A UFO synchro

 J. Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallee

The same day we posted about the supernatural earthquake and it’s relationship to Gypsy’s UFO story, we received a call from Jim Moseley, editor of the Saucer Smear. Jim called to tell us about a synchronicity he remembered from long ago. Jim’s not a computer guy, so he doesn’t see the blog and he doesn’t e-mail. So it was interesting that his synchro was linked to the UFO subject and telekinetic or psychokinetic activity. Considering the timing, this one counts as a  double syncho, connecting present day events with a story from long ago.

In 1977, a UFO convention, sponsored by FATE Magazine, was held in Chicago. It was a well attended event with some of the big names in UFO-logy on hand, including Kenneth Arnold and Ray Palmer, and also J. Allen Hynek, who was the keynote speaker at the conference dinner.

Hynek was a scientist and a former consultant to the government’s UFO investigation, known as the  Blue Book Project, that took place in the 1960s. He was a very intelligent man, but not a good speaker, Jim recalled. He wrote his speeches and read them in a low monotone voice. So as he spoke at the dinner, everyone was extremely quiet, trying to hear what he was saying.

At one point in the speech, Hynek said the word poltergeist. As if in response, there was an enormous crash and clatter from the kitchen as someone dropped a stack of dishes. The sound burst into the room, surprising everyone. “The timing was perfect, and it was the only time in his speech he mentioned that word,” Jim recalled. The room exploded into laughter dissipating the tension from the long silence.
Perhaps it was the aliens telling us they were here. An interesting way of communicating. “Hide the China, Martha. The aliens want to talk.”

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10 Responses to A UFO synchro

  1. Natalie says:

    What a funny thing to happen. I would have cracked up laughing too. 🙂

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Lauren – we're all naive!You're not alone in that department.

  3. Lauren says:

    Hi again,

    Well, it just opened my mind, and I was impressed with the dedication, scholarship, and professionalism of the presenters there. I guess I had bought much of the "disinformation" propaganda, and see now that I was naive. Encountering Freddy Silva on Crop Circles was amazing, very inspiring.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Lauren – changed how? What did you learn? What insights did you gain? How interesting that you went in search of art supplies and emerged with something different.

  5. Lauren says:

    I never thought much about UFO's, having never had a direct experience, until this summer, when on an arts residency, I blundered into Roswell looking for art supply and instead discovered the annual UFO Conference there. I emerged a changed woman two days later…..it was interesting to be living for the summer in the general area where the crash of 1947 was supposed to occur, to understand better the circumstances, history, and geography of the area, and to meet a number of locals who claimed to know people who had been there in some capacity. I'm so glad I had that experience, and now so fascinated.

  6. whoot says:

    heh Rob just came up with ONE tieing towers date to the Mayan calendar,, think mid way,,, but what's so special about that date,, well maybe not to everyone…

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    great points, nancy and trish – i was just thinking the same thing when i wrote the comment about it having been in the 60's – so many many years ago – and the same discussions going on today – but you're right, too, trish, about today's technology making exchange of information so much more available to all – again, great points!

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy – I remember your telling this story!

    Nancy – not any closer to understanding, but with the internet and rapid exchange of info, news gets around a lot faster.

  9. Nancy says:

    Geeze, we were having the same conversations about UFOs in the 1970's, and we're still not any closer to understanding what is actually going on.

    Love the syncho with the dishes. Maybe it was a sign for him to "wake up" and speak louder. 🙂

  10. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    fabulous story!!! i can just hear those dishes crashing to the floor at that moment and then the explosion of laughter like a scene in a movie –

    the mention of the blue book project compels me to add that one of the other experiences with ufos i've had took place in the 60's where a busload of people all saw the same object in the sky as we traveled down a main highway in the south – this story has been posted here on the macgregor's blog – in any event, afterward there were two men who came to me to ask questions and "identified" themselves as part of the BB project – however, when i attempted to contact them later, the names were not known to anyone there –

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