Love from the Other Side

Natalie Thomas had this one of her blog, Spirit of Magenta. It encompasses familiar themes with synchronicity, spirit contact, and how this stuff crops up in our daily lives.
So sometimes, it is the little things which alert you to spirit being with you. Actually, it is mostly the little things which alert you to spirit being with you.

Take yesterday for example: My husband bought me a psychic reading for my birthday. It was with a lady who mostly talks about him whenever I go for a reading with her, which is once a year. What a coincidence, that he needed some business guidance, right when I happen to have a birthday. 🙂

Anyhow, as I was getting ready to go, I stilled my mind and asked for a sign from my Aunty Dette who died two years ago. She and I were very close, (read mother substitute), and I hadn’t had a clear message from her in all that time, even though I am a working medium.

In my ear I heard : ” It will be given as Bernadette, not Dette.”

Fine with me, I thought.

Mark drove me to the shop, then he and the babes went to the park to wait for me. The reader was running late, so I busied myself shuffling some Doreen Virtue cards while I waited.

There was a lady standing near the counter who had a vile energy, and she kept glaring at me, and sending me ‘get out’ vibes.

I just kept smiling at her and sent her wave upon wave of love. She moved away from me like I had the Pox.
The cards I held were shuffled until their noses were falling off. I split the deck, like I was halving an avocado, and there it was………

Saint Bernadette.

A sign for me! A beautiful message on the card about speaking your truth no matter what.

Just as I was struggling with self doubt about speaking up.

Thank You, Aunty Dette, I love you and miss you deeply.


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13 Responses to Love from the Other Side

  1. Natalie says:

    Thanks, everyone. She was so special, and was actually named after Saint Bernadette, as my father's family were staunch Irish Catholics.

    My grandfather used to go the monastery to pray every saturday. I find it interesting to note that their surname was Prior (priory)and in nearly every meditation I have, there is either a nun or a monk hovering closeby.

    I really loved Jen's story too. 🙂

    wv =luvitist lol

  2. Jeni says:

    Thank you… How I came to find psychic Jeffrey wands and the synchro that happened when his office called me is pretty cool too! One night shortly after Mary died, I was outside thinking about going to a psychic (I'd never Bern to one before and the only one I knew of was George Anderson) but couldn't imagine paying $1200 for the only one I knew of. All of a sudden I felt my sister speak to me in her unique little voice "jeni, don't u waste your hard earned money… You work too hard! I'll come visit you!". The next day my mother in law brings out a book called "another door opens" by Jeffrey wands, told me she thought I would like it! And if I wanted a reading, they would pay for it.. It was like $150. 2 chapters in I realized I liked what he had to say and that I would get his # and call. I closed the book and his card fell out! Didn't know it was even there. I called and left a message. 2 days later I was on the train coming home from work when I got the return call… At the same time my sisters husband was texting my the last picture of my sister he ever took! Amazing huh?!? :). Synchros have been filling my life since then! Along with blue orbs, cardinals, 11:11 signs and more!!
    Hope it was okay I typed all this here….

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jeni, Great synchro on getting lost…and finding your way.

  4. Jeni says:

    Great post! I know my loved ones are with me!! Too many validations to post, but one interesting time a synchro occurred was Nov 2008 my husband and o headed to a psychic meeting (9 months after my sister died)..our first time there – we had directions but turned down two wrong streets close by: Maryland Street and Fracis Blvd. Well, we got to Jeffrey Wands office and our reading consisted of my sister Mary coming through and his Granny Francis!!!! Amazing :)!

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I like Natalie's story for a lot of reasons, but found it fascinating that her validation came through a card with the name Saint Bernadette on it.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Karen, "feeling a lot of love from the other side lately"….is it possible those on the other side are beginning to gather very close to us during these days of so many kinds of shifting energies, whether it has to do with 2012 or simply to do with the ever-expanding changes occurring all over the planet? And, of course, there are literally thousands of souls actually going to the other side as a result of the increasing natural disasters and the wars, and those already there are coming closer and closer to assist them in crossing over? This is such a comforting thought. They are within reach, and they let us know in many little ways, and some big ways, as Auntie Dette made her presence known. Such a treasured moment for Natalie! Oh goodness, this WV is hard to believe: "guidl" Speaks for itself! cj

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, meant to mention, wv for comment above was "tipam" – reverse of map it! 😉

    and now, this one is "yousseb" – you said? or you bess – too funny!

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    such a beautiful story – and message from aunt dette – and i agree with mike as to how comforting to know that messages can and do come through from the other side – great post!

  9. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    A comforting story, it's good to think that messages can get through – when needed.

  10. KarenG says:

    I've been feeling a lot of love from the other side lately. Love the post title! It can be like a little mantra when I'm feeling down.

  11. Nancy says:

    I read this on Natalie's blog and I think her special aunt wanted to let her know that she's still here, behind the veil.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Whoops! This posted twice! Don't know why….sorry for the repeat!
    Ahh, check out the WV"
    photsm" "photo" or "photo-him"? Maybe that is why it repeated, to offer this word verification. cj

  13. Anonymous says:

    This story reveals such a lovely and loving "touch" from Spirit! No doubt Aunty Dette was hovering closeby! It reminds me of an incident I had with my deceased Dad a few years ago. A friend of mine is a Reike healer, as well as being a superb born hands-on healer and medium. While on her table, I silently asked for my Dad to come and be with me, if he possibly could. I didn't mention this to my friend. A few moments into the healing, which she always does with closed eyes, she began to quietly describe the presence of a "healing Spirit…a young-looking man with warm brown eyes and thick, dark auburn hair, who was wearing a Masonic ring on the ring finger of his right hand. She said he was wearing khakis and western boots. (My Dad died at age 42; was a 33rd-degree Mason who wore his ring on that finger, had brown eyes and auburn hair, and was a cattleman who went to work in khakis and western boots.) I knew he was with us there, but I didn't tell her until after the healing process. When I went and got into my SUV, I turned on the radio. It was silent for a second, and then the old song by Perry Como, "OH MY PAPA" came on and filled my car with those beautiful, comforting words. I sat there and laughed and cried, KNOWING my Dad was right there and was telling me he was! No coincidence. cj

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