Update 2 on AUTEC

Bruce Gernan, co-author of The Fog and our pilot on the trip to Andros, called this afternoon to say he’d read the blog post about the trip and that we might want to update it. “I didn’t want to make a big deal out of this while we were flying,” he said. “But as we flew over AUTEC on our way out on Sunday, something happened to my radar.”

His radar, he explained, is a moving map GPS, pegged to satellites. It shows land masses, with names. So as we headed north from Andros, the closest islands – Nassau, the Berry Islands and Freeport would show up on the radar. “But as we flew over AUTEC, all the islands in the Bahamas disappeared from the screen.”

“How long did it last?” I asked.

“For the entire trip back to the U.S.”

An hour and 40 minutes. And yet, as we approached Freeport, where we turned east toward Florida, we could see the island through the windows. But the radar couldn’t detect it. “Is the equipment working now?”

“Yeah, I tested it this morning and it’s fine.”

He had lunch today with a couple of other pilots and told them about it. They were floored. “Impossible,” said one. “How do you explain it?”

Bruce shrugged. “I guess it’s just part of what happens in the Bermuda Triangle.”

This entry was posted in AUTEC, bermuda triangle, secret gov. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Update 2 on AUTEC

  1. irok says:

    if there is nothing to hide, then why would they decline to comment at all? i guess they were too busy laughing.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Yeah we get to watch the episode at the bar together, hahaha. Please don’t tell everyone about the ufo’s we have!

  3. Anonymous says:

    I live at AUTEC. The Atlanta Falcons cheerleaders got to come down a month ago…How top secret! Everyone on the base is laughing so hard that there is a special about to be made! You guys are all going to be the laughing stock of everyone there!

  4. Anonymous says:

    When people refuse to comment, you can figure you’re on the right track to the truth.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The AUTEC personnel are actually more secretive and circumspect than their colleagues at AREA 51, according to Johnathan Walton, one of the producers of UFO Hunters. “When we contacted AREA 51, they responded by turning down the request for an interview. AUTEC ignored several requests. They also warned everyone there not to talk to us.”

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