Astrological Synchronicity

As some of you might know – at least those who watch FOX News – there’s a tax rebellion afoot today, a so-called Tea Party Day with rallies planned around the country protesting taxes and flaming fears of socialism. Although the supposed grassroots nature of this protest is dubious, to say nothing of the fact that the taxes being protested were put in place by the previous administration, it’s still a rebellion of sorts.

That said, the obvious reason that April 15 was picked for the protest is because it’s tax day. That’s logical – cause and effect.

HOWEVER, there’s something else going on today that I would bet 99.9% of the protesters are unaware of. It’s an astrological transit called Mars Conjunct Uranus. Today those two planets are in an exact conjunction.

Here’s what that means, according to Robert Hand, author of Planets in Transit: “No other transit is more conducive than this one to sudden upsets, rash behavior and surprising incidents. Energy seems to burst out all over the place and in surprising forms.”

Hand goes on to say: “It is a transit of rebellion and often indicates difficulties with others who may try to limit you in some way. Your relationships with authority figures are not likely to be very good, unless they are willing to give you a lot of room to do what you want.”

That’s a pretty good description of the mind-set of the libertarian-conservative movement behind this protest. Hence, unless astrologers are coordinating this protest (instead of corporate lobbyists in business suits), we have an astrological synchronicity for the day.

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2 Responses to Astrological Synchronicity

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    That’s a good one. I also just received a curious one from a former AUTEC employee, who was involved with the UFO Hunter program on Andros. I hope he gives me the go-ahead to use it.

  2. The Clever Pup says:

    Very interesting. I’ll have to see what happens.

    I had a small synchronicity with my blog today. A few weeks ago I ran a closeup photo of Renoir. Today, I’m working on an article on Misa Sert and I find out that Renoir is sitting hip to hip with Misia in that same photo. I love stuff like that.

    My blog, although not primarily focused on Synchronicity, is full of these happy accidents, as if a string pulled somewhere rings a bell somewhere else.

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