into tiny pieces and splattered all over the table. Dead silence after that. I got chills realizing that although we kidded about the spirits, they were definitely there.
Under comments, Connie posted this amazing synchro:

During the final three days of my Mom’s life, she was in a S. GA hospital in a terminal coma. (She was 63) My aunt, her older sister, who was a born-again fundamental Christian, was sitting beside me at the foot of Mom’s bed. There was a very loud CRACK! in the air over Mom’s head, and my Aunt and I looked up from our books. I was accustomed to seeing spirits, but was not accustomed to being with other people who could also see them.

There was a Catholic Clergy in the white and red robes of a Cardinal or Bishop, (my Mom was Baptist), and he was leaning over my Mother’s bed very clearly giving her rites of some kind. My poor Aunt saw him as clearly as I did, and she burst into tears, dropped her book on the floor, and flew from the room. The Priest faded in a few moments, but every day at exactly the same times, for three days, he came and gave my Mom rites. He was there at the moment of her death.

His energy was so powerful that several medical people could see him, and personnel were coming from all over the hospital trying to catch a glimpse of him. He disappeared on the Sunday that she passed, and I could see her “essence” up in the corner of the room, like a flowing blue-white mist. No one else saw that. I’ve always wondered why a Catholic Clergy Spirit came for her. It was an awesome, awe-inspiring experience. My aunt never recovered from it. She was completely spooked by it, no pun intended. For me it was magnificent.
Some of the followup comments to this were terrific, with speculation about whether Connie’s mother had been Catholic in a previous life and that perhaps this representative of the church was someone she had known or simply a symbol she would recognize.

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38 Responses to Ghosts as Tricksters

  1. Anonymous says:

    Vicki that is just so very evidential, it can't be denied! What a beautiful gift for your friend to hear from her Dad so soon and in such a loving and personal way. Pretty much proves the discussion we've been having about the ability of Spirits to move objects, doesn't it! I am quite certain that when my Mom was in the terminal coma, she was out and about doing out-of-body trips. I can't play a note on the piano, and she was a classical pianist and violinist. I was at her house by myself, and just felt compelled to sit down at her piano. I kept playing the same notes over and over again. The notes were lovely, but I didn't know what they were. I decided to put my tape recorder on the piano and record the notes so I could ask my sister if she was familair with them. When I re-played what I had recorded, there was a fantastically clear woman's voice saying, "Connie, go higher!" I almost fainted. But I did go up a full octave and played the notes. Later, my sister was able to identify the notes as part of a piece I'd never heard. But the voice?? Gosh, my Mom out on an astral trip? I'll never know. It was soooo comforting, anyway! And I know your friend is comforted by her Dad's obvious presence! cj

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Vicki – how cool is that? Your friend should be really comforted by all this! It'll be interesting to see if he continues to communicate every afternoon.

  3. Vicki D. says:

    I love the woodland beings. I especially love how my crystals feel after an evening alone under the moonlight and in the morning you go to retrieve them and you can see they were moved and gently repositioned. Magical.

    Trish, I came home from lunch with my friend who had had a discussion with her Dad several days before he died, about whether or not there is anything after we die.
    She also told me that "if the cd that had played was with a piano in it that would make more sense " .

    I got home and the CD player was on.
    It was on a different CD , it had switched CD 's, and the music was … A piano!

    I called my friend and she was so excited. She then shared her memory of how he loved to listen to His Dave Brubeck CD in the car.
    I then told her that the CD playing was DAVE BRUBECK!
    We had a good laugh and she got quite emotional. I told her that I thought her Dad was letting her know he was ok and that there is something after death.
    I also said that it made sense he came to me because we trust each other and she would totally believe what I told her.
    I absolutely love when this happens.
    Lastly, this CD was the one Before my meditation CD so it didn't just play the next one.

    Cj, I completely agree that one must be very careful when working with spirits, ghosts, elementals etc. I've worked with several teachers over the years and am still learning.
    You have to be able to recognize the different energies,some are quite evil.

  4. Anonymous says:

    You are 100% correct, RakSha, about the elementals, the elves, fairies, gnomes, trolls, and of course PAN, the God of The Wood. As I mentioned to Rob, there wasn't space on the comment box for me to be more specific. As a true, life-long practioner of The Old Religion, these entities are very much a part of my spiritual existence. We have taken very real photos, crystal clear, of a fire-sprite, and have been allowed to actually visually SEE a tiny elemental flitting between the trees in the mountain forests going into Gatlinburg. It was witnessed by several folks who couldn't believe their eyes! Glorious. So, too, are other intra- and extra-dimensional entities too numerous to list a part of my reality. cj

  5. Raksha says:

    CJ: Re "So, a space may be inhabited by ghosts, which are harmless, or a space may be inhabited by spirits, which may be helpful or harmless but which have energy, emotions, and life."

    You said earlier that these are the spirits of animals or humans that were once alive. But there are also elemental spirits that have never been alive, or that are associated with with particular species of trees and plants, like the devas Eileen Caddy and Dorothy MacLean talked about in the Findhorn books. They also figure prominently in the myths and fairy tales of every culture–as elves, faeries, dwarves, trolls, etc.

    Okay, anyone with a weeks' worth of experience on the Internet knows that trolls exist, but I believe the others do too.


  6. Anonymous says:

    I do agree with you, Rob, but there wasn't sufficient space in the comment box to continue. Our family a series of experiences of its own, (all relative to a single entity), that I don't discuss because I don't want to give it energy, and it happened many years ago when our oldest son was 13. It involved the entity, of whatever kind it was, that tore the pine-paneled wall to shreds. The incidents surrounding those events were ghastly, and exuded noxious odors that were indescribable, and other horrifying "stuff". I can't categorize that entity as a spirit or a ghost or even a poltergeist. I honestly don't think it had ever had a "body" as we recognize bodies. Whatever it was, I never wish to experience such a one again! Son was ADHD, and I believe the entity drew huge energy for manifestation from his excessive energy, even when son wasn't within miles of the entity. Taught me a great deal….be cautious in The Work, and be careful with experimenting with anything that can do serious damage and that we don't comprehend with our finite minds. I might add that our property at that time was adjacent to a very old dilapidated church and ancient cemetery, and down in a gulley of that graveyard there was a "coldspot" where the temperature dropped a full 20 degrees, measured by a thermometer. The church and graveyard were separated from our property by a field, and no other homes. Was the cemetery realtive to the incidents? I never felt that, but who knows? BTW, the only odor I could compare it to, was the sick sweet/sour burned flesh odor of the hospital burn floor where I did my clinicals. Beyond imagining. Once smelled, it is never forgotten. cj

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I guess it's a matter of categorization. Most ghosts definitely seem to be shell memories, associated with a place, that appear and re-appear, following the patterns. But it seems that there a very few cases of hauntings that are truly terrifying experiencing, causing dread and fear, causing rooms to go cold, filling space with a horrific sense of evil. They don't seem to be ghosts or spirits of human origin.

    Again, it's how they are categorized – ghost or spirit. Same with the trapped souls. I tend to place those entities in the ghost realm as well, thinking of spirits in a more positive framework, guides, relatives, helpful entities.

    But I see your point. – Rob
    Glendower: "I can call spirits from the vasty deep."

    Hotspur: "Why so can I, or so can any man; but will they come when you do call them?"
    –Henry IV, Part 1, A.3. Sc.1.

  8. Anonymous says:

    If I may, I would like to make the distinction between "ghosts" and "spirits". A true "ghost" is nothing more than a memory that is powerfully impressed within a specific timeframe and within a specific parameter, that is repetitive and for centuries can continue to do the very same thing over and over and over again but cannot have any activity outside its original space. Ghosts are harmless and cannot exert any energy against living beings and/or inanimate objects. For all intents and purposes, a ghost is nothing more than a spectral hologram of something or someone. Spirits, contrarily, are the essences (souls) of what were once living breathing entities, human or animal, etc. Spirits are not confined within any parameters and have freedom of motion and activity. There are spirits that are wonderfully helpful and there are malefic spirits; spirit personalities are as numerous as incarnate personalities. So, a space may be inhabited by ghosts, which are harmless, or a space may be inhabited by spirits, which may be helpful or harmless but which have energy, emotions, and life. Spirits can help or harm. Ghosts cannot do either. I've run across spirit hauntings that are the souls of folks who, for one reason or another, have trapped themselves into a certain place and don't choose to move out of it. They are neither here nor There, and they can create all kinds of phenomena. My mother-in-law is an example of a spirit haunting. She refuses to leave the 125-year-old house on the mountain where she was born, and she resides there although her body died in 1997. Contrarily, we've all seen or read about ghost hauntings where the incident is repetitive at the same time and in the same manner for decades or centuries. Just wanted to make a distinction here, for anyone who might be interested! Thanks for the opportunity! In any case, this is what I've come to understand and it is certainly open to discussion or dissent! I'm not dogmatic by any means! cj

  9. Vicki D . says:

    Trish, there are most def. Animal spirits and they will follow us. My little terriers still show up and they died years ago when we lived in PA.

    CJ, I most def. Believe that a space or land can be haunted. Just look at Gettysburg, I would not want a home built on that land.

    To all who feel a presence that is unwanted, remember that your home belongs to you now and they must respect that. I often tell people to "claim your space", smudging can also help BUT does not always stop a haunting.

    When I was a teen we had to move out of our house because whatever was haunting us was terrorizing me and had actually pushed me down the stairs twice.
    We found out that a previous owner had committed suicide, in what was then my bedroom.

    cj, your tooth story is absolutely amazing.

  10. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Looks like my comment didn't go through yesterday. My wife seems to sense the recently departed more than I do.

    Someone she was close to died and she saw him distinctly when she woke during the night. He was standing looking at her and then faded from view. She's certain is wasn't a dream.

  11. Natalie says:

    Jeff ~ The most beautiful example of 'spirit' I have come across…. so moving. I think that you are a blessed man.

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Animal ghosts? I love it. Can you hear them, too??

  13. Nancy says:

    We have 3 ghosts in our house, a poodle and 2 cats and I have seen them. Two belonged to us and the other is a cat from before we mvd her

  14. Anonymous says:

    Guys, don't you think often it is a "space" itself that is haunted, no matter how new the structures may be that are built on the space?
    That certainly happens here in this ancient city! cj

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Natalie – very cool story!

    Arlee – your story reminds me of a book called The House Next door – new house (or relatively new) and haunted.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Raksha, there are countless true stories about Spirits visibly moving objects, table tipping, speaking on the phone, opening and closing doors, typing on computers and typewriters with no human hands nearby. Several family members, including myself, watched and listened to 'invisible fingers' playing my mother's piano in her home when she was in her final coma miles away in the hospital. We taped it, and got a credible, documented EVP. It's been my experience that some Sprits who were extremely powerful in physical vehicles have those energies magnified tremendously when the cocoon of skin is dropped and can manifest accordingly. Stories of valid healings by Spirit healers are too numerous to mention. (We usually refer to them as 'miracles'.) If my tooth had inadvertantly broken off during my sleep, I would have awakened and screamed in agony. And, it would have broken off at the gumline, leaving the root deeply embedded. As it was, the tooth was "lifted out", root and all, painlessly and without a single drop of blood from a patient (me) who has a coag time (blood clotting) that is positively scary. Then we add the fact that during sleep, I was dreaming that Dr.S was pulling my tooth, to be suddenly awakened and find the tooth laying in my mouth. Truth is stranger than fiction, often, and Spirits can do a great deal that folks don't realize they can do. In GA, a trickster Spirit pulled down an entire wall of sturdy shelves that had been screwed into 3-inch anchors into real pine paneling in our den, ripping out the wall itself. I was at home, on the other end of the house when this occurred, and it was terrifying.
    Never underestimate the energy of Spirits, and always be open to new experiences. They can be life-altering, as with little Christina. cj

  17. arlee bird says:

    I live in a relatively new house, but there are times when I can feel a very strong presence primarily in the living room. We have also been mystified by some mysterious disappearances of things that we've never been able to find. Only my wife and I are usually here. I haven't even awakened at night sensing the presence downstairs and carefully go to investigate, but have never seen anything.
    The development in which our home is located was built in the late 90s in an area where some seedy old motels used to stand. There were also some older homes and fruit groves.
    The presence I feel if often so overwhelming I am almost afraid to look into the living room and can only wish to get upstairs as quickly as I can.

    Tossing It Out

  18. Natalie says:

    Vicki ~ My besties mum died two weeks ago and she has been visiting me everyday since. At first it was intense, but after the funeral (where she winked at me!) she settled a bit. I told Jenni about the visits and she said that her mum had been to many of her friends.
    I believe it was because if she had visited Jenni directly, then Jen may have thought it wishful thinking, but to come to many of her close friends….well then, it was an undeniable fact.

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Read maggie's entry. It's stunning. There are some eerie similarities to Jeff's post on his blog. Thank you all for these wonderful stories.

  20. Raksha says:

    There is such an amazing collection of stories in this post today, including the comments as part of the post. Both of CJ's stories were incredible, but the second one in the comment, about having a tooth pulled by a "ghost dentist" is absolutely unique. I'm not saying such things have never happend before, but it's the first time I've ever read about anything remotely like that.

    I followed Jeff's link to his blog and four of the entries there–all of them incredibly moving. I think I've been too focused on negativity lately and needed to read something that reminded me of the reality of love–that it isn't just an abstraction or buzzword, but an actual reality with power to affect the so-called "real world," at least in some cases. I can't go into detail here, but I know what I mean.


  21. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm on my way there now, Maggie!

  22. maggie's garden says:

    When I saw this story topic pop up again I knew that I must get busy and post about my experience. It's not easy sharing these types of stories in blogland….most will probably think I'm a kook. But I'm finding out that there are so many more people like myself out here that share similar experiences…and that is because of your blog…of which I am so very grateful. Thank you for bringing out some deep held experiences into a brighter light…I hope you will pop over and read my post…and I very much look forward to hearing your thoughts on what I was experiencing.
    I bet there are so many others reluctant to share these stories.

  23. Vicki D. says:

    It happened again today at 1:35.
    Hmmm, it will be interesting to see if it happens after I see my friend tomorrow.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Will do. It may take some time. I'll let you know what, if anything, transpires.

  25. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Shadow – that darkness: that was her. That's my take, for sure.
    – Trish

  26. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Yes, I would be very interested in anything that you might tune into.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Rob,would you like for me to do my thing and see if I can connect to John? Can't do it without your permission, but will be happy to, if you wish. If he's hanging around between dimensions, he may need soul rescue. If so, I should be able to offer you explicit details that wouldn't be available from anyone but him, but details that you would recognize. Up to you.
    No sig, please.

  28. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Connie, your comments about resting souls was interesting. About a month ago, my 99-year-old cousin died from a hospital infection (MERSA). Usually, when someone I know dies, I'll get a flash vision of the person, see him or her in a dream, hear a message, something. But for John MacGregor, who died on Megan's B-day, Aug. 31, nothing.

    Then about a week ago I was thinking of him while in a half-sleep and saw him as a younger man in a military dress uniform standing at a bar. It seemed he didn't want to leave.

    I don't know if he is stuck or just unwilling to move ahead. I was a bit surprised by the image, because I knew him as a very religious conservative Christian, who I assumed would be looking for Jesus upon his death, not standing at a bar. Cheers!

  29. Shadow says:

    this gave me the chills. not necessarily bad ones, though…

    reminds me of a time i was in hospital, and into the ward was brought a very sickly old lady. the second night she was there, something was obviously very wrong, and the nurses closed all the curtaining around her bed as they were attending to her. it was already quite late, and most of the lights were already off. i decided to go to sleep, and turned around and closed my eyes. a while later, the lights (which you can still 'see' through closed eyes) went off too and i assumed the rest of the lights had been switched off. but then i heard footsteps, whispering voices, and movement. i looked, to see them wheeling the bed with the lady out since she has passed away. what do you think that darkness was that passed 'before' my eyes?

  30. Anonymous says:

    Jeff, Christina's story is so touching and magnificent. Listen to your heart, not to your scientific mind. Your daughter is a true miracle, and she is teaching you about the realities of Spirit and Spirit Presence. Trust your heart. It doesn't lie.

  31. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jeff – I just read the entry. It's stunning, both entries are. Your daughter really is a miracle.

  32. Jeff D'Antonio says:

    Just yesterday I blogged about my daughter's apparent visits from an old friend. Maybe a ghost, maybe an angel, or maybe just a false memory, I don't know. I'm still trying to get my skeptical- science-guy brain to accept it, but I think I do believe it in my heart.

    Miracles, Guardian Angels, and Bedtime Stories

  33. Anonymous says:

    Gypsy, can you tell us about the exploding candles?? I have had another, very recent spirit contact that I shared via email with Trish and Rob. It's pretty astounding, and just happened a few days ago. While brushing my teeth, I accidentally knocked one of my front lower teeth with the brush and made it a little loose. The tooth was traumatized and very painful for several days and moved anytime I ate or spoke. My husband's partner in his dental lab was a dentist I'll call Dr. S. Dr.S was "family" for 25 years; a wonderfully gifted healing physician in practice when in the body. He passed not too long ago. When the tooth kept hurting, I called for Dr.S and asked if he could please come and help me. Well, that night I dreamed about Dr. S. In the dream he was pulling that tooth. About 3am I woke up and noticed the tooth wasn't hurting. I put my finger in my mouth and didn't feel the tooth. I discovered it had been pulled and was laying in the front of my mouth. There was no pain whatsoever. I took the tooth out and laid it on the bedside table, then got up to check for bleeding because I am a bleeder. When I turned on the light and looked, the entire tooth, root and all, had been removed, and there was not a single drop of blood, and not a smidgen of pain! No doubt, NONE,that Dr.S had actually pulled that tooth and then had awakened me so I wouldn't swallow it! Our front teeth have very deeply embedded roots and are difficult to extract. But Dr.S has enormous energy and comes often to visit. Grateful doesn't even begin to express my feelings. What a gift of healing from a loving Spirit!! cj

  34. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy – that energy as you described it was telekinetic, but as to where it came from? Maybe from your brother? I thought I wrote that one up, but can't find it now. Off to comb thru my disorganized files!

  35. Anonymous says:

    Vicki, can you relax and move yourself into a somewhat altered state to see if you might be able to hear anything he may want to say? Also, my Helpers on the Other Side have told me that when a person has gone through a long and agonizing illness, or is extremely tired, when they go across they may choose to hover close to loved ones for a few days to see them through the initial grief, then once they know everyone is OK, they may choose to "sleep" for awhile until their spirit recovers energy, because the spirit itself is drained when the body is required to do battle with long-term illness or stress. They tell me the soul will nudge itself back into wakefulness when it has slept long enough, and since Time doesn't exist there, the re-awakening can't be determined and is different for each spirit-soul. Perhaps your friend's Dad just wanted to assure his loved one that he was/is alive and well prior to resting and taking a "nap", and he hasn't yet rejuvenated sufficient energy to say more than "hello". But just to know he is THERE! What glorious comfort that brings! My Mom stayed with us for two weeks after her transition from lung cancer, then she rested for quite a while by our clock time. She's been "awake" now, though, for years, and comes and goes with messages. cj

  36. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what great stories – always fascinating to read of such spirit contact – and while i think of it, and have meant to ask, trish, about the story of the ouija board and my brother's death – where do you see that experience falling, with the candles exploding? i've meant to ask you your thoughts about the source of the incident – any ideas??? thanks!

    great post!

  37. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Keep us posted, Vicki! Maybe she has had some sort of experience, too.

  38. Vicki D. says:

    Wow.I have never heard of someone from spirit giving last rights, that is amazing, and everyone being able to see it. That takes a lot of energy. This story is really interesting.
    I wonder if the spirit was there also for others, the way it could be seen would change other peoples views on death, Fascinating.

    Last Tuesday my friends 96 yr old Dad passed on. He died quietly at her house. I had never met this man as he either lived in his house in Grenada or Canada and had just come to her house a week prior when I was dealing with my own Mother In Law's health issues.

    2 days later I was outside gardening when I heard an elderly voice say "hello" several times.
    The next day around the same time I was inside when I heard the same voice.
    I found out that he had died around 1:30pm which was close to when I've been hearing someone.
    This past week 3 days in a row at around 1:30, the usual time I take a break and have a cup of tea, my CD player has turned on by itself.
    I keep telling him he has got my attention but nothing more happens.

    Tomorrow I have lunch with my friend, I hope she will find this comforting. She knows I can speak with spirits but sometimes knowing it and then having it happen with one of your own loved ones can surprise people.

    I have no idea why he would come to me yet it makes sense because we are good friends and have a lot of trust between us.

    Thanks for sharing this story I look forward to read the other comments that will be coming!

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