Category Archives: Joseph Campbell

The Power of Myth

Here’s a movie trailer about one of our heroes – Joseph Campbell. Thanks to Lauren Raines, who wrote a beautiful piece around this trailer about the power of myth.

Posted in Joseph Campbell, synchronicity | 7 Comments

When the Impossible Happens…

An editor once told us that she was wary of books about synchronicity because most manuscripts on the subject that had come her way were dry and academic with many convoluted sentences peppered with academic parlance. Such books tend to … Continue reading

Posted in Joseph Campbell, Jung, Marcus Anthony | 28 Comments

Joseph Campbell and the Praying Mantis

Synchronicities often involve archetypes or archetypal situations that we all share – being picked on by the schoolyard bully in elementary school, loss of childhood innocence, the birth of a child, a wedding or divorce, the death of a parent. These … Continue reading

Posted in bushmen, Joseph Campbell, mythology, writers | 14 Comments