The Illuminati Lives!


The Illuminati are supposedly the real power behind world events, a kind of shadow world government. Novelist Taylor Caldwell wrote about them in her masterpiece, The Captains and the Kings. Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea wrote about then in 1975, in The Illuminatus Trilogy in 1975.  They seem to morph with the times.

Right now in the second decade of the 21st century, the Illuminati appear to be a handful of about 1000 zillionaires worldwide who come from major corporations – Prudential, Dow Chemical, Goldman Sachs, Chevron…you get the idea. These 1000 individuals are funding many of the negative attack ads for the upcoming election and funneling their contributions through the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Frankly, I never realized there was a huge bureaucracy called the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. This entity doesn’t represent small mom and pop businesses. That’s the work of the local chapters. Rather, it’s a machine that’s taking huge sums of money from foreign governments and doesn’t have to report the source of this money for campaign ads because of the Supreme Court’s decision in January to alter campaign spending laws. The U.S. Chamber advocates outsourcing jobs to China and elsewhere to increase profits for large corporations, fewer federal regulations governing Wall Street, no “government mandated health care” and fewer federal regulations on energy.
Wall Street. Alan Greenspan, a student of Ayn Rand, contended that the market would “regulate itself,” as though the market had some sort of moral compass. Well, we saw how well that worked when Bush, during the final weeks of his presidency, announced that the financial sky was falling, our entire financial system was near meltdown, and we had to bail out Wall Street. Now Goldman Sachs and AIG, which benefited from the bailout, are a couple of the biggest donors to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, but still owe the American taxpayers untold billions.
Health care. No surprise that some of the largest donations to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce comes from insurance companies. You would think they’d be tickled pink about mandatory health care. Millions of new clients. But oh horrors, they have to insure people with pre-existing conditions and children can now stay on their parents’ plans until they’re 26. And, oh yes, they don’t like that the reform closed that pesky loophole in Medicare about buying prescription drugs.
Energy regulation. Well, look no farther than the oil debacle in the Gulf of Mexico.
In other words, the agenda here is to continue moving toward a plutocracy based on greed and fear. (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus…and the Government is from Pluto.) It’s the old paradigm. It’s putting up a hell of a fight.
The rich seek to get richer, and they have since Bush implemented his tax cut for the wealthiest two or three percent of Americans. The Democrats want to end these tax cuts for the wealthy. (The Dems have their hands in this corporate greed scheme as well, but not nearly to the extent of The Repugs.) According to Forbes Magazine, the combined net worth of the 400 richest Americans climbed 8% this year, to $1.37 trillion. Wealth rose for 217 members of the list, while 85 saw a decline.
Charles and David Koch, the energy magnates who are convening a conference in January 2011, are pouring huge sums of money into Republican coffers and sponsoring tea partiers all over America. Each of them grew richer this year by $5.54 BILLION. They’re worth $21.5 BILLION respectively. On the wealthiest of the wealthy list, 109 of the richest 400 are in finance or investments. 25 top hedge-fund managers got an average of $1 billion each, but paid an average of 17 percent in taxes.
It sure sounds like class warfare, doesn’t it?
The Dems want to keep their Wall Street reforms in place, the Repugs seek to repeal them. The Dems hope to see the full health care reform bill implemented in 2014, the Repugs intend to repeal it. The Repugs want to see social security privatized. Hey, isn’t that a great idea? The stock market would love it and when it tanked, so would your meager hedge against old age.  
This brings us right to the Tea Party, a bunch of zealots who seem to have hijacked the Republican Party. Their mouthpieces – like Christine O’Donnell – are so incredibly dumb it’s an embarrassment In a recent debate, O’Donnell showed just how dumb she is. She seemed surprised that the first amendment to the Constitution is about the separation between church and state. It says: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. September 17, 1787.
And she’s just the visible tip. The whole pathetic story of American politics in the last decade is a bit like Philip K Dick’s Blade Runner  meets Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale. It’s the dying gasp of a belief system that has run its course – and knows it. And like any dying thing, it’s fighting hard to remain viable even though it’s on life support. Makes me wonder if this paradigm is having an out-of-body experience that the rest of us are witnessing.
I cried with joy the night Obama was elected. Rob and I set off firecrackers in the back yard. I thought Bush politics and the old paradigm were done, gone, history. Oops. It goes back to that dying thing struggling for breath, that last gulp of oxygen. It fights hard. It’s nasty.
Don’t let these jerks turns us into a corporate or religious entity, a bygone republic that historian fifty years from now will puzzle over, asking themselves, How the hell did this happen? How did the greatest democracy on the planet become a joke? If you didn’t get to vote during early voting, by all means get and and do so on November 2. If these guys win, we’d better be looking for another planet that will accommodate the rest of us. Or maybe we can just shift to another dimension where none of this took place and the world looks more like the lyrics of John Lennon’s Imagine.

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25 Responses to The Illuminati Lives!

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Adraian – well said. It's always about power,isn't it?

  2. adrianmasuca says:

    I wish it was only money that these evil people wanted, but "Power is the great aphrodisiac" Henry A. Kissinger. So it's really not about money, but it's about control. We need to ask ourselves what part of our lives is being controlled. If it's the media then stop believing it! If it's Hollywood quit supporting it! We make change happen not our government

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    There's your synchro with the spider and webs. Really spooky. I'll click over to your website – I have before. We get D.C. visits, too.

  4. Rainbow says:

    Went to go, but had to tell you. I just went outside to hang some wash, while waiting for the spinning to stop in the washer, I looked over and saw a spider making a web between my clothes line, my big rosemary potted plant and the ground. It was going to the ground up to my line then to the plat. I thought about the bugs it might eat like my dogs fleas, my rosemary doesn't need it, neither do I. It kinda resembled any spider, but I killed it. Not because I didn't know better, but because I am not qualified w/the experience or education to. My health right now is compromised, could not take the chance.
    Just like S.510 is a Monsanto spider we must kill. I can justify anything, that's how people live in denial. I had asked a friend once how bad I felt to kill a cockroach and he said to say a prayer and ask for it to go to heaven. To live again some day. Do we really need poisons in our world, are poisons being abused and used to kill us?
    I would tell you to go to my website, but after the big food fight in the Senate yesterday, when I go there tells me it doesn't exist my FB and Jon Stewart expose Monsanto bill s.510 on FB too is currupted for me.. Google Antiphospholipid and pesticide effects blog. I can get there through the back door to the different posts and pages.
    AVG virus prog. said my RAM is the problem for the situation. But it was working fine before. May be my web was just way to out there. But I see some hits from the DC area.Fighting congress is dangerous, takes a lot of power and RAM…
    Gotta Love it. So here I am with you trying to find more people to call there Senator Now. <3

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for the links, Rainbow. Will check them out. Personally, I've never trusted the government about much of anything – FDA, TSA, FBI, DHS, CIA…all those acronyms seem to hide their real intent.

  6. Rainbow says:

    Just to add my synchronicity discovery here. The spinning of the news is a way to spin the web of con's Piracy. Like a spider's web we can get caught up and eaten, along with our future children. Take note of spin and spinning in your research in this world of miracles.
    I'd like to take you further, but find you guys are not receptive to my truths. If you are interested in some very cool stuff to do with all kinds of miracles…I will allow you to use any of it to spread this good sliver string web of the Universe. People who are special must be supported and cared for, make money off your books to eat, live, travel, learn and write.

    Love and Peace
    Kimberly Usher

  7. Rainbow says:

    All the way to the Supreme Court we have ex-Monsanto people and at Monsanto we have ex-Gov. employees. People call this a revolving door, while I call it a conspiracy.
    Remember a Con's Piracy is a word used to stop from hearing another,s truth, before it is said, heard or considered. By using that word to stop another's opinion on truth it means your mind has already been stolen. We are being conned by Pirates…….

    NO WAY No Monsanto or power to FDA. You believe this is a corporate takeover of our food system and prefer the FDA be dismantled. The entire situation is out of hand. These entities, among others need to be controlled and regulated till the people are satisfied that Big Business is not running our government anymore. And their continued survival as a public servant is at risk if they do not see to this atrocity. We want leaders not corporate minions.

    Hope all this helps people understand. We the people who are awakening to this takeover have thrown a wrench in the passing of s.510, and so can you…Help save the world, it really feels good.

  8. Rainbow says:

    Codex Alimentarius takes away our sovereignty and will be enacted with the passing of this bill. Allows UN trade orgs to decide poisons in our food and such. started by the President of IG Farben, the NAZI chemical company from WWII in 1962 w/his friend at WTO. This year was the year to enact it.

    Find out what Codex Alimentarius is

  9. Rainbow says:

    OK…S.510 is a way to give the gov the power to believe something and it is the law, just like a Queen or King can do. We cannot win in court if what the gov believes is law and is the law we are governed by.
    Do you trust the FDA and Monsanto? Or even trust they are here to "help us"? Look how straight from the S.510 bill it changes USC Code and Federal Law…Can you believe what they "believe"? Can you believe that there can be a law that says what a Government "believes" is the law? Can you believe the nerve to even try this BS.
    (a) In General- Section 304(h)(1)(A) (21 U.S.C. 334(h)(1)(A)) is amended by–
    (1) striking `credible evidence or information indicating' and inserting `reason to believe'; and
    (2) striking `presents a threat of serious adverse health consequences or death to humans or animals' and inserting `is adulterated or misbranded under section 403(w)

    The thing that bugs me is that the people think the FDA is protecting them. It isn't. What the FDA IS doing and what the public THINKS it's doing are as different as night and day." – Herbert Lay, M.D., Former FDA Commissioner

    This is where you will find the Bills in question

  10. Rainbow says:

    Aloha Trish guys,
    Yes. Sorry about all the disappointment about Obama. Would have voted for him myself, if I hadn't been in bed unable to move from this current pesticide poisoning. Getting better though, hopefully.
    S.510 is the coup de'whatever.
    As for waiting for the kids to come of age and fix this cop-out…Lazy and asleep at the wheel.
    We know and must take responsibility.
    My last name Usher is a surname from Britain and is the person who at the opening, every year, of their legislature who marches up to the locked closed and bolted door of the House of Lords. With a big staff like stick the Usher pounds heartily on the door for the House of Commons who stand behind the Usher as he pounds. The door is opened and the common man enters. Forcing their voice and power to be heard and count. The ceremony is done every year, and is a symbolic memory of the truth.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, gee, natalie – i just may – that name is very familiar – and where were those with the same surname as mine? so weird how that whole thing of six degrees really works!!! 😉

    wv here = borin = i born! 🙂

  12. Natalie says:

    We may be all related Jenean! I was doing some family history last night and came across some peeps with the same surname as you. Do you have any connections to Locketts?

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    beautifully and powerfully written, trish! just beautiful! as are the comments –

    for many many years, i had always decided that if i left this country, australia would be at the top of my list – i seriously considered it when my children were small – also at the top was canada –

    interesting wv – madism

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Which post, Nat? Both your comments are here. We didn't remove anything.

  15. Natalie says:

    Did you take the other post down or was it removed?

    wv = verit

  16. Natalie says:

    Come to beautiful Tasmania! There are lots of convict ghosts though. 🙂

  17. Anonymous says:

    Nancy, I hate to be a spoilsport and a naysayer, but the evidence seems to overwhelmingly indicate that The Illuminati is a global organization; the worldwide Shadow Government, and that it is very real and very active in even the smallest places, the most insignificant countries, so it can't be escaped, although certainly some places are less infiltrated than others. I sense the central problem we face is that every leader, (no matter how strong and powerful that leader may be, including our current president), is a small cog in a huge hidden wheel whose insidious spokes reach everywhere….that the elected leaders are very low on the totem pole and not cognizant of the events occurring at the highest levels of classifications. This makes them nothing more than puppets, or pawns, without their realizing it. They are allowed to believe they have great power, but in truth, they only have as much power as The Illuminati, the Shadow Government, The True Powers That Be, permit them to have. Nonetheless, we outnumber the bad guys by millions if not billions, if the skeptics would only accept what is more and more right in front of our eyes and join forces with us in the name of truth and freedom. TPTB have attained immense strength because, as a group species, we have been too complacent to take combined action against them. Only when we do that, will circumstances change for the better and will they be overthrown. The first matter on the agenda is to somehow convince the skeptics that the threat is real and that the Illuminati and its minions actually exist. If we can accomplich that, we will have made an enormous step towards dissolving TPTB. cj

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Yes to the Shock Doctrine!Missed those comments earlier.

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sounds like a good strategy, Butternut! Hearing Obama speak in person is uplifting, for sure.

    Nancy – wow. Tasmania? So how will the final place be decided – coin toss??

  20. Butternut Squash says:

    I took my boys to the Democratic Rally in Cleveland yesterday to see the President and the Vice President. Our strategy is to vote and pray hard!

  21. Raksha says:

    The power struggle is so unbalanced that just the thought of standing up to the Illuminati feels overwhelming, even though we average citizens have the weight of numbers on our side. And yet we can do a great deal towards crippling their power just by exposing them, by calling them what they are.

    I remember how I felt like I was really sticking my neck out when I said in the comments section here: "Those who keep warning us about the Illuminati…ARE the Illuminati." And Daz agreed with me and told me I should dust off my copy of Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine" and read it. And now you've written this post. And everything we're saying here is being echoed in thousands of places all over the Internet right now. Because it's NOT like there is any lack of evidence!

    Soon it will become a tidal wave, and nothing they can do will drown it out. With all their wealth and power, they have no effective weapon against the truth except to silence it. They have been doing that very effectively for decades–distorting it if they can't silence it. Once they can no longer silence it, they are finished.


  22. Nancy says:

    You said it so well. A dying and gasping paradigm. They won't be happy until they have ALL the money and the rest have NOTHING. And yet the biggest coup is that they have convinced those with the least that they need to vote out those who care about them the most. Although, I see very little difference between the parties anymore. Change in this country will not come from those we vote into office. It will be grassroots. The politicos care nothing about anyone other than themselves and those who have bought their protection.

    New Zealand is looking good to my husband. My daughter likes Tazmania, and I love Canada.

  23. Anonymous says:

    My fears, and my hopes, rest totally with my children and my grandchildren. They hold the future in their hands, but it's a slippery slope. The one very positive aspect to all of this is that there are souls being born into this unprecedented troubled time who have the capablilities to turn things around. I'll be watching and cheering from the Other Side, but I have confidence that Destiny rides a White Horse and that these valiant young souls are guiding the reins. It's the eternal optimist in me! Oh my goodness. Look at this WV: "mushock" And what is our pet name for this blog-space? MU! cj

  24. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'll have to read Klugman's article. He should've been on Obama's economic team.

  25. DJan says:

    I read Paul Krugman's column in the NYT and he echoes what you say here. The last words of his (almost) latest column say that if what is projected actually happens, we should all be afraid, very afraid.

    I have voted. You are preaching to the choir with me, Trish, but I don't know what to do about our country's trajectory. Other than mourn. I know how to do that pretty darn well.

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