The Dog and the Dolphin

Even though this video has been on you tube for about a year, I first saw it on maggie’s secret garden a few days ago. There’s just something incredibly moving about friendships that develop between species.

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18 Responses to The Dog and the Dolphin

  1. Brizdaz says:

    "The rest of the movie is well worth watching and may even save your mental health or even your life,or that of family and friends."

    I should have explained in the comment above that it's from the threat of mercury poising in the big fish you eat(worldwide)such as Tuna,Swordfish,etc,which they touch on in the film,which poses the health threat and not the slaughter of the dolphins,so much.

    Cheers / Darren

  2. Brizdaz says:

    I've just watched "The Cove".What a great movie it is on so many levels (not just on the dolphin holocaust).
    It's like a microcosm of the macrocosm of world politics, corporatism and corruption.

    "I have The Cove, but cannot get through more than a minute of the slaughter, no matter how hard I try."

    I would say there probably isn't any more than one minute of slaughter footage in the entire movie and most of that is right near the end,barring the little dolphin that jumps the net as the woman deep sea diving champion is trying to take photos over the Japanese fisherman's head in the cove area.You don't have to watch this part,just turn away until it is over.The rest of the movie is well worth watching and may even save your mental health or even your life,or that of family and friends.
    Ric O'Barry and his friends go right on to my personal hero list,the same list that includes Gandhi and the Kennedy's and oddly enough Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr. can be seen in an interview in the DVD extra feature "The Cove,Mercury Rising"
    I ask you to watch this film if for no other reason than to educate yourself on what is going on here.It's estimated that 23000 dolphins a year are slaughtered in Japan alone.

    Ignorance is NOT bliss.There are a lot of ignorant smokers that die less than blissfully,as just one example.

  3. maggie's garden says:

    I probably couldn't watch the cove either. I think the dolphin and the dog may have known each other in another life time. Glad so many enjoyed the video….and thanks for the link.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Renee – everything you say is so true. After reading the descriptions here of the cove, I think I won't be able to watch it. I want more videos like this one!
    – Trish

  5. Lauren says:

    How wonderful! Thanks for showing this…….

  6. Natalie says:

    That just says it all so eloquently. So beautiful……thanks guys. Sniff. ♥

  7. Renee Prince says:

    How wonderful! This is the perfect way to open my heart for the work week ahead. I'm going to research more about this dolphin, since this is such a unique interspecies friendship.
    I have The Cove, but cannot get through more than a minute of the slaughter, no matter how hard I try. One thing about eating dolphin or whale meat that Hardy Jones and Ric O'Barry are also trying to get out to the Japanese people is that this meat is absolutely toxic, containing everything from PCB's on, and is probably deadly to eat in the long term.
    This fact itself is another sad commentary on the deaths to cetaceans we humans have inflicted without even being aware of it. Many dolphins continue to suffer and die from the immuno-suppressive diseases caused by this chronic, inescapable exposure to our toxic waste, including birth defects, lesions, malnourishment, tumors and many different cancers.
    I wish there was a way to somehow teach people what the effects of our actions have on dolphins and whales other than the "scared straight" approach that is so unbearably painful to see and hear. But maybe that's what it takes to make the point…
    With a beautiful little film like this dog and dolphin story, though, it's easy to appreciate the special value of dolphins who are healthy and alive and having a good time living life on their own terms.

  8. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Wonderful video and one I hadn't seen before. We've got a lot to learn.

  9. Vicki D. says:

    This video is fabulous!
    We can learn so much from animals.
    I love how the dog was waving his tail in the water. so cute!

    Daz, I can't watch the videos you've mentioned, I've seen bits but it is just so upsetting and I could feel how horrendous it was. I do my bit with my cats and my local shelter and I did rescue my crazy little cat Benjamin after he was left behind and had been on his own for so long the vet thought he was now feral.
    He now sleeps next to me purring himself and us to sleep.

    Thanks Trish and Rob for sharing this video, what a great way to start the week!

  10. Nancy says:

    Somehow I missed this on Maggie's blog – I've been absent a bit from the blog world, but this absolutely made my day!

    I haven't watched The Cove because I think it is just so awful it would make me physically sick. I've heard that even the Japanese people are not happy about this video – it doesn't seem to stop them from eating them, however.

  11. leilani says:

    Love love love it!

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We haven't seen The Cove, but it's on our must list. Thanks for the links, Daz. Interesting time, that 9:11!!

  13. Brizdaz says:

    Here's some more links on the Japanese dolphin slaughter.

    This all happens in November.
    So maybe it's a synchronicity that you posted the dolphin story?

  14. Brizdaz says:

    Look at the time of the above post 9:11 am,
    (don't get me started on 9/11) although where I am it's just after midnight,Monday morning.

    If that's not a synch telling you about how savage a creature Man can be,then I don't know what is.

  15. Brizdaz says:

    That is an incredible video.
    I recently purchased the DVD "The Cove" and although I haven't watched it yet,it looks like it is going to be a great documentary.It's about how a group sneak into Japan to expose the yearly slaughter of the dolphins.You can see the trailer here on YouTube;

    On this planet,Man is the animal to be feared the most,no other animal comes close in savagery to this beast.

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